The problem with Gender Identity

I don’t think I am special, but I can often tell just by passing a person on the sidewalk, and them me, often acknowledging each other in some way. I may be boringly just a male that feels few tendencies of machoism.

Good point brought up in this article:>

biological males have a physical advantage in skateboarding because they “have higher centers of gravity granting advantages that cannot be removed with [hormone replacement therapy].”

I remember this “higher center of gravity” thing being part of a parlor trick between men and women.

I heard about it long before “hashtag” and "___ Challenge"s existed.

I do agree that most team sports are segregated primarily due to physical differences.

But that doesn’t quite work in gymnastics , does it? Or Figure skating, or Golf, or any sport that requires precision instead of raw physical qualities.

Physical strength is need to play high level golf. It helps precision and distance at the critical moment when the club hits the ball and the move of the wrist accelerates it.

Women are allowed to play with men. Some have tried, not one has ever got meaningful results.

[Why Not Gender-Blind Golf Tournaments? | News, Scores, Highlights, Stats, and Rumors | Bleacher Report]

[Women Playing Men in Golf]

Not really re-opening this, but I was discussing the topic with someone else and found this article. I liked it for being succinct and pointing to how we can improve the conversation. So, wanted to save it.

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Again, for 99 % of people :

A person is born with a genetic sex, male or female,
This same person has a sexual orientation, heterosexual, homosexual or bi,
This person has a sexual identity, male, female or gender fluid,
And gender, as the set of feeling and behaviors attributed to a sex, is socially constructed. Simone de Beauvoir summed it up " One is not born as a woman, one becomes one. "

The confusion talked about in the paper comes from the fact that, nowadays, gender has become a catch all term, including sexual identity. If one goes back to the original definition, the confusion is cleared .

Now, I agree sex and gender influence each other and that physiology plays its role.

But the way physiology is seen is socially constructed. for instance, women have moon times. In some societies, during this times, women were seen as unclean and set apart. In fact, they did not resented that as for them, it was a rest time. What is the most important, the physiological aspect or the social one ?

I don’t know about anyone else, but as for myself, I was born a girl and became a woman. I wasn’t born a woman, that much is true, but I was female, with no doubt. That’s always been my gender and always will be. Although as I age past menopause, I’m becoming a dried up old prune.

No, you just enter a different phase of life, that of matriarchy…

Consider it a form of metamorphosis … image

That seems a distracting over simplification.

The Six Most Common Karyotypes

The six biological karyotype sexes that do not result in death to the fetus are:

  • X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )
  • XX – Most common form of female
  • XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)
  • XY – Most common form of male
  • XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
  • XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births

The question is why are some straights so terrified of anyone who expresses any sort of deviation from perfect heterosexuality?

I’m convinced it’s because they are insecure and feeling guilty about their own suppressed inclinations, or stirrings. In other words they want others to carry the burden of their own self-loathing - rather than acting adult and dealing with one’s own issues. (Transference of bs is an ugly thing.)

1 percent of Washington DC is almost 7,000 people, 1 % of Texas is well over a quarter million human beings.
1% is not a small number, when it comes to dealing with reality.

That would solve a lot of problems.

When people say biology determines gender, I’m pretty sure they are talking about the body part that is used to check a box on your birth certificate. That’s only part of our biology, plus there’s other stuff.

Ironically, the same people who talk about the tyranny of the majority will refuse to consider this particular minority.

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:slight_smile: I like that. Always wanted to be a matriarch. :smiley: