...until President Trump wears a mask and tells Americans to do so too, the nation will remain dangerously divided on this critical effort, threatening the health of all of us.As we approach July 4 and contemplate its meaning, it’s striking that our displays of patriotism rarely require acts of self-sacrifice. It’s not much of a burden, of course, to wear a face mask in public. But it’s entirely revealing that this very simple act — one that could save the lives of millions of Americans and ensure the nation’s well-being — has elicited such defiant, even virulent, responses.
Americans rightly prize their individualism. But a nation that cannot prioritize its common bonds over individual rights, especially in a pandemic moment, has little chance of survival.
Such a simple act of leadership, it would be, yet it seems so far beyond the capacity of the t rump. Some wonder whether he wants the virus to spread and kill off more of those who don’t like him. But that doesn’t seem to fit as a motive, now, because the virus is spreading in mostly reddish states now.
I guess it’s just all he knows. Follow a usual chain of behavior that has worked for him in the past, no matter what. It is probably as simple as he thinks a mask would make him look weak, and he must only pretend to project strength in order to win re-election.
That is the one over-riding explanation of why the t rump does any of the strange things he does. He is calculating at every given moment, what is best in terms of his getting re-elected. Any behavior that is not (in his judgement of the moment) adding to his re-election chances, is weeded away, no matter how sane or helpful to the nation it might be.