who's your pick?

A new poll shakes up the standings big time. Bernie and Warren tied at 20% and Biden at 19%. Thus the progressive energy has pulled ahead of the old standard movement, for now.

It’s still early.

A couple of guys have entered the race for the Republican Primary Presidential nomination. So the few conservatives on the forums may want to check them out.

I imagine that a lot of ppl who want Bernie would be fine voting for Warren and vice a versa.

Booker appears to have come on a bit, recently. Harris and Buttigieg are still in the race. Here’s an interesting tidbit: in the under 50 age group, Yang tied in polling with Biden.

Biden’s whole bit is that he can beat Trump and that he is an Obama loyalist. All well and good and true, but there is a large section of the democratic electorate who I think will not be satisfied with such a status quo candidacy that does not have an inspiring message of its own about the future. I am not sure whether Biden can successfully add that.

You seen Biden wife? She says his policies stink

That’s not very nice. Whenever I have seen her, she seems like one of his biggest fans.

“and the later for what he did to Democrats in 2016”

What did he do??

Diverted votes from Hillary in the eyes of a lot of mainstream democrats

“Diverted votes from Hillary in the eyes of a lot of mainstream democrats”

YEAH democracy is such a bitch

YEAH democracy is such a bitch
Who said anything about that? (It’s true though).

The establishment democrats cannot energize their voters to bring the people out to vote. All they do is generate apathy.

Democrats have difficulty appealing to every group that would normally vote for them. The establishment democrats are liked by older white liberals but nobody else.

The nonwhite candidates appeal to some nonwhite voters and even fewer whites.

The more left liberal candidates only appeal to millennials.

Democratic party in general is trying to move away from a white male perspective, but that perspective is also the most left-leaning. It’s amusing.

“The more left liberal candidates only appeal to millennials”


Disagree. Progressive policies are support by the majority of the population

There is no advantage in whining about the more “stodgy” liberals vs the high energy younger electorate. If the latter has what it takes to get a candidate nominated, the older more “staid” liberals will join in, when push comes to shove (not flake out on the Dems in the general election like many of the young did in 2016).




The latter has the whole establishment against them.

By remaining for so long in a primary he was going to lose no matter what, he weakened Hillary, and some of his supporters (enough to make her lose the election in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania) never accepted that he simply didn’t have the votes. Also, he allowed his campaign to be used by Russians against Hillary.

On top of all that, he’s got the nerves to aspire to run as a Presidential Candidate for a party for which he is not affiliated.

Sounds like lex is a sore loser and a whiner. Just making excuses for a terrible candidate that lost to the least qualified uneducated cretin in the history of US Presidental elections

I would like to join my good buddy Player in welcoming LesDiscipulus to the forum.

Les, I hope you stick around and feel welcome to add your voice to the conversation.

As you can already see, some folks here aren’t worth interacting with, but most of us are nice, don’t insult others (especially new people), and only want to share opinions and ideas.

See ya around.

Another quality post from 3point keeping up his record of posting nothing about nothing. Well done brains.

Thanks for the invaluable contribution to the discussion, Nobody.

In order to make this post a bit more relevant, I’d have to say that I would pick Andrew Yang. The concept of universal income is way too ahead of it’s time to be implemented in the US at the moment, but the fact a candidate is willing to propose it is exciting.

As a Canadian, I can only sit and watch the US either help destroy the world or help save it. But I do see bits and pieces of what goes on down there on YouTube. We have our own, parallel troubles up here- less extreme, but still frustrating and sad to see.

Yang is the backdoor neoliberial wet dream.

I agree about being fascinated with the universal basic income idea. In applied behavior analysis, a treatment procedure to establish replacement behaviors (to replace dysfunctional behaviors) can be a schedule of non-contingent positive reinforcement. The UBI, suggested by Yang, seems to be such a schedule (not that I think Yang intended it as a behavioral treatment procedure.)

Player, I am all for the young progressives, if they can be loyal to their own party. But they have to win, without whining about things not being fair. When Obama won in '08, the old guard Democrats were for Hillary. The early superdelegates who declared, were for Hillary. But the Obama faction didn’t whine about the Party stacking against them, they worked hard and organized better and beat Hillary. If the young progressives have a candidate that they can get behind and actually help them win the Democratic nomination, all the Dems will be behind that candidate to beat Trump. If, however, they cannot get their preferred candidate selected as the nominee, then they damn well better support whoever does win the Dem nomination, whether that be Biden, or whoever.

Can you give me an example of a young progressive in this campaign whining?? Why do you think Biden is dropping in the polls??