Sex Education, Then and Now

one guy’s arguments look like any prejudicial statement with very little thought or research done. Something doesn’t fit their experience and no effort is made to expand that experience. In this case, it’s people which is really the worst thing to not try to know more about, that is, if you are a person yourself. Any problems these different people have get attributed to whatever the characteristic is that is outside their experience. It makes it easier when there are fewer people with that. They likely know someone who has it, but they aren’t aware of it, which is ironic, because the person hiding it then appears “normal” to them. Children coming out to their parents when it became safer to do so was a major catalyst to the rapid change in culture that led to legalizing gay marriage. Atheism has experienced a similar change, only slower. Maybe, someday, when enough of these groups that were once considered abnormal gain enough acceptance, we will understand that “normal” should not be determined by a majority vote.

They are evolutionarily dysfunctional. Genetic dead ends, to be blunt.

I don’t see it like that. It’s just obvious they are genetic dead ends.

If it were really about letting them be we wouldn’t have this.

Never mind the treasures they may leave behind while they are alive.

Let’s just get rid of all Michelangelo’s works. He was just a genetic dead end.

If it were really about letting them be we wouldn’t have this.

Have what? Would you rather have this?

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Oh, you discovered the trans gene. Looking forward to your published peer reviewed paper on that.

This destroys your argument doesn’t it? You don’t need two trans people to make a trans child. Whatever it is, it’s part of being human.


You’ve covered just about all the bases. This is the “I would be glad to let them be if they just did it somewhere I didn’t have to see it, or children didn’t see it, or no one even talked about it, and I could say it’s dysfunctional without anyone arguing with me.”

That’s not allowing someone to be.

Like Guy says it’s not about people.
It’s about genetic dead ends.
We are all God’s procreation machines and the rest be damned? Glory Hallelujah!

What Guy can’t admit, it’s actually fundamentally about petty humans with their petty fear and hatefulness. Topped off with a sociopathic need to feel superior to others.


Oh for what it’s worth,

Slaying zombies.

Also known as NIMBY, “not in my back yard”

We’ve come a long way baby

Most people do fine in life with those guidelines.

We all know nature is not perfect. Two healthy people can also have a child with any number of birth defects that limit that child’s ability to reproduce later in life . The same is true with trans or gay individuals – although they are not limited in the way someone with Down Syndrome is, for example.

Not even sure we are on the same planet at this point

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It’s not necessary to get rid of gay artists’ work.

:laughing: Between Kiss and drag queens, I’ll take Kiss. At least they have a few good songs.

I don’t know where you live, but here in the US we just were presented with what happens when people do just fine when following age-old guidelines, like color prejudice.

2 black representatives were expelled from the Tennessee state-house of Representatives, while a white representative was not punished for “protesting” a bad gun law.

Black vocal protest are not allowed, whereas White armed insurrection where people get hurt and die, is “appreciated” because it has always been that way!!!

Everyone has to reproduce? Why? I suppose you are against abortion too, because it’s also a genetic dead end.

lol I’ve always thought the one on the far right looks like a kitty cat. :slight_smile:

The Repugs showed just how racist they really are.

Sorry Write, this is in response to that Guy.

You get to say that because, you don’t know squat about most people,
and you don’t know squat because you’ve made clear you have zero interest in learning about them.

Let alone give a moments thought to all those who definitely are not doing fine. Which you would understand if you could only learn to listen to what others are trying to express to you.

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If they’ve got problems, it’s their own fault. Masochistic liberals like yourself can be their saviors, just leave the rest of us out of it.

There you go again, “masochistic liberals like yourself”, you just gotta make up shit as you go along. Couldn’t give a fart for appreciating who you’re actually talking to.
Nah, it’s all a bunch of sock puppets in your head.
So self certain, when in fact, over and over you show yourself to be totally disinterested, oblivious.

Your approach brings only destruction and pain, first others, but in the long run, all the way around.

But they can die in military service to protect you, no?

OTOH, you wouldn’t lift a finger to protect your fellow human being, right?

Of course that’s possible, but overstated. I was in the military for 8 years and knew one man who seemed gay. They are few and far between. Plus we haven’t had a draft in 50 years. Nobody is being forced into the military. Gays who serve are volunteers like everyone else.