Putin and Trump - bromance and DNC Wikileaks - what's happening here?

What does any of that have to do with Trump?
It would be nice for a change to have someone in Washington looking out for the taxpayers.Like I said, What does any of that have to do with Trump?
What does any of that have to do with Trump?
It would be nice for a change to have someone in Washington looking out for the taxpayers.Like I said, What does any of that have to do with Trump? Answer - Everything. As you know the Secretary of State is nothing more than a Presidential advisor. Who services the actions of the Presidential office. Just look at the Iran agreement. The President shit on the American taxpayer. What was there, something like 1.7 billion dollars sent to Iran? If the government was doing their job and watching out for the American taxpayers. They would have deducted what Iran stole from the American companies and business. That is the proper way business is handled. And more than likely the way Trump would have handled the agreement. As President he will most likely have the interest of America coming first. Now that all of Iran funds are gone, the Americans who are owed by Iran are shit out of luck on trying to collect. Hillary started the talks, but I really can’t blame her. It was Obama’s call. China has trained over 20,000 bankers in western banking and English methods. They are ready to open banks around the world. And the best thing for us is to have a president like Trump to stop China and save the dollar. These are the real threats we face. They are not talked about because most Americans don’t understand how our system operates or gives a damn. Some of the other items in the bigger picture are the move to Socialism, world banking, digital money, and the ownership of the world’s natural resources. The control of news and data is only second to the control of the money. Our job is to protect our children and their future. To keep the earth in the best shape possible. To control the evils of greed, and try and make life fair for all people of the world. We should not be helping other people less we have taken care of our people first.
As President he will most likely have the interest of America coming first.
Trumps is a delusional, he's got no one's interesting in mind, but his own. Hell he can't even formulate complete sentences. As for China, it didn't take much research at all to see what a horrifying way over extended Ponzi scheme they got going there. The bigger they are the harder they fall. And the more they take with them.
Our job is to protect our children and their future. To keep the earth in the best shape possible. To control the evils of greed, and try and make life fair for all people of the world.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :smirk: :roll: :-S :down: Nah, in the real world America's job has been maximizing profits, minimizing responsibility, contempt for sustainability strategies. Self interest first, let the devil get the hind end.

Yea, at some point we need to get on the right track and our house in order. This needs to be done before we will be able to do anything of real value with climate change. I really liked Obama a lot and thought he was our guy that could make the right choices. Boy was I wrong.
Lois is saying that Trump doesn’t have sense enough to find and use good advisors. Yet, look at his economic team he put together. Not bad. Lois also says the Republicans are foot draggers. That’s correct, but remember Trump is not a real Republican or Democrat and probably the only one that is not a lawyer in Washington.
You say that he can’t formulate a complete sentence. Obama was a word smith, and we just ended up with the Chicago political machine running our country and controlling the IMF. Look how well that worked out.
As far as China, nice try, but no cigar. We kept a country under martial law for forty years by financing the KMT, who was our agent for the economic war with China. And that war is still going on today. With seven decades of operation, this may not be the time or place to get into the China factor. But, it is for those who follow world power a reason to vote for Trump.
Formosa Betrayed - YouTube , if you have time, based upon real facts it can help show the atmosphere of what has been going on. Our secret departments helped the KMT to build the richest political party in the world. With US dollars the KMT ends up owning over 400,000 companies in China, which gives the US has a very strong influence in the directions China goes. Today the KMT has moved all of its value away from the KMT party. This is because the US bondholders were trying to collect on KMT bonds. But the US courts and departments have been keeping the US bondholders from getting paid because they want to keep the KMT organization financially strong. Anyway, this is probably beginning to sound like a conspiracy theory. But if you ever get the time to do serious research on the subject you will find it every interesting with a vast history of operations in that part of the world.

Yea, at some point we need to get on the right track and our house in order.
What I said has nothing to do with your blah blah. I'm saying we got to get real about what got us here. Facts over faith and short-sighted self-interest. Getting real about what we are doing to ourselves and our planet. Or at least the young determined ones, the adventurers, surviver types, the ones who actually intend to weather the storm and upheaval of the coming decades. All the Right Wing has to offer is disregard for the planet that enables and sustains us. Along with disregard for the needs and realities of "others". The Right-Wing is as self-centered-blinded as a young a child. It's really quite amazing to observe. And so many just so along with it - like so many speople uncomfortable as hell, but never daring to speak up. :down:
I'm saying we got to get real about what got us here.
