Just a site recognizing the significance of today’s date.
At least once a year, we should consider actively supporting the de-scheduling of marijuana as a federal Class 1 Narcotic. This travesty has been in place for far, far, far too long.
Just a site recognizing the significance of today’s date.
At least once a year, we should consider actively supporting the de-scheduling of marijuana as a federal Class 1 Narcotic. This travesty has been in place for far, far, far too long.
Seasons Greetings, a blast from the past 2007
Though you may want to turn down the volume.
No complaints about jigglie video, stoners what do you expect.
Just as an interesting aside, recently was talking to my neighbor/friend who’s recently retired with forty plus years being a nurse, much of it in the ER* - She was telling us about how one of the senior ER surgeons with something like three decades of attending in the ER - he has never had a problem with an overly intoxicated marijuana patient. They invariably are polite and cooperative, if not always responsive.
This in contrast to speed and alcohol which can and does turn even nice guys into monsters.
In fact if you ever heard of the 2008 case where the fumes from a drilling mud coated injured worker, took down an ER nurse, seriously sickened her (she’s the one), yet the mother fuk’n oil company refused to let the ER know what she was exposed to and they got away with it. Don’t want none of them regulations getting in the way of profit generation!
Marijuana is not even close to being as physiologically toxic as other substances that humans partake in, even substances that we consider to be benign. e.g., you could get physiologically ill (maybe even die) from taking in to much salt, or even sugar,and many other substances that we consider harmless. You would not die from physiological effects of taking in too much marijuana, unless you happened to choke on it, or perhaps ate so much at once that your gut exploded.
New York was supposed to legalize it in the first 100 days of 2019, but it never happened. It got pushed to June, then to 2020. It figures. They’ll have to lose out on the tax money and keep punishing people for voluntarily taking the drug. It can cause anxiety and psychosis if taken by inexperienced users or by certain vulnerable people, but I can’t think of any other side effect.
Potheads are — without fail — annoying retards. Any state that legalizes marijuana should also legalize beating them to death.
Just as an interesting aside, recently was talking to my neighbor/friend who’s recently retired with forty plus years being a nurse, much of it in the ER* – She was telling us about how one of the senior ER surgeons with something like three decades of attending in the ER – he has never had a problem with an overly intoxicated marijuana patient. They invariably are polite and cooperative, if not always responsive.
This in contrast to speed and alcohol which can and does turn even nice guys into monsters.
Oneguy, you know not that of which you speak. It would be a very rare occurrence for someone to need an ER simply from using marijuana. I can think of a few situations but they would be, by far, the exception. It is simply not toxic in comparison it to other substances, like alcohol, prescription drugs, and other street drugs.
And you want to beat potheads to death? Do you also want to beat to death drunk people who love everyone or who want to fight when they can hardly stand? They can be pretty annoying. If a pothead really needed an ER (it would probably be from something other than being intoxicated on marijuana) and all they would need to do is get rid of any pot they had. No one is typically arrested from just being high on pot.
So really dude, you need to chill on the 'tude.
There are probably people you know who people weed, and you’d never know it. They’re not all the pothead stereotypes from the movies. A lot of them of productive, hard-working people who like the psychological effects. The only reason I could see that someone would need an emergency room after pot is for panic attacks or psychosis, but those usually only happen with people who are inexperienced or already schizophrenic or prone to it or who already get panic attacks.
Not to form a click. But I totally agree with TimB and Philosophicus. Have you looked into the history of marijuana? It may have been the first plant domesticated by man. It has been used in cooking and a form of drink in mankind’s entire history. “Stoners” I put into a category that is more than just marijuana use. Coffee, tea and soda are all drugs. What we are dealing with is the level of drugs and the affects they have on people.
