UFO sightings

So I wanted to start a discussion on UFO’s the same UFO’s that have been seen and reported since the late 19th century to this day, mainly the triangular type of UFO and what strikes me is the fact that the same type of craft has been seen over the skies for centuries suggests that its not alien spacecraft and in fact something of this world but maybe not from this time.

There are things we do not understand such as the past, present and future. Time travel would have happened in the future and we are in one timeline in 2020.

Technology has been improving over the centuries and one day human’s will be able to time travel in lets say by the 33rd century for example. Its not to far fetched that UFOs could be time travelers.

In the year 2525 if man is still alive da da da da da…

@timecop one day human’s will be able to time travel
How do you figure that?

Mathamatically possible

You don’t hear much about UFO sightings nowadays. I think the whole UFO thing really was a product of the cold war; those conditions that made people believe in it don’t exist anymore.

UFOs are real, but not all of them are alien spacecraft, some are from 5D inner earth inhabitant known as Agartha

Agatha, I had to look it up. Lordie, lordie. I don’t suppose Earth geology interests you in the least?

It’s nice when they give you a name right off the bat. Much better than, “your mind is closed” and “watch this 3 hours YouTube”.

I think the whole UFO thing really was a product of the cold war; those conditions that made people believe in it don’t exist anymore.

I also want to see it once

I want to see aliens activities




See Neil DeGrasse Tyson Debunk ‘Alien Believers’ After Biden Pentagon’s UFO Report - Jun 30, 2021

So how would some ‘craft’ of the same shape have to mean they have to be ‘of this world’?

I’m persuaded that there are unknown craft of some type navigating our atmosphere. Too many sightings by too many credible people to dismiss this, imho.

However, I see no reason to declare these alien craft from another star system etc. The evidence for this theory seems pretty slim, best I can tell.

As example, maybe these craft are piloted by future humans who are time traveling back to our time to study the primitives?

The most interesting thing may be how easily we can dismiss the whole subject? You know, this is HUGE story whatever the explanation. If it’s a mass hallucination that too would be a very interesting story.

I recently heard some high ranking government person (sorry, can’t recall who) state that these craft, whatever they are, have a remarkable level of interest in our military operations, particularly the navy for some reason.

Robert Hastings is a credible UFO researcher who has done extensive work on the relationship between UFO sightings and nuclear weapons facilities.


Here’s video of a National Press Club event he hosted.

@tanny. As example, maybe these craft are piloted by future humans who are time traveling back to our time to study the primitives?
Did you seriously just write that?

Guess it’s no wonder you didn’t follow up on our first salvo. My bad.


If time travel is permitted within the laws of physics, then sooner or later future humans will learn how, and the last century of human history would likely be of interest, given the emergence of the technological era. It seems more likely future humans would be interested in us than aliens from across the galaxy or beyond.

All I can say with any confidence is that there are craft navigating our atmosphere which at least we in the public can not explain. I have no more idea what they are than anybody else, and am just trying to come up with a speculative explanation more likely than interstellar travel. It’s not that clear to me why any species capable of interstellar travel would be interested in us.

Again, the most interesting thing about UFOs may be what can be known. Something big is going on, and we seem to have relatively little interest in it.

Enrico Fermi was right for the wrong reason. Or is the other way around?

What if UFOs are just billionaires from other planets?

Bi/tri-llionaires can get twenty miles up that’s for sure. Barnard’s Star next stop eh? Forty trillion. 2,000,000,000,000 times further.