I see your point. Would like to add. I got to bring this up because it is of interest to me. One of the world top economist of the last century who was educated at Stanford, Columbia and Harvard. Who worked under Henry Morgenthau Jr. the Secretary of the Treasury but was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s guy. His name was Harry Dexter White. He took the Dawes Plan and put it to use and setup the economic for Europe and Asia. Most likely save millions of people from starvation and death. Stopped the spread of Communism by doing so. Yet, because of the government’s secret actions and departments, he did not live to testify against these departments and people who were in control of the American banking system and the U.S. Mint. Harry was branded a trader. The people in control, stayed in control. The public was trying to figure out how the printing plates got from the US Mint got to Germany and under Germany’s control, who then printed money. We never did find out how much US money Germany printed after the war, but it is said to be over a couple billion, which would be around 27 billion today. And then you have Watergate. No need to explain the facts. Point being. Any election that is being rigged by government departments is the enemy and needs to be stopped. In today’s news Trump came out and said that Obama was the co-founder of the ISIS. Hell, I had that figured out three years ago. Anyone that couldn’t see that is living in La La land. At the time I agreed with what Obama was doing and understood the reasons why. We just blew it on implementing the operation. And the reason I think we blew it was that too many of Obama’s people were too busy filling their pockets and not taking care of business. Obama did try to do some really good things, but his people were just to greedy to get the job done.
In today’s news Trump came out and said that Obama was the co-founder of the ISIS. Hell, I had that figured out three years ago. Anyone that couldn’t see that is living in La La land.
Anyone who believes that bullshit is out of touch with reality. Bush/Cheney set the stage for ISIS with their ill-advised invasion of Iraq which destabilized the Middle East. Going back further, Ronald Reagan (R-Hollywood) armed Saddam Hussein and the Taliban in the 1980s. Blaming Obama for the problems Republicans created is outrageously ignorant.
In today’s news Trump came out and said that Obama was the co-founder of the ISIS. Hell, I had that figured out three years ago. Anyone that couldn’t see that is living in La La land.
Anyone who believes that bullshit is out of touch with reality. Bush/Cheney set the stage for ISIS with their ill-advised invasion of Iraq which destabilized the Middle East. Going back further, Ronald Reagan (R-Hollywood) armed Saddam Hussein and the Taliban in the 1980s. Blaming Obama for the problems Republicans created is outrageously ignorant. Was the ISIS really a problem until Iraq sold the oil to China? To stop or slow the oil sales we held up the Iraqi Central Bank from handling oil sales. Basically the oil had to be cleared through Dubai banking system, is that not correct? Then the goal is to split Iraq’s oil. This has to be done by creating the country of Kurdistan. Kurdistan as a country will have the sixth largest oil reserve in the world. And already has pipelines going to Europe. The Iraqi Kurds were already an autonomous region and people. During the war the Kurds were not even allowed to have guns, Baghdad has pretty much treated the Kurds as second class citizens. In the 70’s and 90’s there were bloody conflicts between the Kurds and the Iraqi Arabs. With Russia having a choke hold on Europe’s energy. Europe really needs a reliable oil supply. Creating the new country of Kurdistan will accomplish this. So how do we go about creating the country of Kurdistan? Well, if you have a country, the country has to have an army to defend itself. So, how do we get an army for Kurdistan? We have to make a conflict. And that is where ISIS comes into play. Didn’t you ever think it was strange that when we needed an enemy for Kurdistan that the ISIS would be able to take over small towns that the US had filled the vaults with money and parked a lot of military hardware in those towns? And that ISIS would go after the Kurdish region instead of Baghdad? So where are we now on this project? We now have military advisors training the new Kurdish army. Just yesterday it came out that the Kurdish army had soldiers fighting in Syria. When the Army spends $500,000,000.00 and only gets a hand full of soldiers trained in Jordan. You can bet that the money went to Kurdish army. This is only skimming the surface. You are right that ISIS was around before Obama. But Obama is using ISIS for being able to outfit the Kurd's, so they can break off from Iraq thus contract the oil to Europe. We stopped China from getting the oil from the Canada sands. So China is going after Iraqi oil. Iraq is screwing the United States and selling to China. If China get all of Iraq’s oil, then Europe will need to compete with America for Venezuela’s oil. I agree with creating a new country. But please, we do need to stop dragging our feet and get the job done.
