Windmill noise causes cancer

I have this on the highest authority - our current POTUS. This is scary as even when right next to the typical modern windmill, the noise will be around 40 dB’s. Cars tend to make more noise than that. I guess that means we could be getting cancer by driving or living near a street. Also central air units make noise like that. We could be getting cancer from staying cool. Our current POTUS’s campaign rallies are probably louder than windmills. They must cause cancer also. It’s a good thing that he has a secret plan to provide healthcare that he will unveil AFTER he is re-elected. Hopefully it will cover cancer.


Trump said,” And they say the noise causes cancer, you tell me that one, OK?

Of course, the news picks it up as a statement. If the new was professional, they could deliver the facts. Sorry, they are not.

How is that not a question? Wait a minute, it is a question.

Of course, Trump in wrong for implementing derogatory information about wind turbines. If you want somebody that is perfect, then go to church and listen to Jesus.

You got that quote right, except for the question mark. He posed it as a statement not a question. He had other terrible and incredible claims about windmills also.

Of course our current POTUS whom you love is not perfect, so he could have been mistaken in his reporting that windmills cause cancer. In fact, he is such a liar, that I would be better off going to church and listening to lyin’ Ted Cruz, if I wanted to hear fewer lies.

Our current POTUS seems to lie almost everyday. Often multiple times a day. I already heard him tell another shameless, bald-faced, opposite-world, self-serving lie, earlier today. He is allegedly the most powerful person in the world, but nobody in the world (except his cult followers who have suspended disbelief) can believe the things that he says. How is that going to work out?

Note: This thread is not really the purview of Alternative Medicine, but no one seemed to be using the topic, and there aren’t many responses to my posts in the “Politics” section, so I slipped in a political thread here.


Not hearing windmill noise causes cancer, too.

Yup Tim, that’s the spirit. But as you see Trump’s apologists have all bases covered.

It’s not just cancer that makes windmill the worst ever in that pea brain:





Trump, April 2: Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer, you tell me that one, okay?

Of course all this begs the question what’s at the heart of Trump’s Windmill Hysteria?

… Like many of the things President Trump says, these statements are false. But here’s the real reason Trump is attacking wind power: It’s going to replace the electricity produced from burning coal. And soon.

The U.S. could replace half of the electricity produced by coal with wind and solar power within the next few years – and cut greenhouse gas emissions by 600 million metric tons by 2025. …


When I visited Scotland, I stayed at a house on a Loch for about a week. At night, the water from the loch would be released to another lock below to generate electricity. In the morning and the next day excess renewable energy would pump the water back up to the higher loch.

This just goes to say that there are current ways of addressing the fact that the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow continuously. Not to mention batteries. Not to mention that the sun shines sometimes when the wind isn’t blowing, and the wind sometimes blows when the sun isn’t shining.

Coal should be shoved up the collective asses of all who continue to support coal production.

Also, other forms of energy production kill far more birds than does windmills. So, trump, choke on the lie about the mass graveyards of birds around windmills.

This is absolutely true. I live in Iowa, the US leader in windmill power generation and manufacturing and I can tell you for certain that we’re all dead from cancer. True story, believe me.

On a side note, every time Trump ends a sentence in “Believe me”, he just lied to you. Every single time.

EDIT: By the way, Trump’s obsession with windmills has nothing whatsoever to do with him thinking of the future. The man doesn’t plan. To him the future is just this thing that happens and it’s going to be the greatest future ever in the history of the past. Trump’s real beef against windmills stems from the time he tried to sue a power generation company who was going to build offshore windmills in view of his golf course and lost.

I get it. By saying “believe me” in your statement, you were indicating that it was a lie. In reality Iowa is the 3rd ranked state in wind production. And while windmills have increased there, cancer has not, except for HPV related cancers. Do you think maybe that windmills cause people to spread HPV more?

What is windmill noise and how is it different than any other turning devices generating electric energy, such as car alternators, or hydraulic turbines?

Ever heard your car tires “sing” on a road surface?





