The Coming Solar Flash Event is the Rapture or Soul Harvest or Armageddon or Judgement Day or Samvartaka Fire that all religions have talked about.
Destined to happen sometime during the next decade once a sufficient mass of humanity has awakened and breached a critical threshold in level of consciousness ( have awakened and chosen the light).
A massive burst of Cosmic waves will be transmitted from the Central Sun (Sagittarius A / Black hole at the Center of Galaxy) through our Sun.
It will appear on Earth as Milky Warm Liquid Light. Humans that are ready spiritually / energetically will experience near instant evolution and transmutation of 2 strand double helix DNA Carbon based Life form into Crystalline Life Form having a Light Body with Multiple Additional (upto 12) DNA Strands and shall then ‘ascend’ to 5TH Dimensional Earth in their Physical Bodies.
This is the first time such an ‘Experiment’ is being conducted in the known history of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is not a destructive doomsday Event but a Peaceful One !
All that is required is an Intent to Forgive Everyone (Harbor No Ill-Will); Intent to overcome one’s addictions and attachments; At least 51% of one’s Thoughts, Feelings and Actions Should be of Service to Other Orientation, Harboring a Desire for the Well Being of Fellow Humans; Truthfulness and Integrity of Thoughts, Feelings And Actions.
Those of who are of the Dark / Service to Self Orientation will Perish in the Flash and these souls will then be taken by the Logos to another planetary setting to further continue their Lessons towards Integration and Balance.
Satchidananda wrote: "Those of who are of the Dark / Service to Self Orientation will Perish in the Flash and these souls will then be taken by the Logos to another planetary setting to further continue their Lessons towards Integration and Balance."
You mean Trump's going to perish in the flash? How soon? How soon? (I wish this forum had a dancing-up-and-down-with-glee icon!)
Seriously Satchidananda, the event you’re describing sounds Wonderful! How many times have I hoped that humans would wake up to the greed and corruption in the world (because it really does seem that the Bible was right – the love of money is the root of all evils) and chose a more harmonious existence. I wouldn’t want to ridicule such an idea. It’s something to fervently hope and wish for. Namaste.
Yay! trump will perish from the solar flash event and then be transmitted to another planet. I had better start pumping up my humanitarian inclinations. I sure don’t want to go to that planet with Trump.
Being a cynic and skeptic, I have no problem ridiculing nonsense. I may respect an individual, but feel no obligation to respect any idea, especially the more absurd religious claims.
I’m absolutely ready to accept any idea, scientific or religious/spiritual, the instant the claimant provides credible evidence for such claims.
In the meantime, it’s none of my business what fantasies people choose to believe.— Until they start babbling about their woo in or around my awareness. I try not to be unkind if an individual seems to be mentally unwell, although it’s often hard to tell.
Patrick D wrote: "Being a cynic and skeptic, I have no problem ridiculing nonsense. I may respect an individual, but feel no obligation to respect any idea, especially the more absurd religious claims."
Mankind has always wanted easy, magical solutions to all its problems. Christians claim that if everyone would give their hearts to Jesus, everything would be fine. Ideas like that are pipe dreams and you are right to ridicule them. I was just talking about the underlying idea that it is possible to overcome greed and hate. That's a worthy goal, because if we can't somehow manage to do that, we might as well write off the Human race right now as a failed experiment in evolution.
Honestly the way things stand right now at the present moment, if I heard an announcement that an extinction-level asteroid was on its way to Earth, my vote would be that we do absolutely nothing to prevent it. If we as a species are so stupid that we can’t even acknowledge the damage we have done to the Earth through our greed, then I say let nature clear the decks and try again.
"if I heard an announcement that an extinction-level asteroid was on its way to Earth, my vote would be that we do absolutely nothing to prevent it. "
Yeah, me too, although I don’t know what we could actually do. Bruce Willis is probably a bit too old.
I’ve always said that in the event of a nuclear attack, I want to be at ground zero, drinking a large glass of excellent cognac. No desire to survive a nuclear war.
I’ve numerous references to the Solar Flash Event from people channelling metaphysical beings. Don’t discount this information folks, but if you are not into the metaphysical, I can appreciate your cynicism and snarky remarks. It’s normal when you are in a low vibratory state, but you probably don’t know what I’m even talking about. Search for yourself. Go to a YouTube channel called Higher Self, there are numerous references in videos. But again, if you don’t believe in this stuff, walk away from it, at least don’t ridicule the poor @satchidananda for expressing his beliefs, it’s bad form and shows disrespect for other peoples beliefs and views on the world.
The fact is I do not respect every belief of every other person in the world. Some of the ideas are just plain goofy. I am not sure what it means that I am not vibrating fast enough to understand. That, too, sounds like some serious BS.
This site is designed such that a person can present ideas, and others can either add to it, support it, or CHALLENGE it. If you cannot handle your beliefs being challenged, then too bad.
You must not expect to have free reign to spread goofy ideas and not have them challenged.
I am not “walking away” on this forum from what I consider to be falsities. If you have evidence and can present it succinctly and coherently enough, then perhaps you can change my mind. But I bet you don’t have legitimate evidence and that you can’t present it succinctly and coherently.
If you just want an echo chamber for nut bags, this is probably not the best place.
I haven’t read every detail of this thread and don’t plan on it. But thought I’d interject something my metaphysical friend told me today. I was trying to get her to look at some science, and as always, she went into explaining how she arrives at “truth”. It’s really pretty amazing how she walks the line between saying she is at a “higher” place than me, but everyone’s “truth” is to be accepted. She says she is caring and we are all fine as we are, but she knows the path to ultimate truth. I’ve pointed this contradiction out to her and it just makes her mad, like I’m calling names or something.
one of my mentors, David Hawkins, author of many spiritual guide books, says, and I paraphrase, Just follow a path of kindness, love, caring, sharing or whatever, and you will get there eventually. It is a unique journey and path for each of us, with no external markers, only internal ones. The thing is, when one reaches that place, there is an ultimate truth that supercedes all others. And then to complicate it even more, truth can be found at each level of our multidimensional self, and they are all right and all different. e.g.scientific truth is often the ultimate truth at the 3d level. But higher levels would have a differing truth.
...Just follow a path of kindness, love, caring, sharing or whatever, and you will get there (to ultimate truth) eventually...
If someone has achieved ultimate truth through "kindness, love, caring, sharing" can they not just tell us what that ultimate truth is, in a way that makes sense and can be verified as the ultimate truth?
I say “kindness, love, caring, sharing” - good. Bull crap - bad.