In today’s news Trump came out and said that Obama was the co-founder of the ISIS. Hell, I had that figured out three years ago. Anyone that couldn’t see that is living in La La land.
Anyone who believes that bullshit is out of touch with reality. Bush/Cheney set the stage for ISIS with their ill-advised invasion of Iraq which destabilized the Middle East. Going back further, Ronald Reagan (R-Hollywood) armed Saddam Hussein and the Taliban in the 1980s. Blaming Obama for the problems Republicans created is outrageously ignorant.But see that's the brilliance of Trump (I just vomitted in my own mouth). He gets the point that most people, even relatively informed Dems, don't care one bit about nuance and explanations and so on. So he used a totally relatable word like Founder and MVP awards to get a generic point across that Obama had something, anything to do with ISIS becoming more prominent. And then by repeating it over and over like a good propagandist, he drives his point home. This is what so many pundits don't seem to understand. He's addressing the ignorant masses, not the pundits, not the press, not semi-informed folks like those in forums (lib and con). He knows his audience.
In today’s news Trump came out and said that Obama was the co-founder of the ISIS. Hell, I had that figured out three years ago. Anyone that couldn’t see that is living in La La land.
Anyone who believes that bullshit is out of touch with reality. Bush/Cheney set the stage for ISIS with their ill-advised invasion of Iraq which destabilized the Middle East. Going back further, Ronald Reagan (R-Hollywood) armed Saddam Hussein and the Taliban in the 1980s. Blaming Obama for the problems Republicans created is outrageously ignorant.But see that's the brilliance of Trump (I just vomitted in my own mouth). He gets the point that most people, even relatively informed Dems, don't care one bit about nuance and explanations and so on. So he used a totally relatable word like Founder and MVP awards to get a generic point across that Obama had something, anything to do with ISIS becoming more prominent. And then by repeating it over and over like a good propagandist, he drives his point home. This is what so many pundits don't seem to understand. He's addressing the ignorant masses, not the pundits, not the press, not semi-informed folks like those in forums (lib and con). He knows his audience. Gotta agree with you there, and we have a perfect example love in Mike Yohe's convoluted rationalization about Obama using ISIS to arm the Kurds. Notice his reply to me calling out his ignorance does not address the claim that Obama founded ISIS, as Trump said and Mike stated he figured out three years ago. That's the way it is with ideologues; they twist facts to fit their beliefs and ignore all rules of logic.
In today’s news Trump came out and said that Obama was the co-founder of the ISIS. Hell, I had that figured out three years ago. Anyone that couldn’t see that is living in La La land.
Anyone who believes that bullshit is out of touch with reality. Bush/Cheney set the stage for ISIS with their ill-advised invasion of Iraq which destabilized the Middle East. Going back further, Ronald Reagan (R-Hollywood) armed Saddam Hussein and the Taliban in the 1980s. Blaming Obama for the problems Republicans created is outrageously ignorant.But see that's the brilliance of Trump (I just vomitted in my own mouth). He gets the point that most people, even relatively informed Dems, don't care one bit about nuance and explanations and so on. So he used a totally relatable word like Founder and MVP awards to get a generic point across that Obama had something, anything to do with ISIS becoming more prominent. And then by repeating it over and over like a good propagandist, he drives his point home. This is what so many pundits don't seem to understand. He's addressing the ignorant masses, not the pundits, not the press, not semi-informed folks like those in forums (lib and con). He knows his audience. US adults are dumber than the average human http://nypost.com/2013/10/08/us-adults-are-dumber-than-the-average-human/ :-)
In today’s news Trump came out and said that Obama was the co-founder of the ISIS. Hell, I had that figured out three years ago. Anyone that couldn’t see that is living in La La land.
