Russian roulette - a hundred thousand on red

Who do you think has been forking out BS for the last 30 years to Russia? The Democrats don’t care. They see this as a gift from heaven. Raise gas prices and force America into the New Green Deal. Welcome to the start of the newest member of the Third World, America. Your gift to your children.

I’ll repeat what I said in a different thread

It doesn’t surprise me that today people who were leading “first world lives” last month are now refugees on borders, holding all of their possessions. What surprises me, every day, is that I have food in my cupboard and a warm bed waiting for me. It surprises me that I was taught to call living like humans have lived for thousands of years, “The Third World”, to call the ones who create toxic waste sites and missile silos the “developed” world.

No doubt you were taught what third world is. That was most likely to make you feel privileged. It has nothing to do with toxic waste sites and missiles. In today’s world it has to do with economics. Sort of an economic status rating. But I still look at third world as a system of living too. For example, Watts and Detroit are third world cities to me. Most third world cities are democrat run cities. Now that the nation is democrat run. The Democrats are doing everything they can to turn America into a third world nation. And this has nothing to do with the wealth potential of the country. Just look at Cuba and Venezuela for example. Cuba’s doctor-to-population ratio is by far the highest in the world. And Venezuela’s oil makes it one of the richest countries in the Americas. But they do not follow the inherent Rule of Laws that our ancestors have lived by for thousands of years.

Oh Mike, you are so full of hot air, it’s a wonder you don’t float away…


Then you debate the facts. Resorting to name calling just shows a low level of knowledge.

Cuba has something called “Medical Tourism”, which promotes some services and procedures that you can get there at a good price, but it masks the generally lower standard of living throughout the country. There are a lot of good things to say about Cuba and some bad. Throwing out random facts as you do, makes no point, follows no logic. And yeah, Venezuela has oil, so?

I don’t know what laws you are talking about. Our ancestors, before a few generations ago, experienced wide disparities in wealth. Or are you looking back further to feudalism?

You are showing you know nothing of what you are talking about. There is nothing wrong with the “Green New Deal”. If we do not do things to reverse Climate Change, then everything on the planet, including humans, will become extinct. As for gas prices, I really don’t care, because we need to be moving towards renewable energy, not sticking with gas/oil and coal, which are the biggest contributors to Climate Change. This will also lead to more jobs and more modern jobs. Please educate yourself because you criticize going green.

No, the Repugs are doing that, by refusing to fix/upgrade our infrastructure and include internet and childcare as part of the infrastructure too. Repugs are fed by the rich and greedy corporations and in turn, the Repugs reward them with even more money than the greedy need, while everyone else become poorer and poorer. If you want to blame someone for the U.S. having a lower economic status, blame the real corprets- the Repugs.

And how does that happen? Distributing the nations resources to all who are willing to contribute to the socio-economic system or to only those who practice unrestricted Capitalism where a few and up with all theresources and the rest of the population have to do all the work for slave wages?

George Carlin had it right:

Why The Rich Keep Us Seperated In Under 60 Seconds - George Carlin

What class do you belong to?

A few thoughts for Mike.

Brian Tyler Cohen

BREAKING: Biden just dealt a huge blow to Putin with a BOMBSHELL announcement. To call upon the US, the UN, and the EU to commit to defending and rebuilding Ukraine, sign here :point_right:

Well, Russia is using Trump’s playbook by completely reversing the motives for Russia’s aggression ostensibly to prevent the Ukraine from developing biological weapons at Russia’s borders.

Trump has made the BIG LIE as the new strategy to justify all kinds of crimes against humanity as being a defensive action, motivated by a desire for self-preservation .

There’s no limit to the insanity, is there.

If you stay on the subject matter. Then the logic is quite simple.
Let me spell it out.

  1. Third World is an economic status rating.
  2. I made the point that it is a political driven economic status rating. Due to the fact a country can have great resources in natural and human resources and still be a Third World country.
  3. This is easily seen in history when viewing the Hyksos, Egyptians, and Moses.
  4. Nothing is stable. Weather pattern operate in cycles. Population’s rise has always been a problem. The overuse of natural resources. Example the deforestation in Bagdad 7K yrs ago and again in 3K yrs ago in Rome.
  5. In America we changed from olive oil to whale oil to bear oil. Then to petroleum oil. With no major problems because it was market driven. Today we change from market driven too political driven. A pathway used by countries like Venezuela and Cuba. Example, Venezuela raise the price of gasoline from 10 cents to 15 cents a gallon and had riots. If the economy is strong, then it is not a problem. Over regulations does not seem to make a strong economy. Trump got rid of many regulations and returned to market driven economy and we did better. Which helped us get by during the pandemic. Biden stopped market driven oil on day one and returned us to a political driven oil economy. A year latter we are seeing the results.

The best ancient economy and longest operating empire was Egypt. Mainly because the economy structure was designed to control greed. The Greeks and Romans wanted to build their system on the Egyptian system. But could not. We use inflation, wars, and new technologies to help balance our system. Right now, there are Republicans that think our country needs a good war to help our economy. That’s crazy. We have a government that bails out banks, industries, and housing. Over half our population are getting some sort of assistance from the government. Same pathway that Venezuela took.



The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

What’s next? Let’s just label everything as infrastructure and have the government send everyone a check. Of course you understand that creates high inflation.

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Inflation Rates (Trading Economics Jan 2022)

Venezuela — 1198.0%

Sudan — 340.0%

Lebanon — 201.0%

Syria — 139.0%

Suriname — 63.3%

Zimbabwe — 60.7%

Argentina — 51.2%

Turkey — 36.1%

Iran — 35.2%

Ethiopia — 33.0%

America - ???

There’s one thing you don’t seem to understand. The U.S. does better economically under Democratic president, especially if there is a majority of Dems in the House and the Senate. This effect isn’t seen until the Repug gets into office and for some stupid reason, the Repug gets the credit. Any economist will tell you the economics of one president isn’t seen until the next term. The crash and burn we’re seeing now is in part due to the dotard’s policies. We won’t see what President Biden’s economy looks like until next term. This is Economics 101. Any college student, who pays attention learns this, due to it being a required course.

You forgot to add. The Republican party today are like the past Democrats and vice versa.

And what exactly is that supposed to mean, sticking it in a list of countries with high inflation rates?

Come up with a fact, not a suggestive question!

Here’s where you go horribly wrong and just repeat a talking point that my 5th grade said. “Market driven” doesn’t mean what you think it does. Edit: and how will the market find billions more BTU’s somewhere to “innovate” our way out of the bankrupt fossil fuel economy?

1 and 2 are what I said.
3 is a throw away because you “easily see” things that aren’t there. No one knows what you are seeing. It can take 20 posts before you give any clarity. Then we correct you. Then you deflect and obfuscate.
4. “The overuse of natural resources” is a sentence fragment. That’s not “change” or caused by weather, it’s a choice, often directly correlated with the accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few.

Too much to 'splain in #5

This is not rocket science. When Biden closed the Keystone XL on day one. It hurt national security, foreign policy, and energy? But the adults were now in charge. If Keystone XL is not going to work. The likely recipients are nations with far worse environmental regulations, like China or India.

Argus – Jan 24, 2022 Crude Summit: Canadian oil to compete directly in Asia
With the Trans Mountain (Expansion) starting up, there will be a substantial amount of crude that has access to west coast Canada," Esfahani said today at the Argus Americas Crude Summit in Houston. That expansion will provide nearly triple the existing 300,000 b/d of pipeline capacity between oil-rich Alberta and the west coast and provide a much shorter voyage to Asian markets.