Republican's drive towards utter US anarchy! Details are coming to light

No he hasn’t.

It’s not a vaccine.

He did NOT save people. Because he had nothing to gain, he didn’t save anyone, not even his own family. He let his own family get it by exposing them to large groups of people.

Did what? He didn’t do anything. So he did nothing because he loved his country and people? Or exposed everyone he could to the virus and killed over 500,000 people?

The true matter is that, even if world population does not grow, we are on a road to our doom.

In USA per capita CO2 emission is 18, 85 metric tons, in India 1, 58 metric ton.

The level of CO2 emission is strictly correlated to the level of life and of wealth.

You cannot ask people of third world country or even to the poor of developed ones to stay in poverty when some over consume.

And more, capitalism need growth. If we stay in a capitalist system, capitalism will give goods to be consumed to the poor, and it will be a disaster.

[Pollution by Country 2022]

[Carbon emissions of richest 1 percent more than double the emissions of the poorest half of humanity | Oxfam International]

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“Isn’t that what overpopulation means? “

Who says 8, 9 and 10 billion is overpopulation?

Source ?

Global Warming is already out of control after 300 years of human industrial development. Now think of doubling this in 70 years?

To have evidence of excess something, you need only look at the resulting conditions.

Humans are the most wasteful creature on earth . It has nothing to do with sheer numbers, it has to do with foot print .

And to return to the thread topic , the Republicans don’t care about the environment, or other people.

They believe if they eliminate all other humans they will be masters of the earth.
Actually, this is about the same mindset as the concept of a Muslim Caliphate.

Billions of people have created trillions of dollars of natural disasters resulting from Global Warming resulting from wastefully practices. Air pollution, Ocean pollution, river pollution, lake pollution, earth pollution from pesticides, Airconditioned hermetically sealed homes that are death traps , asbestos, chemical cleaners that produce resistant microorganisms. We are the enemy of all natural life on earth, except the insects who can adapt to anything we do to the environment…

We are the worst stewards of our environment, because we are greedy and lazy.

16 billion people would sure cause the end of the ecosphere and return the earth to a state of climatic chaos.

The irony is that the earth will just shrug us off like a surface nuisance.

To quote George Carlin:

“the planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference?”

“The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!”

A answer to the question would be nice


Facts + Statistics: Tornadoes and thunderstorms

Insured Losses

Convective storms are the most common and damaging natural catastrophes in the United States, according to the Insurance Information Institute’s May 2020 white paper, Severe convective storms.
According to Aon, insured losses in the United States from these storms totaled at least $10 billion each year since 2008.

While scientists cannot say that these storms are increasing, it is clear that the losses are increasing, as a result of population growth and economic development. In addition, the geography, frequency and intensity of these storms also may be changing. Aon reports that there were 14 separate billion-dollar economic, or total loss severe convective events in 2020.

The most expensive included the August 10 Midwest derecho, or straight lines winds. Aon’s current estimate of insured losses for severe convective storms in 2020 is a record $36 billion. The previous record was $32 billion in 2011.

**The United States experiences more tornadoes than any other country. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration notes that tornadoes can happen any time of year**.

The costliest U.S. catastrophe involving tornadoes, based on insured losses, occurred in April 2011. It hit Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and other areas, and cost $8.5 billion in insured damages (in 2020 dollars). The second costliest was the tornado system from August 8 to 12, 2020 that included the August 10 Midwest Derecho that caused $8.3 billion in insured losses… (See chart below.) The National Weather Service posts updated information on tornadoes.

Convective storms are the result of warm, moist air rising from the earth, and depending on atmospheric conditions, may develop into tornadoes, hail, thunderstorms with lightning, or straight-line winds. Convective storms are the most common and damaging natural catastrophes in the United States, according to the Triple-I’s May 2020 white paper, Severe convective storms.

According to catastrophe modeling company RMS, insured losses in the United States from these storms average about $17 billion each year, nearly equal to the losses incurred by hurricanes. While scientists cannot say that these storms are increasing, given the relatively short periods of reliable, post-Doppler radar data, it is clear that the losses are increasing, as a result of population growth and economic development

. In addition, the geography of these storms appear to be changing from what previously was called the “tornado alley” to the southern United States with tornado formation tending to develop further east.

And those are the statistics of insured losses!

And what causes high winds ? Global warming!

Nothing to do with population.

[quote=“triplex69, post:168, topic:8538, full:true”]
Nothing to do with population.

Of course it does. We even have a name for it the “Anthropocene”

I sum up : population = consumption = pollution = climate change = tornadoes


You said capitalism need for growth is the problem

It’s an opinion. It’s a matter of the quality of life on the planet. There can’t be a source for something like that.

It’s self-evident. The links are clearly present. Events of such magnitude are not accidental, they are always related . That is the nature of Nature.

Yes they have a source; the climate change.

When the temperature rises, tornado are more frequent.

[Climate change - Wikipedia]

[Tornadoes and Climate Change: What a Warming World Means for Deadly Twisters and the Type of Storms that Spawn Them - Giving Compass]

Well that depends on nothing going wrong? Doesn’t it?
Do people really think this next century will unfold like the last couple?

How about every one on the bottom half of this wealth chart!