Anyone who believes that bullshit is out of touch with reality. Bush/Cheney set the stage for ISIS with their ill-advised invasion of Iraq which destabilized the Middle East. Going back further, Ronald Reagan (R-Hollywood) armed Saddam Hussein and the Taliban in the 1980s. Blaming Obama for the problems Republicans created is outrageously ignorant.But see that's the brilliance of Trump (I just vomitted in my own mouth). He gets the point that most people, even relatively informed Dems, don't care one bit about nuance and explanations and so on. So he used a totally relatable word like Founder and MVP awards to get a generic point across that Obama had something, anything to do with ISIS becoming more prominent. And then by repeating it over and over like a good propagandist, he drives his point home. This is what so many pundits don't seem to understand. He's addressing the ignorant masses, not the pundits, not the press, not semi-informed folks like those in forums (lib and con). He knows his audience. Gotta agree with you there, and we have a perfect example love in Mike Yohe's convoluted rationalization about Obama using ISIS to arm the Kurds. Notice his reply to me calling out his ignorance does not address the claim that Obama founded ISIS, as Trump said and Mike stated he figured out three years ago. That's the way it is with ideologues; they twist facts to fit their beliefs and ignore all rules of logic. Coming from a guy who said Trump will never be nominated. It must be frustrating going through life and not being able to understand the big picture as it plays out. I am saying that for those who can see past the spin to the logic. That they are seeing a new country being formed. Are you willing to make the statement that there will not be a new country for the Kurd's?

Excuse me, let me swing it back on point.

http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/18814 By Peter Dreier Posted on August 12, 2016 .... A week ago, reporters were writing about whether Trump’s invitation to Russian President Vladimir Putin to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails was treasonous or otherwise illegal. That was bad enough. But now this. As Ezra Klein pointed out in a Vox column and video last week, there are no words to describe this kind of behavior. “Abnormal" doesn’t do it justice. Nor does “monstrous." “Sociopathic" might describe Trump’s condition, but it doesn’t describe our condition as we routinely hear such Trump statements on the campaign trail. The only thing that comes close is philosopher Hannah Arendt’s notion of the “banality of evil." She coined this phrase in her 1963 book, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, about the trial of Adolph Eichmann, a top administrator in the machinery of the Nazi death camps, in an Israeli courtroom. If someone carries out unspeakable crimes often enough, he or she comes to accept them as “normal." That was Arendt’s view of Eichmann. But the “banality of evil" also applies to an entire society. We can get used to outrageous things—slavery, Jim Crow segregation laws, massive homelessness, widespread malnutrition, the frequent killing of Black men by police—until we are provoked to view them as unjust. This is the dilemma now facing Americans—and particularly American journalists ...
AMERICAN CHRONICLES JULY 11 & 18, 2016 ISSUE WHO ARE ALL THESE TRUMP SUPPORTERS? At the candidate’s rallies, a new understanding of America emerges. By George Saunders http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/07/11/george-saunders-goes-to-trump-rallies
... It’s oddly riveting, watching someone take such pleasure in going so much farther out on thin ice than anyone else as famous would dare to go. His crowds are ever hopeful for the next thrilling rude swerve. “There could be no politics which gave warmth to one’s body until the country had recovered its imagination, its pioneer lust for the unexpected and incalculable," Norman Mailer wrote in 1960. The speeches themselves are nearly all empty assertion. Assertion and bragging. Assertion, bragging, and defensiveness. He is always boasting about the size of this crowd or that crowd, refuting some slight from someone who has treated him “very unfairly," underscoring his sincerity via adjectival pile-on (he’s “going to appoint beautiful, incredible, unbelievable Supreme Court Justices"). He lies, bullies, menaces, dishes it out but can’t seem to take it, exhibits such a muddy understanding of certain American principles (the press is free, torture illegal, criticism and libel two different things) that he might be a seventeenth-century Austrian prince time-transported here to mess with us. Sometimes it seems that he truly does not give a shit, and you imagine his minders cringing backstage. Other times you imagine them bored, checking their phones, convinced that nothing will ever touch him. Increasingly, his wild veering seems to occur against his will, as if he were not the great, sly strategist we have taken him for but, rather, someone compelled by an inner music that sometimes produces good dancing and sometimes causes him to bring a bookshelf crashing down on an old Mexican lady. ...
Meanwhile, there sat reality: huge, ambiguous, too complicated to be usefully assessed by our prevailing mutual ambition—to fight and win, via delivery of the partisan zinger. LeftLand and RightLand are housemates who are no longer on speaking terms. And then the house is set on fire. By Donald Trump. Good people from both subnations gape at one another through the smoke. WHO ARE THEY? (PART I) ...
