You are still the best bet, Tim. We have got to take Trump down. I will vote for you. What have we got to lose?
If you can guarantee me a win, Sree, I’ll do it. And as soon as I get sworn in by John Roberts, and my VP is sworn in, I will resign and let Vice President Buttigieg take over. Make that Vice President Stacy Abrams, as I will probably have needed a black female running mate to win.
The Iowa Caucus is Monday! Right?
The Dems seem to be in self-destruct mode. Hilary is still getting in a few punches. Likely she’s angry because she hasn’t been drafted. The failed impeachment must have poured salt in wounds that never healed. Warren and Sanders always have been angry, nothing new there. Easy, easy targets. No contest with either. The boy mayor is an obvious non-starter. Our last Rhodes scholar had problems, but in the other direction. Did he ever figure out what “is” is? Don’t have to wonder how the country would take to “the President and First Man” being introduced, never mind the rest of the world.
Sad. We’re left with the default to rerun old lukewarm Joe. Would that he was hot or cold. The voters will spit him out. No way we will be going back to the future, or forward to the past.
Not too surprising that they’ll be giving Trump a landslide in November. What is surprising and really sad is, that just like Hilary, they won’t figure out why. There is probably some combination that could squeak out a win, but there’s not enough room on the ballot for two double extra large egos. Kids playing king of the hill. My way or the highway always leads to the highway.
Well you will be glad to hear me say, go away Hillary.
I don’t know what you are talking about Dem Candidates being so angry. I am angry. But the Dem Candidates have been extraordinarily temperate in their campaigning. As a matter of fact, they have probably been too mild, all in all.
But they realize that continuing down the Trumpian path of feeding hate and fear, and vengeance, and bullying in order to rabidly divide out his base against his adversaries, can only lead to bad things.
Still, T rump has simultaneously divided out a part of America that despises him and what he is doing to our country. Hence a T rump landslide in November, will be impossible unless our DOTUS continues to piss on any law that he wishes, in order to rig the election.
The DOJ would not interfere with T rump efforts to rig the election. They might help. The Department of State, under Pompeo will also, likely be assisting. Crazy Giuliani has never stopped.
T rump cannot be indicted. He cannot be investigated effectively, because he can block it. He cannot be impeached with a majority in the Senate. The Courts are only becoming more partisan in his favor. Large portions, if not most of the medias spread his idiotic lies. He is effectively ABOVE THE LAW.
So unless there is a way to stop him from rigging the election, he might well rig it to appear to be a landslide for him.
If the Dem selection is Biden, then I say that 20th Century Joe is the bigger part of a century ahead of any century T rump. If there are any decent independents that are beginning to recognized what a pig/s our current dictator, and his Trumpublicans are, they would likely vote for Biden. If a progressive Dem wins, then that energetic part of the party could turn out more voters than ever. Hence, either way, no landslide without T rump getting the election buggered.
Remember, the T rump position is that ANYTHING he does in his own self interest is acceptable, because it (in his view) is good for the country.
The time is here! Tonight begins the election of 2020. If we somehow avoid the election being stolen by our DOTUS, this will be our best opportunity to get the USA back from autocracy, back to a nation of laws, back to dignity. The caucus goers of Iowa begin the process. It seems to me that it would be a fun process. You show up at your assigned caucus location and inside, you get with the group of folks who support your chosen candidate. If the # of people in your group does not reach at least 15% of the total of # caucus goers who showed up, then your candidate will get no delegates, but you can go to a group that is for another candidate, that does have at least 15%. (Maybe they will have cookies for you, even.)
Anyway, finally, we will have our 1st major indication of where Dem voters are going.
A “funny” thing happened on the way to the inauspicious beginning of the most important election ever. The Iowa Democratic Caucuses went great, except for determining the results. A bit of a snafu there.