Point being, if the use of marijuana a few decades ago is not well documented, what makes you think that you can find documentation of the amount of usage for medical verses recreational a millennium ago? http://www.nbcnews.com/id/28034925/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/worlds-oldest-marijuana-stash-totally-busted/#.WFwgQfkrKUkHistory and Archaeology of course. We know nearly all literate ancient civilizations were aware of the pharmacological effects of Marijuana; the classical and near east civilizations documented their use of wine, along with descriptions of its harmful effects, so it's reasonable to think they would have also documented recreational use of Marijuana if it was a common activity. Since they didn't, we can file that away under "probably not". Marijuana in wine is still use today. Some items in history see no need for documentation. For example why do we drink coffee? What was the reason for passing an olive branch? The levels of heaven were so well understood by people that they were not written about. Now people are trying to understand them. Today most people assume they know the answers. That happens in religion a lot. For example, praying. When did religion start praying? Where are we at in the Age of Deities, increasing or decreasing? A very simple question, that no one asks. And I think the reason is they don’t understand enough about the subject to ask some of the basic questions. Marijuana, may have been used for a coffee like drink, as a form of money for trade, for medical reasons, for seasoning of food, for recreational reasons and for religious reasons.
Interesting news] - marijuana related illness on the rise in Colorado.
Interesting news] - marijuana related illness on the rise in Colorado.Yeah that looks pretty terrifying
He and his team found that the number of hospital visits for CHS doubled since medical marijuana became prevalent. The study takes a closer look at more than 2,500 hospital visits. From 2008 to 2009, the study found there were 41 visits to emergency rooms for CHS. From 2010 to 2011, after what the study describes as the “post-liberalization" period for medical marijuana, the number jumped to 87 ER visits. ... Dr. Heard says CHS is not a major health problem if you compare it side by side to the consequences of alcohol use. However, he adds that symptoms can be severe and can last for months. ... "The biggest problem we've seen with this disease is that until now, it's been unrecognized and therefore, these people are suffering longer than they need to." ... Dr. Heard says CHS is in many ways still a mystery. He still doesn't know the reason marijuana triggers symptoms like nausea and stomach pain. Only that there definitely seems to be a link. People who have the illness have found ways to relieve the symptoms by taking hot showers and relaxing. ...I wonder how the domestic abuse statistics are doing?
Oh my god, 87 hospital visits in two years. The world is ending. Wonder how many people visited due to flu.
California, one of the biggest users and growers of marijuana in the US was all medical {recreational} use until this year. It is called medical, but it is 99% used for recreational uses.Interesting typical Republican self-certain absolutist pronouncements. "Recreational" what a cute term. Mike, is it something like Recreational Sex as opposed to Procreational Sex, and damned you if you want to do it for fun. Care to clarify? I bring it up because I know from previous lives, restaurant days, dealing with a lot of people, including in managerial positions to having to deal with people and their problems. Seems to me a lot of people I know who use pot, I would have to categorize as self-medicating. Anti-anxiety and relaxant and sleep aid, sometime appetite stimulus when needed. What's wrong with that? What is it with the self-righteous religious Republican mindscape and below their surface nothing but insecurity tormented into hatefulness - the Republican religious mind doing their personal god's duty gotta inject their own disgusting bile into it. Spitting out pronouncements like that. __________________________________ Think back on restaurant days, it just occurred to me, many many times, where there were "scenes" between parents and kids, it was the asshole parents forcing the scene by their own rudeness and insistence on micromanaging everything and doing so with a decided egomaniacal streak. +What you little %$@# you don't want to do it like I want you to do it, how dare you...... Republican's nasty self-righteous paternalistic-mania - oh how much saner the world would be without it. :long:
California, one of the biggest users and growers of marijuana in the US was all medical {recreational} use until this year. It is called medical, but it is 99% used for recreational uses.Interesting typical Republican self-certain absolutist pronouncements. "Recreational" what a cute term. Mike, is it something like Recreational Sex as opposed to Procreational Sex, and damned you if you want to do it for fun. Care to clarify? I bring it up because I know from previous lives, restaurant days, dealing with a lot of people, including in managerial positions to having to deal with people and their problems. Seems to me a lot of people I know who use pot, I would have to categorize as self-medicating. Anti-anxiety and relaxant and sleep aid, sometime appetite stimulus when needed. What's wrong with that? What is it with the self-righteous religious Republican mindscape and below their surface nothing but insecurity tormented into hatefulness - the Republican religious mind doing their personal god's duty gotta inject their own disgusting bile into it. Spitting out pronouncements like that. __________________________________ Think back on restaurant days, it just occurred to me, many many times, where there were "scenes" between parents and kids, it was the asshole parents forcing the scene by their own rudeness and insistence on micromanaging everything and doing so with a decided egomaniacal streak. +What you little %$@# you don't want to do it like I want you to do it, how dare you...... Republican's nasty self-righteous paternalistic-mania - oh how much saner the world would be without it. :long: CC, you’re just trying to put a political twist on everything. You need to look at the facts. Marijuana is following a lot of the same paths as alcohol during prohibition. You could still buy alcohol during prohibition for medical reasons. But once the prohibition was over, doctors stopped writing prescriptions for alcohol. And if you follow your line of thought, then alcohol is also self-medicating. The one percent spent on the medical use in California comes to about a billion dollar in the dispensary market. Which I would guess is about 10% for real medical use. Which is still a lot of medical use. The rest of the 30 billion dollar market is handled in the black market or the markets in other states. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/nation-now/2016/11/18/california-marijuana-industry-25-billion-opportunity/94074848/ I personally have help the marijuana workers union get up and running in this area and changed the arresting policies in the county on marijuana. I get a dozen calls a week for help with marijuana issues mainly from the growers and workers. I have helped setup and operate farmers markets that makes product from the growers available directly to the users. The product line from food to soap is growing bigger all the time. If anyone ever needed marijuana to chill out, you do dude. Talk is cheap, what have you done besides trash Republicans and display your hate for those who don’t dance to your liking? You make it obvious you don’t like Republicans and you don’t like Trump. Trump’s political history shows that he became a Republican in 1987 then changed to run as candidate in the Independence Party. Then became a Democrat again. Trump has never been a conservative. Trump has switch parties five times since 1987. I would have to say that Trump is more of a true Democrat than a Republican. Where you are stuck on the political parties, the people voted for Trump because he is not a DC insider and Hillary is.
marijuana workers unionHow about a local and date of this MWU forming. Given your implied knowledge of the topic - How in hell do you come up with Marijuana and Alcohol being equivalent? :ohh:
If anyone ever needed marijuana to chill out, you do dude. Talk is cheap, what have you done besides trash Republicans and display your hate for those who don’t dance to your liking?Ahh, yeah RIGHT ON CUE :lol: The good ol name calling and gratuitous distraction, - another specialty of the Republican Delusional Mindscape.
You make it obvious you don’t like Republicans and you don’t like Trump. Trump’s political history shows that he became a Republican in 1987 then changed to run as candidate in the Independence Party. Then became a Democrat again. Trump has never been a conservative. Trump has switch parties five times since 1987. I would have to say that Trump is more of a true Democrat than a Republican. Where you are stuck on the political parties, the people voted for Trump because he is not a DC insider and Hillary is.More distraction and ignoring the real issue. Yes, I have grown to despise many Republicans - and there are genuine defensible reasons for that. Something changed about Republicans since the 70s - Highjacking the Jesus Freak Movement may have been a genius stroke for Reagan, but it was a disaster for the future of rationality and sanity within the Republican Party. They found religion and absolutism and an egomaniacal disregard (nay, hatred) for everything that don't fall within their dogma. Used to be you showed how much you loved god by how you lived your life - Now just all about Talk and exclusionism and absolutism and telling everyone else how to live their lives - even about stuff that ain't none of their damned business anyways - oh but nooo, they are on "God's Mission" so no one else's ethics and standards and knowledge means a thing - it's all to be discarded preferably burned. The foundation for this is that these people actually and truly believe they have connected to the true God of Time and Creation, Life and Love, and that they are carrying out their personal God's "Will." A few decades ago that would have gotten you a trip to the luny farm. Now we got half the country believing if they don't like what science tells them, they can ignore it because god is on their side. It's shear insanity and no I'll never get used to it! As for Trump, toss all the deluded excuses you want at me - None of that outshines the glaring reality of Herrn Trump: His campaign was build on a river lies, and slander. The Russians did much to help him, because they like what he can do for Russia - they don't care too much about American. I don't know about you, but I'm American and yes, I'm pissed off that we got a god-damned Russian Obligate as President and now he wants to make the CEO EXXON* another demonstrable Russian Obligate as Secretary of State of the United States. How could any patriotic American not be pissed and scared by all this :smirk: Oh and that idiot conceit that an "outsider" that never had any interest government can do a better job then some who understands the system and has worked within it. He's an outsider, give me break Mike and next time your car needs fixing take it to a gardner, his outsider perspective might find that pesky bug. On top of that he has absolutely no understanding of, nor interest in, the world beyond self-aggrandizement and business deals. The President of The United States demands much more than that. And then there's EXXON and their CEO, do you know that Exxon scientists themselves made clear that continuing unrestrained release of greenhouse gases would warm our planet past the comfort point for human society. What do they do, rather that retooling, accepting slower growth, helping steer our economy towards a less destructive avenue. But nope, immediate and maximized profits and personal bonuses came first, concern for the well being of this biosphere that we depend on for everything came last. Tell me Mike, why shouldn't everyone be livid with such bullshit???
