Then regarding the comment:Not really grilling her about the items in the Clinton Cash. If any of the Clinton Cash is true, then there is the real reason for private emails and the deleting of emails was for the bigger picture. If you didn’t get a chance to view the documentary that Lausten posted in post #11, you should. And as Lausten stated, “that doesn’t mean that they contain any evidence". But it is an eye opener. I didn’t know about half the stuff that was in the documentary.She is too big to prosecute. Aren’t people writing books about things that the Clinton’s have done that would have put anybody else in jail?This is a joke, right? They've been grilling her for months at great expense to the taxpayers based on smoke and mirrors. And so many have done worse and gotten less, I wouldn't know where to start the list. Maybe with David Petraeus?
What's happening here is a grand display of ignorance on the part of Trump and his followers.Are you sure the people are following Trump? Or is Trump following the people? The people following Trump are mindless lemmings. And he is able to dig them out of the woodwork with empty promises to a better life. I'm afraid he'll get the same result as he had with Trump "University" if you don't know, look it up. Fools following the Pied Piper.
The people following Trump are mindless lemmings. And he is able to dig them out of the woodwork with empty promises to a better life. I'm afraid he'll get the same result as he had with Trump "University" if you don't know, look it up. Fools following the Pied Piper.Oh dear, :grrr: what a wild and hairy ride that was. If anyone still has any doubt about the troubling nature of Donald Trump’s record, he or she should be obliged to read the affidavit of Ronald Schnackenberg, a former salesman for Trump University. Schnackenberg’s testimony was one of the documents unsealed by a judge in the class-action suit, which was brought in California by some of Trump University’s disgruntled former attendees. {you can find it here:} Schnackenberg, who worked in Trump’s office at 40 Wall Street, testified that “while Trump University claimed it wanted to help consumers make money in real estate, in fact Trump University was only interested in selling every person the most expensive seminars they possibly could." The affidavit concludes, “Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money." Low, et al. vs. Trump University, LLC., et al. United States District Court for the Southern District of California No. 3:10-cv-00940 Cohen vs. Donald J. Trump United States District Court for the Southern District of California No. 3:13-cv-02519 If you purchased a “Trump University" program, two class action lawsuits may affect your rights. The Cohen (Nationwide) Action: A Trump University “student" sued Donald J. Trump (“Trump") for falsely or misleadingly promising access to his real estate techniques taught by his “hand-picked" professors and adjunct professors at his elite university. Mr. Cohen alleges that Trump’s failure to deliver at Trump University “Live Events," including 3-day seminars and mentorships, violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO"). The Low (California/Florida/New York) Action: In a separate case, other “students" sued Trump University, LLC (“Trump University") and Trump for similarly promising, but failing to deliver on Trump’s real estate secrets at his “university" Live Events, or provide the mentoring promised, in violation of state consumer protection, false advertising and elder financial abuse laws. On October 24, 2014, the Court issued an order certifying the Cohen (Nationwide) Action as a class action of purchasers across the United States. On February 21, 2014, the Court had previously certified the Low (California/Florida/New York) Action as a class action for those who purchased Trump University Live Events within California, Florida, and New York. These cases are proceeding simultaneously. If you purchased a “Trump University" Live such as a seminar or mentorship, in California, New York or Florida, you may be a member of both the Cohen and Low Actions. If you were over the age of 65 and resided in California at the time you purchased a Live Event in that state, you may be entitled to additional recoveries and/or Trump University and Trump may be subject to fines under state laws protecting senior citizens from financial abuse. If you were over the age of 60 and located in Florida at the time you purchased a Live Event there, Trump University and Trump may be subject to fines under state laws protecting senior citizens from financial abuse. The Court has not decided whether Trump University and Trump did anything wrong. There is no money available now, nor is there any guarantee that there will be. You may review the Frequently Asked Questions, and the Important Documents for more details.Hmmm, no wonder Trump is screaming about Hillary's alleged wrong doing. Thee ol smoke screen...
