So who won who lost the debate?????

You don’t know what I do or do not know because I haven’t said. I do know what they all stand for and what they bring to the table. I’m just not going around announcing who I’m voting for in the primaries, because it’s nobody’s business.

I dont really care. Its just that you come across as a bit silly on this

And you don’t give up, do you? Say what you want, but I still say you can’t decide who won what until after the primaries and the dotard is a criminal. That’s not being silly, that’s facing reality. That and it’s no one’s business who one votes for.

I don’t mind saying which I will vote for, once I decide. But that’s me. As of now, I would vote for any of them over Trump. There are a few, still, that I would prefer not to win the Dem Nomination, but even so, if one does, he or she will have my support.

And it is still early in the process. Most countries have very short election cycles compared to what we do. The 1st primary elections are not until, what?, February of next year?


Candidates of the Chris Coons ilk?

Exactly, @TimB, we shouldn’t have to pick just one until election day. I do have top 3 choices, but like you, whoever wins the primaries is who I will throw my support behind, because they are far better than the dotard. Universal health care, education, student loan debt, social issues (like racism), Climate Change, fracking, infrastructure, gun violence, etc are all issues that need to be addressed and taken care of. Now here’s the problem- if we have a Repug house and senate, with a Dem president, nothing will get done, much like that which is said of President Obama’s time. The House and the Senate, which was mostly Repug, wouldn’t let him do much OR they changed a lot of what he did- ie the ACA, which didn’t end up like he originally wanted, yet they called it Obama Care. So, we need to also have a mostly Dem house and senate to get much done. Currently, the house and the senate are mostly Repug, so the dotard pretty much slides on his destruction of the U.S. and we have a lot to fix that he has destroyed.

“Because they are far better than the dotard. Universal health care, education, student loan debt, social issues (like racism), Climate Change, fracking, infrastructure, gun violence, etc are all issues that need to be addressed and taken care of”


no they are not. OH MY GOD!!! Talking to a wall

Oh so we’re supposed to agree with you and say the dotard is better, even though he is the worse and ruining the U.S.? I don’t think that’s going to happen with any of us, unless we are already deluded with racist MAGA crap.

Those democrats that claim the need to move to the centre of the political spectrum or for bipartisanship with the Republicans in “working together to overcome our differences” or for calling progressives as unrealistic dreamers are the champions of the status quo and saving this corrupt rigged political/ economic system that enslaves the masses.

They are as worthless as speck of dust on the floor and should not be given any respect or consideration for people who really want change.

The 1st poll done since the debate suggested that Elizabeth Warren has the positive momentum currently. Since Bernie and Warren have similar basic political paradigms, if it comes to a decision of which one of those 2 to choose, I think Warren, being a woman and being slightly younger and showing no dearth of energy or focus, and no sign of even getting hoarse from her busy and active campaigning, wins that matchup.

However, Bernie is unlikely to bow out. Hence, splitting off some of their group of likely voters. So Biden may still maintain the 1st place polling position for a while.

While Bernie and Warren have basically the same agendas, I am concerned that Bernie might not survive four years as president. Warren might, despite all the stress being president brings. I like their agendas, but age is a factor. Biden is also around the same age, but he is a corporate Dem, although some say Warren is too and that she flip flops with her views. Harris flip flops on Universal health care, which I don’t like, but she brings some qualities that could help the U.S., just not enough, unlike Warren and Bernie. Beto is cool and bold, even in speech, but I don’t think he has quite as much to offer as Bernie and Warren do. However, keep in mind that Bernie and Warren, because the House and Senate have to also approve whatever the president suggests for the nation, might not get all their promises done. Thus, student loan debt, for example, due to many in the House and the Senate are supported by large corporations, might not get approved and we still see people with massive student loan debt. I can go on and on, but when one goes through all the dem candidates one by one, the other 18 trying to run, just don’t measure up to Warren and Bernie. I think the two of them have the best chance of winning the primary out of all of them, but which one will beat the other is hard to say. However, I wouldn’t put it past the Dems to create a Warren/Sanders or Sanders/Warren ticket in the end. There is my issue again- if Bernie dies while president, I’d like to have a VP who has the same views and goals (they don’t necessarily do always) so they can continue with the goals Bernie had set out to do. Is Warren physically able to continue that if something happens to Sanders. I don’t know. The same goes for Warren too, even though she seems more up to the task than Sanders does. I would like to have another Dem president who is around the age President Obama was going into the job. Like many presidents, President Obama went in with hardly a grey hair (unless he died it), but he came out eight years later with a lot of grey. He was also older too. Still, the presidency isn’t an easy job and one has to be physically and mentally fit for it, unlike the dotard who is neither nor is he a Dem. The dotard is a Repug and very repugnant he is. lol

The corporate democrats and thier corporate media mates have indicated anyone but bernie. That includes trump.

@player, If Corporate Dems don’t want Bernie, they surely would not want Warren.

@ Mriana, Warren is a wee bit younger than Bernie and Biden. Also, she does not impress me as being adversely affected in any significant way by her age. As far as younger candidates, in the latest polling, Buttigieg is probably doing the best overall. I doubt that either Bernie or Warren would choose the other as a running mate, because usually the VP choice is made, in part, to excite a different part of the electorate than the Presidential nominee does on their own. Also, as you point out, why have a pair who are both pushing their later years? Anyway the VP is typically chosen after the Presidential nominee is selected. But if we were going to suggest running mate tickets, now, I would go, perhaps, with Buttigieg/Stacy Abrams or Warren/Corey Booker, something like that.

Timb please no spin. The feeling is she can bend

Whatever can’t bend is more likely to break. I wasn’t spinning anything. You seem to be an ultra extremist. You can’t support any candidate other than Bernie? Bernie is great. And his health seems good. But 8 years is a lot to expect for a POTUS candidate in his 70’s. Same concern, if not more so, for Biden and Trump.


One thing about Bernie, is that if he did get Alzheimer’s, and lost his memory of the last 50 years, his message would still be the same. If anything, he is consistent.

@TimB Warren/Booker would be a good ticket. I wouldn’t want Williamson though. She’s too New Agey. She may have some good ideas, but the ideas she talked about in debates sounded like some New Age guru rather real solutions. I wouldn’t turn my nose up at Warren/Harris either, even though Harris maybe to Warren as Biden was to Obama.

I concur.

Tho, selfishly, I would like to see more of Williamson, before she is done. Her take on the whole thing is a fascinating (to me) narrative .

Yes, she is an interesting side show, that is for sure.

How old was Raygun??