Oh lordie, how do you figure that?

Population has everything to do Anthropogenic Global Warming - F’n coming and going.

You keep asking for answers - but that’s pointless if you never take the time to absorb the information you ask for!

At present, humans are putting an estimated 9.5 billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere each year by burning fossil fuels, and another 1.5 billion through deforestation and other land cover changes. Of this human-produced carbon, forests and other vegetation absorb around 3.2 billion metric tons per year, while the ocean absorbs about 2.5 billion metric tons per year. A net 5 billion metric tons of human-produced carbon remain in the atmosphere each year, raising the global average carbon dioxide concentrations by about 2.3 parts per million per year. Since 1750, humans have increased the abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by nearly 50 percent. Learn more.

We are observing something on display here that explains conspiracy theories, voting against your interest, fundamentalism, and who knows what else. The inability to connect 3 dots. Too many people doing too much creates pollution that they can’t revert leading to an uglier future.

A lot of people want just one cause and a clear effect, or they can’t accept the facts.


With improved wealth and resource distribution we could support a much larger world population. But, as noted above, with current technologies that would be to the detriment of the health of the planet - and ultimately humans.

For continued growth and expansion of the human species, we must go forth and exploit and ruin other worlds.

I’d be curious to know if Triplex69 ever actually studied any evolution, or biology, or climate sciences, ecology where they teach one about our interconnected biosphere, or oceanography, etc.

After every major catastrophe we hear the cry, ‘no one could have seen this coming’ yet the warning and the explanations have been getting broadcast for over a half century now, so why couldn’t so many imagine such a consequence. Then they have the audacity to blame some scapegoat.

Every contrarian argument can be unraveled with a little good faith homework, the point of inflection/deception can be flagged, the ignored factors can be explained, the larger climate/Earth system picture can be made coherent.

The missing element is GOOD FAITH CURIOSITY and genuine desire to learn and understand.

When defending one’s position is all that matters, we get the sort of confused self-delusional nonsense that folks like Triplex69 spit out. Sad part is, there’s no interest in accuracy, nor in learning anything. Plus things have gotten so huge and overwhelming, what’s any one of us not-one-percenters going to do, no matter what side you’re on, so the helpless impotence can get overwhelming.

I myself am for defending honesty and good faith learning and constructively confronting challenges - What are your priorities Triplex?

According to cnbc Trump did. Then WP has a column heading “Trump’s many pro-vaccine comments. Usatoday says he did. Bbc, vanityfair, nbcnews claims he did. I am listing these because I got hoodwinked by the Miami Herald yesterday. You notice I don’t us Facebook or Twitter. They are untrustworthy sites. Business insider - At the “Save America” rally in Cullman, Alabama, former President Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to “take the vaccines.”

I agree. It is a crazy world we live in today. Technically, we only have 2 sexes too. You wouldn’t know that by the crazy thinking today.

Trump stopped illegal migration. Therefore, he stopped unchecked people from entering the country with Covid. He quickly banned travel from China and other countries to prevent covid from entering the US. Nancy Pelosi claiming that concern about the virus was driven by racist sentiment. So, who was taking covid seriously? Trump got the distribution network started using the CARES Act at the same time the research for a vaccine was started. Trump changed how the government normally works and cut a lot of red tape. At the time Trump was being told that Covid would be like the flu. Fauci disagreed. Now we know that Fauci knew a lot he was not telling. Two days ago, Fauci said Americans will likely live with covid like the flu.

Trump caused a lot of trouble by making a big deal of covid when it was nothing more than racist sentiment, according to the Left. Just look at Cuomo. Claiming Trump was not doing his job because of not suppling what NY needed. What did Trump do. Sent in the army, the medical ship, and more ventilators than NY used. Cuomo sent how many recovering coronavirus patients from hospitals to nursing homes? Over 9,000 wasn’t it. While the military field hospital and medical ship sat empty. I would like to know what you thought of that. Who was taking the covid seriously? Mainstream media praising Cuomo and vilified Trump. Where were you at in this movement? NY now has several class action lawsuits that claim as many as 15,000 died from improperly refusing Trumps help. Ask yourself, did Trump have to do anything. There was no mandate to require Trump to use the military to help NY. Yet, Cuomo received the International Emmy Award for COVID leadership. Which has now been revoked.

Biden has just as many covid deaths as Trump. And Biden has three vaccines, masks, and 3T spent on Covid.

Remember Trump was told that Covid was not human transmissible, and he still started screening airports. Then China admitted it was transmissible and Trump closed the travel and declares a public health emergency. A month and a half before WHO declared. Pelosi was tearing up the State of Union Speech and trying to impeach Trump. And none were wearing masks. Trump then took 2.5B from the Ebola fund to use on Covid. The Democrats complained. Wanted Trump to use the political system for funding. Which could have taken months as Pelosi would not have brought it to vote. The Dow dropped 1,000 points as fear of covid started to take place. Feb 29 we have the first death from covid. You know the rest.

This is so messed up. I’m not going to try to straighten it out because you don’t listen to logic. Trump was saying it was like the flu in that the infection and death rates were low and it would go away in the Spring. He said that based on his confused understanding of the facts.