There is no “ our way out ”. That’s the problem. Get off the upper caste rules all attitude. The market does not have to find billion more BTUs in the market driven system. The market knows where the BTUs are. They just need a market environment that will let them produce.
Just look at “ our way ” to force the Green New Deal and shut down the Keystone XL. Now the upper caste can’t find any oil. It’s Putin’s fault. It’s the oil company’s fault. It’s the pandemic’s fault. It’s Trump fault. If you cannot understand what went wrong there. Then you don’t understand the open markets or market driven economy.
When I said “our”, I meant everybody. And the answer is, there are no more sources of 300 million year old fuel. If you count asteroids, then we will be importing more ways to choke ourselves to death.
Or, to put it another way, from someone named Mindy, “it’s interesting how people who support free market capitalism are now upset that they are paying the price for free market capitalism”
You should have told Mindy that a year ago nobody was complaining about the price of gas. After Biden stopped the supply system and the price started going up. People are now complaining.
Biden’s clean-energy tax credits—a set of incentives that would push the United States to generate more electricity through wind, solar, and other zero-carbon resources—would be one of the most cost-effective climate policies in American history, according to the analysis.
The researchers’ study, which has not been peer-reviewed, finds that the policy’s benefits will be three to four times larger than its costs, creating as much as projected $1.5 trillion in economic surplus while eliminating more than 5 billion tons of planet-warming carbon pollution through 2050.
See there is nothing to worry about. Since the inflation is transient, why don’t we just hold off on the Green New Deal until the prices come back down. Then I don’t think anyone will complain.
OK, I miss understood. Let’s look at some of Biden’s policies.
The border mess. Biden
Pullout from Afghanistan. Biden
Bipartisan infrastructure bill. Biden
In other countries, rapid tests were available free or cheap, but here they remain scarce and pricey here. Biden
Not purchasing millions of rapid tests in early 2021. Biden
In a CBS News poll released Jan. 16, two-thirds of Americans said the U.S. COVID-19 response was going badly. Biden
Campaigned on a pledge to bring back bipartisanship. Biden
Only a quarter of Americans in the recent CBS poll thought things were going well. Biden
Buying oil from Putin. Biden
Not going into Ukraine. Biden
Mriana, I think that we have reached a point where the lower middle-class people feel they are just as good off staying at home and living off the government. Why work all day and watch inflation eat your paycheck. A livable wage today is over fifteen dollars an hour. Almost half of U.S. workers (42.4 percent) make less than $15 per hour.
And we have a President running up gas prices to force America into using electric cars. Half America cannot afford an electric car. Consumer Reports estimates the average EV battery pack’s lifespan to be at around 200,000 miles, which is nearly 17 years of use if driven 12,000 miles per year. The problem is that average lifetime is only 133,000 miles and eight years. To help sell cars the manufactures are now guaranteeing the batteries from 5 to 8 years or 62,000 miles. Of course, a lot of the fact are still being put together on the EVs. We do know that EVs are underperforming gas cars on resale values. I think it will be like computers. They kept getting better over time.
I don’t think you understand at all. There is about 40 years worth of oil left on earth, after that any remaining oil in the earth’s crust is not worth recovering. There is no choice at all. We wean ourselves off oil or all industry will come to a standstill.
We MUST develop alternate renewable sources of energy on an enormous scale in order to be able to maintain a semblance of the abundant (wasteful) economy we currently enjoy.
Nope. That was the dotard’s fault that it’s a mess.
While botched, it wasn’t entirely a bad thing.
Keep in mind, that just because he wrote the outline and all, it wasn’t all his doing. It’s bipartisan for a reason. It doesn’t rest solely on his shoulders.
Again, part of that was the dotard’s fault because he wanted the virus to fly and kill people.
Again, partly the dotard’s fault.
Once again, most of that was the dotard’s fault, not President Biden’s.
There’s that word bipartisan again. That right there should give you a clue that it’s not all President Biden’s fault.
President Biden doesn’t make all these decisions by himself. He is not king. It also takes congress to make these calls too. A president cannot just declare war. It also has to go through congress.
My, aren’t you judgemental. You are just as bad as those who forced essential workers to work while a pandemic was happening and everyone else got to stay home or go shopping, exposing all the grocery store workers to COVID-19.
Not anymore. That was part of what that mass walk out was about. $7.25 or $12/hour will not cut in this economy. In fact, people should have fought for more due to current inflation. The cost of surviving (inflation) was skyrocketing and yet wages remained the same. Technically, minimum wage should currently be $20/hour. The massive job quitting was over wages, not a desire to live off the government.
He’s not doing that and that’s not the reason for higher gas prices. We do not need Russia’s gas/oil. It is Putin’s war with the Ukraine driving up prices though.
All of that said, it truly amazes me how much of politics people do not understand and blame one single man- the president for everything. Now the dotard is a special case because he truly believed the president was a like a dictator or a king and he tried hard to control things and got upset when things didn’t go his way. It can’t go his way all the time because congress is what actually runs this country, not the president all by himself, even though the dotard tried hard to do so.
I can read your words Mike, but they are coming from your heart, not your head. Trump did very similar things to your list. Actually I’m glad Trump didn’t attempt an infrastructure bill, it probably would have passed and he might have won a second term. I’m more afraid of a much smarter oligarch waiting on the wings right now, not Trump.
Russia has found biolabs in ukraine near the Russian border . They have found stack of documents so it will be fascinating to see what they find with thd accusation that these are weapons grade biological weapons research labs
Mariupol Maternity Hospital Destroyed By Russian Air Strike, Triggering Global Horror, Outrage
Is that your weapons grade biological laboratory???
Russia is engaged in GENOCIDE, a barbaric war crime of the highest order and you come spouting your vile accusation against Ukraine as if they are the aggressor and a threat to Russia.
Ukraine has been open for viewing by the world for a long time. If you have no evidence of Nazis now, the war is not covering up what was there last year. Why would you trust Putin’s opinion?
Hello djtexas, over a week ago I received a call from a friend of mine is very highly connected with the upper management in the church. He told me a week ago that he got reports from the church that church leaders in Ukraine were telling the church leaders here in America that they were very happy that Putin was bombing bio-labs in Ukraine ran by the US.
That was enough to make me say, “what the hell!” My friend has given me heads up on political stuff for decades and has never been wrong. Nothing on the web or news for about four days afterwards. Then a flood of data. All saying it was Russian disinformation. The fact that it came from almost all news sources at the same time and was denial, denial, denial. And nothing from WION and Fox News made me search harder.
Meanwhile WH Psaki called the claims preposterous.
A false flag operation.
A debunked conspiracy theory.
Propaganda spread by QAnon.
Fact check: False claim and disinformation.
Disinformation by pro-Russian hackers.
Then on Mar 8, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Sen. Marco Rubio asked Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland if Ukraine has “chemical or biological weapons. And Nuland was concerned that the bio-labs research facilities might fall into Russian hands. But she said there was no biological weapons in the labs. This was part of an arms control program to prevent pathogen strains and sensitive biological knowledge from being weaponized.
No, I guess you be listening to Russian State Media.
Because he’s listening to Russian State Media- Putin’s Propaganda Machine.
DJTexas, you do know we mods have our fingers on the ban button. When Lausten is on the board, his is on the ban button and when I’m here, mine is on the ban button. One of us is more likely to push that button than the other, so don’t try and test us. This is your second chance, so don’t start or we’ll show you the door.
Guess it’s time to suggest some additional reading, since Mike as usual doesn’t support his lip flapping with any facts. A friend of a friend and god fearing to-boot, what more legitimacy does information need? Eh???