Very urgent and very important
Please deliver this book to Mr. Richard Dawkins promptly.
Hello dear researchers and scholars.
I apologize for disturbing your honorable time.
I am Mohammad Yousef Arbab.
I accept Darwin’s theory of evolution and natural selection.
But I found a new theory, which responds better to all the different functions of evolution and the mechanism of natural selection and the purpose of human life. I prove that the evolution and mechanism of natural selection has a specific purpose.
I worked on my theory for many years.
I accept Darwin’s theory of evolution. I have only basic and better interpretations of all the behaviors of organisms and evolutionary events.
It is very important that you consider it. When Darwin’s theory of evolution and natural selection was published, some people and scientists at the time did not accept it. Why ? Because no one understood Darwin’s theory of evolution very well. Some of you may now have the same doubts and rejections about my new theory of evolution.
We say that my theory is so important that it can interpret Darwin’s theory of evolution and all theories of biology and the evolution of organisms and natural selection and the theory of natural selection based on genes, the theory of psychology and sociology and philosophy. A new interpretation that is more realistic, more scientific, and much more accurate. My new theory of evolution is based on scientific observations and conclusions.
I am sending you the book The New Theory of Evolution.
Please take a closer look at this theory. I have been asked by the publishers to introduce scientists who agree with this new theory. Because it is difficult to publish it in publications without the opinions of scientists. If you agree with this new theory, please send me your comments.
Please help me.
Please guide me.
If you are a university professor, discuss this book and theory with professors, researchers, and students.
This new theory needs to be studied, analyzed and researched. I use your criticism and comments to find out my mistakes. I want to know sooner whether I am in ignorance or not?
Did I discover a revolutionary theory about the purpose of human life and organisms and the main purpose of evolution and the mechanism of natural selection?
Can you examine and analyze this new theory of my evolution?
Please guide me to where to send this theory and book for analysis and review. This new theory of evolution could revolutionize theories of evolution, natural selection, psychology, and sociology and philosophy.
This book has not been officially published yet.
I am sending this book to you for review and analysis.
Please protect my rights as a writer. Any copying or misuse is prohibited and prosecuted.
I am waiting for your useful comments, suggestions and criticisms. Let me know your valuable comments, suggestions and criticisms as soon as possible.
Mohammad Yousef Arbab
thank you so much.