My viewpoint of what I have seen over my lifetime. The beatniks were openly smoking MJ in the coffee shops when I was a kid. Deformed babies were blamed on MJ use. Christian mothers were upset about the deformed babies. Laws against MJ was passed in a Christian movement and the War on Drugs was started. MJ was given a temporary Class One drug rating because no research had ever been done on MJ. This Class One rating was to be changed after the research was done. 50 years have passed, and the research has not been done yet because the government does not want it done. States passed MJ usage laws. The Feds said they would have those laws declared unconstitutional. That was OK by the states, because the Supreme Courts would not hear a MJ case because the government did not want them to. This way the MJ would finally get into the Supreme Court. The Feds never did take the states to the Supreme Courts. If it could be proven that our rights were withheld for political reasons, there is possible liability problems with all the Americans locked up for using a Class One drug that was not a Class One drug.
There is a problem marijuana today.
What the laws have done to marijuana is cause the growers to greatly increase THC over time because of the risk of growing it is better to grow the plants with the most THC. There is no doubt by what I have seen that marijuana with its higher THC content has become addictive. It is just like alcohol, the more you use the high THC MJ the more addictive you become. The old school MJ does not have the same affect.
I do not know whether it is true that high thc pot is particularly addictive.
There was a very recent archeological find in China, of marijuana use around 500 BC The thc content was high and the researchers thought that it was likely that it was used in ceremonies.
There are probably people you know who people weed, and you’d never know it. They’re not all the pothead stereotypes from the movies. A lot of them of productive, hard-working people who like the psychological effects.Those who smoke up occasionally might fall into that category. However I've known dozens of chronic potheads and every one of them was annoying and stupid.
Oneguy, you know not that of which you speak. It would be a very rare occurrence for someone to need an ER simply from using marijuana. I can think of a few situations but they would be, by far, the exception. It is simply not toxic in comparison it to other substances, like alcohol, prescription drugs, and other street drugs.That's not the point. The point is CC's anecdote is hard to believe to this former paramedic.
And you want to beat potheads to death? Do you also want to beat to death drunk people who love everyone or who want to fight when they can hardly stand? They can be pretty annoying.No. Only potheads. I'm joking about killing them, but just a little.
Granted there are people who are on the extreme of the bell curve when it comes to being goofy and unproductive (which are the qualities that occur to me when you refer to “chronic potheads”). But I wonder what the chances are that those same folks would be unproductive or counterproductive and would have some even more disagreeable characteristic than goofiness, if there was no such thing as marijuana.
Tim, I didn’t think pot could be addictive. Worked with some of the top machinists in America. They travel around the country for special jobs, mainly aerospace and classified jobs. I was surprised by the number and amount of smoking that went on daily. Guards did not have high enough classification to enter the buildings and the management was so thankful that these guys with such high levels of skills and intelligent came to work on the projects that if they did care, they would never say anything.
I helped setup the Farmer’s Market for growers to sell directly to the cooperative members in Los Angeles. And then brought in the Marijuana union and got the counties to stop prosecuting the people who work on the marijuana farms that grow and trim. This is all hobby stuff for me. I don’t get paid. And don’t want to. I am retired and trying to slow down. When I saw the counties prosecuting working people. I knew that was not right. Not only was it not right, it was using the force of the government to trample on the poor working man.
Any way the reason I bring that up is to let you know for the last decade or longer I have been around to see the industry evolve. Right now, the hottest item on the market is straight 99% THC oil.
For a long time, I took it as simple higher tolerance levels. Which most of it is. MJ is being used to help get people off drug addiction. I am aware of most of these types of programs. Drug addiction is not my field. But when I see people spending money on MJ over their children and can justify that in their minds because they need MJ to operate. To me that is a form of addiction or a complete social meltdown. The regular 11 – 13% won’t do for these guys. They need 30% and above.
The next step is vaping and dabbing. That is wax, crush and oils. They reach a point where the MJ flower is not what they want anymore. Most of the dispensaries today have presses for customers to use. When they need a fix, they can buy a couple of buds and press them right at the dispensary to get the oil they desire.
Knowing the type of people who smoke daily and hold down a job and raise a family. I would say the numbers are on the increase. Every time I travel the Los Angeles freeways the question comes to mind. Are the high levels of MJ use stopping or causing more traffic accidents? My view is they are stopping more accidents.
The MJ prices have been dropping a lot. And that is good. I know people in retirement on fixed incomes who smoke daily. They would live on the street rather than giving up MJ.