I’m leaving the posts by trettio up for now, just so others see what he’s like and will know why actions are taken. Either he’ll be banned or these posts will go down. or both


David Icke is famous for claiming that lizard people aliens have inhabited the bodies of people on earth and worked their way in to positions in government and business. He’s a hoot. He also does a lot of political analysis, sometimes it’s almost coherent.

THANK YOU for telling me something about what prompted this abomination of a thread.

That is what I have asked for repeatedly.

So cool, I wonder about the facebook guy. He looks like he could be a lizard person inside a human body disguise. I’ll have to take a look at this David Icke’s entertainment show.

look im sorry for goin off on u guys i have a bad temper, can we start fresh?

i honestly dont know too much about what im talkin about thats why im here and thats also why you cant really understand what im getting at lmao mh bad

I’m always willing to start fresh. And I don’t demand college level communication, just communication that I can understand. I’ll check out David Icke and get back to this thread sometime soon.

Alright i appreciate once again i apologize to yall i dont like bein that type of person im trying to chill out on people

Apology accepted and appreciated

<p style=“text-align: left;”>i will try to post a better link to them so you can actually view them but basically theyre about a woman from the netherlands i believe that did a documentary and researched a bunch of things about whats going on with the corona virus today, all of her information was basically feeding into and leaning towards all of the conspiracy theories people have been talking about, the videos consist of alot of information about sex trafficking and how all the major world leaders and hollywood and everything are nothing but child sex trafficking and stuff like that, also talks about the satanic ritual of how they harvest adrenochrome from tormented children and babies, it also talks about how she believes the NESARA law is currently going into effect and being enforced by trump and how NESARA was actually going to be lut in effect on September 11th 2001 and 1 but bush chose to destroy the world trade centers to shut down the main banking systems so that could no longer happen which resulted in 911 happening, this all be a bunch of BS but i like to be open minded i was just wondering if you guys have any further knowledge on any of this?</p>

the videos consist of alot of information but i dont have the patience to try and explain all of it i will try to post the videos again



Does this link work? its to the first videos of the documentary she posted, if the link works ill lost the rest of the links for each video

i meant to say this all COULD be a bunch of BS but idk, sorry i made a few typos but i think you get the gist

in all honesty i have no clue who david icke is

That link worked!

It was quite entertaining. An amazing compendium of MANY conspiracy theories presented in a single well produced video.

I also did a network search on “David Icke”. He looks to me like someone who has very successfully gone into the conspiracy theory (CT) business. That is, I think he takes up existing CT’s or creates new ones and then markets to create a growing population of folks who are intrigued and outraged, and may even buy his videos.

Conspiracy Theories are sort of fun. And then, on the most infrequent of occasions, a conspiracy theory may turn out to be true.

My suggestion is that one always be very skeptical of conspiracy theory claims, because they are almost always just entertaining B.S.

Green, re: Assange. Just keep him out of mischief until our next election is over. After that, let him go and be a “journalist”. Maybe he could be Editor in Chief of a Russia’s version of the National Enquirer.

In Russia?

I was poking at you. So good on you for remaining level headed.

Assange has gotten all kinds of awards, and many within the past couple of years. I suspect like many, the Award Groups are freaking out that freedom of the press will be breached. I don’t think so. IF Assange is approved to be sent to the USA, I don’t believe he can be convicted of anything serious. He must be deemed to be a journalist and provided the rights that go with that.

I certainly don’t want him to be convicted for releasing accurate information that people want to know about. Now if he had personally stolen the info, that’s a crime, but a different one. I think all he did was possibly help someone steal some info. Maybe he could get a wee bit of time for that. Also I think he spit on Journalistic Ethics, by getting personally involved in our US election and helping time the release of damaging info for Hillary, who he despised, for the most pro-T rump impact at critical moments in the campaign. But certainly Assange should not be convicted for simply printing the info.

OTOH, I consider Assange to be an a-hole.


Me too.

I was just pointing out some liberals also have a temper. Some liberals have also had to, and can, deal with the nasty.

Trettio27, now you’ve impressed me. Just like in real life, once in a while a lil dust-up can create surprising friendship, or curious bonds of respect. I would love to have it out with you verbally/intellectually on ideas.

I’m a humanist and liberal (even if most liberals seem turn my stomach) - but I believe in this Earth and Evolution and humanity, I have kids, full blood, half blood and honorary and am angry that we have destroyed their world. I believe in a God -> that is beyond human understanding. I respect religion so long as you don’t pretend you have found the one real God, or that you are in a position to speak for God - something that is beyond all human understanding.

I believe in lively honest dialogue. … to be continue, my Maddy dog is getting very impatient …

Trettio27, I’d be curious to know what you yourself are thinking inside.

As for the video, so long as the narrator controls both sides of the discussion and that narrator is heavily invested in only one side of that story making sense, they are free to do any fabrication they want, in total disregard for honesty.

That video is an example of one-sided propaganda, which has nothin to do with constructively examining the actual factual situation. It appeals to bias and faith, it does not deal with facts, nor does it attempt to constructively understand the situation.

Green, there are various awards that you did not list from the last couple of years that Assange was given.

I acknowledged that he has gotten “all kinds of awards”.

There was a time when I believed he was a force for good. But he revealed himself when it became clear that he was not doing investigative journalism for the greater good, but rather for the purpose of destroying Hillary (who he clearly hates) getting a win the 2016 election. He directly contributed to the factors that gave us our current DOTUS. And that has been a travesty for the USA and for the world.

He is corrupt. I wouldn’t mind if he were put away, except it must not be allowed that a journalist be criminalized for printing true information, even if coordinated and timed in such a way as to get a flim-flam man elected to the Presidency of the USA. Assange being a creep cannot be allowed to bring down the freedom of the press.