Again: Or is this just a Lie?
Thank you: I wish the billions around the world would get in touch with me.
Dead - Well: millions is a bit high, maybe a few thousand, in 2020 I checked on how many died in 2016- 50,000 died of the common cold in the U.S. But that keep changing I just checked only 5 died in 2016 - did somebody Lie? Why was it 50,000 in 2020 and now in 2022 it is 5?
Ok: I will stop spreading the Truth, because: misinformation Now. is the Truth.
I am now waiting for the billions of People around the world to Email - me
Tell me: Am I telling the truth? Or is it all a misinformation Now?
Contact info: Tom Wlazlak - ( yes this is a real Email. )
Ps. I am the guy that is trying to give the world Free Energy to stop Global Warming and other such non-sense.
Also: I got the Covid-19 in 2019 from China - So: I have first hand common cold of the covid-19 - boggy-man. I am sorry that people of people you know got a Cold. We all get the bug, What ever doesn’t kill us make anti-bodies.
Thanks for you comment: mriana - Most people are too afraid to talk to me at all.
I sometimes Bit. But if you have your covid-19 shots. you don’t have to worry about being one of the millions as noted:
Thanks, with warm love, Tommy
Give sources. Then I can discuss.
What do they call the pokes some people get every year for the flu (influenza)? … every year because it changes: VACCINE
What is it that children get, and then need to get another “booster” at a later time? : VACCINE
They haven’t changed the meaning of vaccination / vaccine. Some people just choose to forget history when in their own little echo chamber.
They didn’t change the definition of Climate Change. The old term used was Global Warming, but some people can’t understand that a blizzard is NOT proof against a warming environment. So the term used is a little more accurate: Climate Change … though some still have trouble with the definition of Climate (hint, Climate does not equal Weather)
Ignorance and mis-information (and sometimes outright lies) is what is confusing some of the public.
I happen to be a moderator, so I’m not afraid, but due to misinformation about COVID-19 billions of people have died. So unless you start giving sources from reliable sources, then I will ban you. I seriously doubt you can compete with JAMA, BJM, Medscape, or any other medical source that I can post, so I don’t have very high expectations of your sources. Newsmax, OAN, RT, Voice of America, and loud mouth Right wing talking heads are not reliable sources.
I posted on this site the new CDC meaning of vaccination. But I could only go back to 2021 in postings.
In Biden’s definition of Climate Change for the Build Back Better program. Climate Change is any weather that has changed in over a year of two. Basically, Mother Nature and the weather cycles.
You know, things stay on other parts of the internet just fine. And agencies know they have to deal with conspiracy theorists, so they provide information.
But, some people just love living with their misconceptions
“There remains the misconception that COVID-19 vaccines were designed to prevent infections altogether, leading people to believe the vaccines aren’t working as they should when they learn about breakthrough infections among the vaccinated.”
Read more at:
I am always amazed a the argument that we don’t need to fear COVID because we have identified some of the consequences and treatments incorrectly.
The virus doesn’t care what we think or believe. Unless eradicated it will continue to evolve and kill people. It is as simple as that. Get yourself vaccinated!
I doubt that. More like people grew up trusting and believing in the government and then got a rude awaking. People as a whole want good medical care. People as a whole want a strong government. People as a whole dislike finding out the government has been lying to them because they say they have to because the people are to stupid to understand the truth. Isn’t that the reason the CDC is saying that they withheld information. Which is just a coverup because the political CDC withheld data for political reasons.
mriana: There are only less than 8 billion people on the planet: if billions of people have died from covid-19, why is there still around 8 billion people on this Planet, without having a source of your own for this comment, should you think about banning yourself from this forum? Or is the moderator not the subject to do, only to dictate. If this is the format for this forum, no need to ban me. I will not return on my own free will. Thank you, Tom
It’s a billion people, not billions. Please show your sources, which I seriously doubt can beat JAMA, BJM, etc.
According to WHO, the world death count from COVID-19 is so far: 6,261,708
So, I admitted it’s not a billion, but 6,261,708 is a lot of people. The U.S. lost a million, which was announced on the news the other day.
[quote=“mikeyohe, post:28, topic:8078”]
More like people grew up trusting and believing in the government and then got a rude awaking.
And what was the rude awakening? Did they tell you NOT to get vaccinated?
If they told you to get vaccinated, where is the rude awakening? That you still may get sick but this time you won’t die?
What exactly is your complaint where they gave you false information about getting vaccinated? Do you want a best-educated guess or no advice at all?
Like: “we don’t know for sure, so you are on your own folks”
Unless you know better, trust the people who have spent a lifetime studying the subject and placing themselves at risk at the front lines.
You are truly an ungrateful individual. Legitimate medicine has added decades to your life.
But you like and trust the shyster salesmen that will sell you snake oil and horse medicine, or even recommend bleaching your lungs with household cleaners?
If you want to kill yourself it’s no skin off my back. I’ll listen to my doctor who has kept me alive long after my life expectancy.
And the virus is still in its infancy. Give it a couple more years without a concerted effort at controlling or eradication and see how many people will die every cycle of more virulent strains.
Have you read how China is treating this pandemic?
This is a tricky needle to thread, but it explains a lot of the disruption in the world today. “grew up” is the key word, so you got that right. Unless you live in a war zone, you can’t tell children to distrust society before they are ready to understand what that means. There is a spectrum, from raising children to understand that they need to become part of the solution to the world’s problems, on up to outright lying by teachers, some of them are just passing on the lies that they never knew were lies.
So, yes, some people get a rude awakening. Think of a kid who grew up in an evangelical family then went to a liberal college. Many people have to make it through this transition. Many don’t. For those that don’t, there are whole organizations waiting to enroll them in their armies. It might be actual armies, or just keyboard warriors, or people who think they are fighting for freedom by not wearing masks.
Social media has made it easier to build voting blocs by tapping into the anger people feel because the world of their little town, their suburb, or their city neighborhood turned out not to be the whole complicated world. So, they need a monster, an enemy; and science, that doesn’t give them comfort of easy answers, changes as data changes, and presents cold hard facts, is a great target.
The way it works is, if you say something and get challenged, try to back up what you said. You might find out you’re wrong. Mriana got it in one post. Some people take a couple days, some people never do. We ban that last group.
Yes, I have and I don’t see their efforts working any better. That said, if we don’t improve the vaccine and the virus evolves, the vaccines won’t work. So we really need to improve the vaccine to keep up with the evolutions. Of course, if we’re lucky, we might be able to figure out or hope for the best, and go with what we think the strands will be during a given time period, like we do with the flu. However, with 99% of people running around without masks, I believe there will be another surge and my doctor agreed with my assumption too. In other words, we’re still in trouble, including the U.S.
Well said and good points.
I’ve had practice and I also have the information where I can snag it fairly quickly, when I need it. COVID-19 is a very serious thing that I don’t want anyone in my family to die of, because it’s a horrible way to die and death from it is preventable.
And some of those who don’t die keep sequels, including brain atrophy.
[SARS-CoV-2 is associated with changes in brain structure in UK Biobank | Nature]
Exactly! From what I gather, COVID-19 crosses the blood brain barrier via the nose. If you lose your sense of smell, it’s almost certain it went to your brain and you’ll experience mild memory loss or worse memory loss if you get a case that is more than mild. People with a severe case that put them in the hospital often need some physical therapy.