Tell me Mike, why shouldn't everyone be livid with such bullshit???They shouldn’t be livid, because most of what you claim is not true in the context that you claim.
Tell me Mike, why shouldn't everyone be livid with such bullshit???They shouldn’t be livid, because most of what you claim is not true in the context that you claim. I want to hear more about that alleged marijuana workers union.
Tell me Mike, why shouldn't everyone be livid with such bullshit???They shouldn’t be livid, because most of what you claim is not true in the context that you claim. Oh please do outline your case. I'm ready to go fact for fact and context for context. But are you? I suspect not. Prove me wrong.
Tell me Mike, why shouldn't everyone be livid with such bullshit???They shouldn’t be livid, because most of what you claim is not true in the context that you claim. Oh please do outline your case. I'm ready to go fact for fact and context for context. But are you? I suspect not. Prove me wrong. I'll start with this ... Actually not, that would totally derail this thread, lets take it somewhere else. Mike, if you want to put substance behind cheap words, I'll start a new thread on EXXON's malicious deception.
EXXON’s criminal deception - their scientists knew - their self-serving executives didn’t give a damned, and they have lied’n lied’n lied ever since http://www.centerforinquiry.net/forums/viewthread/19035/
Seems to me a lot of people I know who use pot, I would have to categorize as self-medicating. Anti-anxiety and relaxant and sleep aid, sometime appetite stimulus when needed. What's wrong with that?Just curious, are those self-medicating individuals using medical marijuana?
Nah, just cannabis.
My restaurant days are pre-legalization drives.
Even for recreational use, marijuana does not harm unless and until it is used in the right usage from a credible source.
The potency of medical marijuana has increased since the 90s by 20-30 folds.
America has only 36 states that have legalized medical marijuana. This issue of the legality of medical marijuana is more political than scientific, which is unfortunate.
Also, it is a myth that smoking marijuana can cause lung cancer. Effects of smoking on regular tobacco are similar to the effects of smoking on recreational marijuana.
So it must not be confused with medical marijuana as psychoactive ingredients differ by large. For pregnant women, not only marijuana but all sort of medicines must be stopped and, if used, can help ease birthing.
Then again, all in moderation is the key.
It doesn’t look good that young people who regularly use pot tend to have a lower IQ. So they shouldn’t use it til they get older and their brain has pretty much reached its full development. One might ask, why a young person would be motivated to constantly smoke pot, and then try to ameliorate that circumstance.
Despite Marijuana legal law in 43 states, it’s still illegal under federal law. The federal government sees marijuana as a highly addictive drug and of no medical value. And doctors are yet not allowed to prescribe medical marijuana under federal law. Moreover, the Federal government thinks Marijuana is not a medical drug and has prohibited marijuana for all purposes. In support of the numerous states that have taken responsibility for the health and welfare of their people, and have implemented medical marijuana laws, ASA is fighting for states’ ability and right to pass and enforce their own laws, regardless of federal law. 5 Latest Research Proving Medical Marijuana's Effectiveness - MD Berry Checkout new researches on marijuana that can help you attain knowledge.
Again, I have said many times, maybe not in this thread, but many times:
That the govt should de-schedule marijuana from being labelled a CLASS 1 Narcotic, NOW. Or ASAP. Or 20 years ago.
Perhaps the new Biden administration will finally get this done.
The National Institutes for Health, (NIH) is not a reliable source of information about the alleged ill-effects of marijuana use. It just isn’t. Does anyone seriously think the NIH is going to jeopardize its funding, it’s only funding and without that funding from a congress who wrote the criminal laws banning marijuana it would cease to exist? The NIH will never take the chance of offending congress by saying marijuana is harmless because the very same day we’d hear loud calls from all the brain-dead right-wingers decrying the dangers of its use. The NIH knows this. It also wouldn’t think to jeopardize its ties to the pharmaceutical industry and the lucrative possibility of eventually going to work for one of the industries’ wealthy companies. Do you really expect the NIH to say anything honest and objective about marijuana when it has so much to lose if it did?
If you don’t trust NIH there’s enough evidence from other sources about the harmful effects of marijuana.