What are UFOs to you?

What do UFOs mean to you?

To me UFOs seem to be artificial intelligence from another civilization which could be extinct, that’s programmed to observe and never interact.
This explains the sightings and painting in early caves 50,000 years ago up until the newly released pentagon videos.
They’re just in Observe mode.

So what do you think UFOs are? Just wondering what your thoughts here are because I’ve heard a lot of things in my life about this topic which has lead me to the above conclusion.

A nice dream, not because there are no UFOS, because i don’t believe in XT intelligence visiting us secretly for thousands of years.

Now, i would be very interested if it was the case.

It would mean a way out from earth, but it would mean a big danger. No sane minds would want Humanity to sow its foolishness in the whole galaxy.

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I have heard nothing persuasive about this in my life.
That’s why UFOs are “unidentified flying objects” to me…image

As a Star Trek fan, as well as other SciFi, such a Babylon 5, Buck Rogers, etc etc, UFOs are things of science fiction to me.

In real life, they turn out to be a weather balloon or some other object that the scientists explain.

I once heard about a psychologist called “Stan Gooch” [I’m not sure if that’s his name] who thought UFOs to be mental projections of our subconscious mind. He seemed like a fringe scientist, so maybe he was referring to actually visual sightings that were supposed to have arisen from our psychologically suppressed dreams. I personally regard UFOs to be unseen figments of some sort of mental breakdown.

Welcome Arcanus.

The answer to the question of UFOs is that they are unidentified flying objects, regardless of origin, :scream:

One might also use the term “arcane” to identify UFOs… :thinking::roll_eyes:

Well, it’s a theory, more like an idea. Anything to back it up?

The mystery is that UFOs are seen.
Are you proposing that the people who “see” the UFOs are hallucinating?

I think that we all have unconscious wishes that are longing to be fullfilled such as making contact with an alien civilization. It’s therefore possible we are tempted to interpret natural phenomena like cone-shaped clouds or other weather effects as visitors from outer space, or, at least, as secret military aircraft.

No, belief in gods and/or aliens started perhaps as long ago as 6 million years, when humans split from our common ancestor ape.

Even today, during thunderstorms common Chimpanzees have been observed to respond aggressively to an “unseen powerful threat” that makes loud noises, and throws fire and water down from the sky.
This is the result of an evolved “fight or flight” response that is almost as old as the first
defensive/offensive response to a perceived possible threat.
A rustling in the bushes can be the wind or a tiger getting ready to pounce.
What’s you gonna do, freeze or run?

To an ape other than humans thunder and lightning is caused by an unseen powerful being, the first concept of a God. This is why Thor (god of thunder) is one of the oldest Gods in mythology.

Hard to argue with that. Once we dug into the earth and went to space the ideas of heaven and hell were considerably less tenable. Benevolent aliens and evil kabals fill those voids. Or the aliens could represent good and evil.

A friend of mine listens to this

Thanks for the information. Recently I’ve become interested in evolutionary biology as well as its psychology sub-branch. I watched a documentary on animal behavior in which it was shown that even pigeons display a distinct kind of behavioral pattern whenever food doesn’t come regularly into their cages. For example, they will get sort of irrational to endure the higher stress level. It was said that maybe human religious traditions developed in that manner.

You might like this. It’s about human history and psychology.

What is true is that people have fears, and they express their fears using a same frame of reference.

The UFO craze was born in the context of the witches hunt of post WWII, at a time when USA were afraid.

In ancient time, when people were afraid in Europe, they hunted witches and saw religious apparitions.

That does not mean that UFOS don’t exist. What can be wondered is what they are, their origins.

Interesting that so many here seem to lump UFOs with delusion and fear. I think it’s the exact opposite - I find it unbelievable that we have NOT been visited. To me it’s the height of human conceit to think that because we can’t visit other places, others can’t visit us. And I always get a kick out of those who say “at light speed it’d take a zillion years…”. Human conceit. That’s like two primitives in a remote forest on earth, who have never encountered other humans, saying “there’s no way we’ve been visited by another civilization, because as any fool knows, horses can only run so fast, and boats can only travel a couple miles an hour”.

Now whether they’ve let us know, that’s another thing. I like the thing Deana Troy says in STNG First Contact - the Vulcans never made their presence known on Earth - too primitive.

Think of how utterly primitive humanity is. I mean just a few years ago people went apeshit when War of the Worlds was broadcast on the radio. (I think that was the one). And then even today, think of how utterly mindblowingly ignorant MAGAnuts are. Forget it.

I would love if ET were really visiting us. Probabilities are very low.

Now, if they come and choose to stay hidden it is not a compliment to Humanity .

See that’s the thing. Seems to me probabilities are extremely extremely low that we have NOT been visited. I don’t think most of us have any clue as to just how “big” the universe is. How would it be possible that in all that time and vastness we’re the only living things in it? Seems unimaginably improbable. And then that we’re the “best/most highly advanced”? Forget it.

5 matters for a visit:

  • emergence of life
  • emergence of intelligent life
  • not blasting oneself
  • discovery of interstellar travel in such conditions that it does not lose any sens
  • the duration of any race, 1 million years before it reaches its zenith ?

Now; humanity has a very short story on a cosmic scale. It means that during this very short time, another civilisation fulfills all condition, at a reachable distance.

Yes, maths are not on our side and i regret it.

[Rough probability that aliens would visit the Earth? | Physics Forums]

[Simple math shows how many space aliens may be out there]

[How Many Aliens Are in the Milky Way? Astronomers Turn to Statistics for Answers - Scientific American]

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I wonder, if there exist a great many alien civilizations, what corner stones exactly are their cultures composed of? For example, lots of UFO sightings have been reported by farmers in rural America, therefore the aforementioned civilizations must host quite wealthy inhabitants, capitalistic dream boys even who have got the opportunity for interplanetary travel whenever they wish, but also on a minor scale, because free enterprise means private undertaking, so the UFOs are small, unique and won’t be observed by the majority of US citizens. Now, let’s imagine a totalitarian alien society like an extraterrestial North Korea. They should pay visits to distant planets as in the 1995 movie “Independence Day”, probably with the same outcome of trying to gather all possible ressources our world holds.

My feeling is, it’s extremely difficult to increase technology without burning out a civilization.

If not that, advanced planets are cloaking themselves from us. If we pass through this phase, and become peaceful enough, then they’ll contact us.