My brother, who is an american citizen, told me a few weeks before the election that there will be problems, that the judges would give their sentence and that every one would admit their decision as the legitimate result of the election, even if disagreeing, as in the Gore/Bush duel.
Wat he underestimated is the degree of untrust of many people in any institution. In fact, this untrust is felt not only by trumpists but by many people even moderate and that’s true not only in USA.
For instance, the Bush lies about chemical weapons in Iraq have damaged public trust. When it happens once, people say that it is the result of one man political ambitions. When it happens repeatedly, they conclude that it comes from the system. And when they are paranoïds, the conclude to an universal plot.
From memory, in “The Mass Psychology of Fascism”, W. Reich told that Naz.ism was the expression of the character structure of the German people of his time.
I think that Trumpism is the expression of the character structure of not only the american people but of many people in west. And that makes me afraid.
USA had the chance of having strong institutions.
In 1922, Mussolini took power in Italy, after a march, the king giving him the power, and he was supported by the right, by business, and the military. Happily for USA, this time, the conditions were not fulfilled. For me, Trump demonstration was a tentative coup d’etat on a minor mode, a dice throw. He had no chance of success.