RNC and Arizona Republicans File novel lawsuits intended to undercut AZ voting rights

Then they are going to be coming after your state.

By Madeleine Greenberg - February 9, 2024
Today, the Republican National Committee and Arizona Republicans filed a new lawsuitchallenging Arizona’s 2023 Election Procedures Manual (EPM), as Republicans continue their attack on election procedures in the state. …
Just last week, Republican legislative leaders in the state filed a different lawsuit targeting the new EPM’s provisions that pertain to Arizona’s Active Early Voting List, voter registration cancellation, petition circulator requirements (for a person who gathers signatures for candidate petitions or ballot initiatives) certifying elections and interpretations of ongoing legal proceedings.

Less than 72 hours ago, Stephen Miller’s right-wing legal group filed a lawsuit challenging election procedures in Maricopa County specifically. Democracy Docket is currently tracking six lawsuits filed by anti-voting forces that target election administration in Arizona. …

Read the complaint here.

Learn more about the case here.

Read the Arizona Election Procedures Manual here.

Trump, Republicans debut HORRIFYING new legal strategy

Feb 17, 2024 Democracy Watch with BTC and Marc Elias

Democracy Watch episode 82: Marc Elias discusses the GOP’s dangerous new legal strategy in Arizona.

We’ll see how it plays out.

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