Trump said,” And they say the noise causes cancer, you tell me that one, OK?

Of course, the news picks it up as a statement. If the new was professional, they could deliver the facts. Sorry, they are not.

FWIW… @MikeYohe, there’s a difference between the news media reporting something, and reporting that someone said something.

Or, in this case, simply running video of the person actually saying the thing that they said (at 35 sec.):

Now whether Trump was declaring it or asking it, it’s clear from the context that he was putting the idea “out there” in order to provoke concerns about windmills.

And professional news outlets wound up having to clarify, for any idiots who didn’t know, that windmills DO NOT cause cancer.




Trump said,

you’d never want to walk under a windmill, it’s like a cemetery. We put up a little statue for the poor birds. It’s true… You know in California if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for 5 years, and yet the windmills, they wipe 'em all out. It’s true. It’s true…”

Maybe the eagles were committing suicide because they already had cancer from the noise of the windmills.


Or maybe Trump was just fabricating lies as he is so prone to do.

Unfortunately these are very dangerous lies, as they tend to inhibit the installation and use of these most benign free energy sources.

As Trump spouts this drivel, at the same time he is relaxing all EPA regulations on the fossil fuels industries, so they can continue drilling and fracking to poison the ecology with releasing billions of years of sequestered CO2 .


p.s. Does the noise from high voltage towers cause cancer? Stand under a HV tower with a fuoresscent light bulb and you get free light from random electricity.

Unfortunately these are very dangerous lies, as they tend to inhibit the installation and use of these most benign free energy sources.
I don't think anyone anywhere ever actually believed this nonsense. People on the right simply pretend it didn't happen. Even Faux News isn't running with it. Not even Tucker Carlson will touch this one, and he has a cot and a little breakfast nook inside Trump's ass.

On a side note, I drive past dozens of these on my way to see my kids in college. Maybe hundreds. My daughter lives with just a couple of miles of one. I’ve never heard one.

Tee Bryan Peneguy: Now whether Trump was declaring it or asking it, it’s clear from the context that he was putting the idea “out there” in order to provoke concerns about windmills.
Trump said that windmills are wiping out bald eagles. I am concerned about bald eagles.

Windmills kill about 100 bald eagles each year. If that number alarms you then I have some absolutely shocking facts about how many PEOPLE are killed by guns each year.

Don’t forget, Trump has a personal beef against windmills. He sued to try to keep offshore windmills from being built in sight of one of his golf resorts a few years ago and lost. If there’s anything the last 3 years has taught us it’s that Trump never lets go of a feud, ESPECIALLY if it’s one he lost. He was STILL feuding with McCain a year after McCain died. He has the thinnest skin on the planet and so he never lets anything go. It’s really quite incredible if you sit and think about it. What type of petty little man hires hookers to pee on a bed a rival may have once slept on? That is some next level childish pettiness.

What kills MANY MANY MANY more birds than wind turbines?

  1. "….it’s habitat destruction. And let’s include pesticides here, under the category of agriculture. According to Sibley Guides, “Pesticides may kill 72 million birds per year or possibly many more. The sub lethal effects of pesticides may also make the birds more susceptible to predators or unable to reproduce, essentially killing them.”

  2. "Fossil fuels and climate change. Oil fields could kill up to 1 million birds a year, according to the Bureau of Land Management via Oh, and climate change, of course, which threatens 2 out of 3 bird species in the US. As the Guardian explains, “Climate change compounds those problems by altering bird habitats.”

  3. "The top threat to birds is cats (2.4 billion), followed by windows (599 million), cars (200 million), power lines — collision (25 million), communication towers (6.6 million), power lines — electrocution (5.6 million), agricultural chemicals (US number unknown, Canada is 2.7 million), and wind turbines ONLY (234,000).

What kills MANY MANY MANY more birds than wind turbines?
  1. “…it’s habitat destruction.

Okay, you win this one. MUCH better response pointing out that our refusal to take a little personal responsibility kills a ton more birds than our meager attempts to take a little personal responsibility.