... The Trump supporter comes out of the conservative tradition but is not a traditional conservative. He is less patient: something is bothering him and he wants it stopped now, by any means necessary. He seems less influenced by Goldwater and Reagan than by Fox News and reality TV, his understanding of history recent and selective; he is less religiously grounded and more willing, in his acceptance of Trump’s racist and misogynist excesses, to (let’s say) forgo the niceties. As for Trump’s uncivil speech—the insults, the petty meanness, the crudeness, the talk about hand size, the assurance, on national TV, that his would-be Presidential dick is up to the job, his mastery of the jaw-droppingly untrue personal smear (Obama is Kenyan, Ted Cruz’s dad was in cahoots with Lee Harvey Oswald, U.S. Muslims knew what was “going on" pre-Orlando), which he often dishonorably eases into the world by attaching some form of the phrase “many people have said this" (The world is flat; many people have said this. People are saying that birds can play the cello: we need to look into that)—his supporters seem constitutionally reluctant to object, as if the act of objecting would mark them as fatally delicate. Objecting to this sort of thing is for the coddled, the liberal, the élite. “Yeah, he can really improve, in the way he says things," one woman in Fountain Hills tells me. “But who gives a shit? Because if he’s going to get the job done? I’m just saying. You can’t let your feelings get hurt. It’s kind of like, get over it, you know what I mean? What’s the big picture here? The big picture is we’ve got to get America back on track." The ability to shrug off ...

Littwin: Killing the messenger won’t help Mike Littwin September 08, 2016 http://www.coloradoindependent.com/161097/matt-lauer-tanks-during-forum-but-trump-is-the-problem ... We’ve covered Putin. {You'll have to link to the story for that part - I thought these next paragraphs were more telling.} (The essential Trump quote: “If he says great things about me, I’m going to say great things about him.") But there’s so much more. Trump attempted to defend a 2013 tweet about sexual assault in the military in which he wrote: “What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?" He said it was a “correct" tweet and that “many" thought it was “absolutely correct." And then he said the way to solve the problem was to “set up a court system within the military." What in the name of Lindsey Graham was he talking about? There’s more. When trying to reconcile his year-long promise of a “secret" plan to decimate ISIS with his latest non-secret plan to call together top generals to come up with their own plan to decimate ISIS, Trump insisted that he really did have a secret fool-proof plan but just wanted to make sure there wasn’t an even more fool-proof plan that he should also consider. Of course, on the same night, he had to answer for his statement that he knew more about ISIS than the generals — yes, he has said this – by contending that the generals under Obama and Clinton had been “reduced to rubble" and were “embarrassing." And he added that when he called together his generals for their ISIS plan, there’d be a bunch of new generals, as if he plans to fire all the old generals. Maybe he thinks this is just another episode of The Apprentice, which, God knows, we could only wish were true. ...

It’s really incredible for a simple guy who grew up with and who still believes in honesty, honor, dignity, treating others with respect, walking a mile in the other’s moccasins and all that - to absorb the depth of the degeneration that has taken hold of our modern country.
We were never nice people but this generation is taking us straight down the poopshoot towards cockroachville.

Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks The transparency organization asked the president’s son for his cooperation—in sharing its work, in contesting the results of the election, and in arranging for Julian Assange to be Australia’s ambassador to the United States. JULIA IOFFE NOV 13, 2017 https://www. theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/11/the-secret-correspondence-between-donald-trump-jr-and-wikileaks/545738/
Assange Claims WikiLeaks Was Trying to ‘Beguile’ Donald Trump Jr. Into Leaking The president’s son posted his exchanges with the organization on Twitter after The Atlantic disclosed their contents. Julian Assange greets supporters outside the Ecuadorian embassy in London on May 19, 2017.Frank Augstein / AP ELAINE GODFREY 12:14 AM ET https://www. theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/11/assange-claims-wikileaks-was-trying-to-beguile-donald-trump-jr-into-leaking/545819/ Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, responded to The Atlantic’s disclosure of private communications between his group and Donald Trump Jr. by praising his organization for its “chutzpah" in attempting to take advantage of the president’s son.