A New Patriot Party

I heard a report that Trump is considering creating a new political party, the Patriot party. I thinks that’s a great idea, especially if it means no more violence. If there are any Right Wingers in this forum, even lurkers, I would encourage you to help create that party. In fact, NOT creating a new party for Trump is an act of cowardice and giving up really. Real men don’t give up so easily.

I heard a report that Trump is considering creating a new political party, the Patriot party. I thinks that’s a great idea, especially if it means no more violence. If there are any Right Wingers in this forum, even lurkers, I would encourage you to help create that party. In fact, NOT creating a new party for Trump is an act of cowardice and giving up really. Real men don’t give up so easily.
You can't be serious. What on earth makes you thinks that Trump, this colossal failure, should be a political leader of real men? He perverted every branch of government and made criminals of everyone he touched. He is a clinical narcissist who has no clue about what the US Constitution stands for.

He should be prohibited from ever holding office again anywhere . He should not be allowed to hold the position of dog-catcher.

Real men do their own thinking; being trapped by the Appeal to Gender fallacy isn’t part of that, in my experience.

Anyway, if George Wallace can win five states with the American Independent Party, maybe the Don can aspire to the same without being an actual politician. And dodging a civil probe, a criminal probe, a federal probe, and Roberta Kaplan.

The pertinent question is whether this party would influence politics by running candidate(s) or through media and sales ventures, I think.

Well, Trump is opportunistic so it’s possible. Very unlikely to go anywhere because everyone knows he has no political skills, but if he’d been more successful in office he might have become somebody who changes the way politics work.


The dotard needs to go to prison for his crimes, not lead a new political party.

Won’t happen. Everyone knows that it would only take votes away from the Repubs and give the Dems an advantage. We saw that in Georgia in 2020. That’s why we have a 50-50 Senate today and not 51-49 in favor of the Repubs.

I would be for it for a few reasons.

It could give an outlet to the crazies for them to have a potential non-violent way to channel their energies in which they may be less likely to do harm to no one but themselves.

It could also be a way for the highly toxic form in which the current republican national and state parties exist to be blown up and allow for a reconstitution of a sane conservative option. I may still not vote for anyone in a reformed republican party, but there would be a much better chance than there is at present.


Won’t happen. Everyone knows that it would only take votes away from the Repubs and give the Dems an advantage. We saw that in Georgia in 2020. That’s why we have a 50-50 Senate today and not 51-49 in favor of the Repubs.
Who cares. The only way Trump can become president again is through a new Patriot Party. I suggest you tell anyone you know to support the effort. It's practically unpatriotic NOT to help build a new Patriots party if you're a true Republican dissatisfied with how the election came out. Although, hmm, Patriots is a football team too. Maybe the Trumpublican Party is better. Really says who's the true leader.


An appeal to patriotism won’t work any better, I think.


Anyway, the suggestion here is of a new political party built around a twice impeached 74 year old.

Scientology continued on after it’s old, charlatan founder died so I suppose anything of that nature is possible.



Citizenschallenge get’s my meaning. :wink:

Trumpublican Party

Does have a certain ring to it.

Okay I’ll cut the hint hint, nudge nudge. The best thing to happen to the country would be for the Republicons to split into two parties. I’m suggesting the hard right fall behind Trump and form the Trumpublican party. He’s the perfect person to do it because he’s stupid enough and self-centered enough not to realize the actual damage he’d be doing to the Republicon party long term. He didn’t care before, he won’t care now. It’s time to use his own selfishness against him - encourage him and his ilk to form the Trumpublican party. Like I said, it’s darn near unpatriotic NOT to form it.

Interesting report,


I think bottom line is that it’s scarier than we think.

As investigations into the attack on the U.S. Capitol continue, details are emerging about the people who stormed the building on January 6. A new study from the Chicago Project on Security and Threats looks at the demographics of those who've been arrested. Robert Pape, a political science professor at the University of Chicago and the principal investigator on the study, joins CBSN's Lana Zak to discuss its findings.

Study: Few US Capitol Rioters Had Ties to Right-Wing Groups
Quinn Myers | February 15, 2021

The second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump is over, but hundreds of rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 are facing criminal charges.

There’s been widespread coverage of the insurrectionists’ ties to far right militias and white supremacist groups, but new research paints a more nuanced picture.

A new study from the Chicago Project on Security and Threats at the University of Chicago finds that only 10% of the Capitol rioters had ties to right-wing militia groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. … https://news.wttw.com/2021/02/15/study-few-us-capitol-rioters-had-ties-right-wing-groups



The report itself.


THE FACE OF AMERICAN INSURRECTION Right-Wing Organizations Evolving into a Violent Mass Movement The University of Chicago

Division of the Social Sciences
Updated 1/28/2021





Well, if they were gullible enough to follow trump, they’re gullible enough to follow the Proud Boys / militia / etc at a rally led by their Savior.

I think, in part, the militias knew this and took advantage of it.