Uncivil Agreement

Ho hum, not much happening on the CFI Forum. It’s almost like everyone broke the habit of checking in all the time. I almost had a life going this summer, then I got some water in my house, just a puddle, don’t worry I’m fine, but I started digging a 2 foot deep trench and just couldn’t stop. So, lots of time for listening to podcasts. This one is pretty amazing. She started studying the political divide before Trump and has great insight into why he is popular. In the last 15 minutes or so, the interviewer just lets her talk and she comes up with some ideas on how to talk to people as well as when to just not. One other highlight, she says most Americans are functionally liberal, that is, if you ask them about policies, they match up with liberal politics, but they are symbolically conservative, that is, they like that term. So “conservative” as a self selected label has a wide range of beliefs while “liberal” tends to be more narrow, if you choose that label, you’re committed to it.




Ho hum, not much happening on the CFI Forum. It’s almost like everyone broke the habit of checking in all the time.



If only CFI Forums would send posts as emails as most other discussion groups do, this would not be a problem.

I belong to several online discussion grooups. If I did not receive posts by email I would often forget to look in.


I notice that checking “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” does nothing. I have never received such a notification.


But I’m checking it again. Hope springs eternal.