The danger remains. If Hillary isn’t elected we get Trump. At least we have half a chance of survival with Hillary. Trump would be an absolute disaster for the whole country at every level. Be careful what you wish for. Are you ready to put the country into the hands of a rank amateur with a hyperinflated ego who has already shown he has no diplomatic or political skills and no understanding of the Constitution? It would be one disaster after another–including a trashed economy.
Definitely the people following Trump. They need an authoritarian figure to make them feel safe.But, there's also the aspect of people just being plain pissed off and scared and resentful and they want to tell the system (and the haves) to fuck itself. And Trump is the biggest Fuck You out there. Stupid and self destructive but then the right wing, faith-based crowd are know for embracing self destructive actions and then blaming everyone else for the destruction they themselves have wrought. You're right. The "haves" are already in charge. Do we want them to have even more power? An authoritarian figure to make people feel safe is exactly what the Germans wanted and got in 1932--when Hitler was appointed--not elected--as Chancellor of Germany and became its dictator. Turned out well, didn't it? See the details here: Don't think something similar couldn't happen here.
Definitely the people following Trump. They need an authoritarian figure to make them feel safe.But, there's also the aspect of people just being plain pissed off and scared and resentful and they want to tell the system (and the haves) to fuck itself. And Trump is the biggest Fuck You out there. Stupid and self destructive but then the right wing, faith-based crowd are known for embracing self destructive actions and then blaming everyone else for the destruction they themselves have wrought. You're right. The "haves" are already in charge. Do we want them to have even more power? An authoritarian figure to make people feel safe is exacrly what the Germans wanted and got in 1932--when Hitler was appointed--not elected--as Chancellor of Germany and became its dictator. Turned out well, didn't it? See the details here: Don't think something similar couldn't happen here.That's why I'm downright scared this election cycle. Nixon, Reagan, Bush junior, yes the nightmare could happen. This one will be as bad all three of those clowns put together, sans the faux economic recovery - which in essence simply put off reckoning day, while having robbed us of all the resources needed to face our reckoning.
There kinda is an environmental establishment. It's still anti-nuclear, which in effect ends up being pro-coal. It's anti-GMO, which ends up being anti-help for the poor. Both of those are anti-science, although I realize they think they are, but so do creationists and anti-global warmingists. I'd love to see the Bible as literature in high schools. It already is in some. Hopefully that would push having other religions as literature also. In the UK, this has acted as an inoculate against religion, when you grow up seeing it all as myth. Of course, that's not what they mean, but even just forcing the discussion, forcing the different theologians to get together and agree on a curriculum, would be a great debate for this country to have.We need to trash all the conspiracy trash and strawman politicking and step back and look at the bigger picture.I agree. Everyone seems all wrapped around the personalities and sound bites. I took a look at the bigger picture by reading through the Republican 2016 Platform and the Democratic 2016 Platform. Here are a few random excerpts from the GOP Platform:• The environment is too important to be left to radical environmentalists. They are using yesterday’s tools to control a future they do not comprehend. The environmental establishment has become a self-serving elite, stuck in the mindset of the 1970s, subordinating the public’s consensus to the goals of the Democratic Party. Their approach is based on shoddy science, scare tactics, and centralized command-and-control regulation. • A good understanding of the Bible being indispensable for the development of an educated citizenry, we encourage state legislatures to offer the Bible in a literature curriculum as an elective in America’s high schools.
I'd love to see the Bible as literature in high schools. It already is in some. Hopefully that would push having other religions as literature also. In the UK, this has acted as an inoculate against religion, when you grow up seeing it all as myth. Of course, that's not what they mean, but even just forcing the discussion, forcing the different theologians to get together and agree on a curriculum, would be a great debate for this country to have.Sanskrit is taught in some German and British schools. Maybe that is the way we should go. Sanskrit, is oldest known language and the foundation for many modern languages, including English. It is often referred to as the language of the gods. Sanskrit covers many areas like Ayurvedic medicine, psychology, yoga, vedic maths, rhythm, music, dance, etymology, grammar and methods for self-knowledge. Some of the views is that the original language is much more in touch with the humans in many different ways, kind of like touching the soul. Whatever, it is the teachers that seem to see great value in the Vedic language. It started over a decade ago being taught and has really caught on in some countries. Point being, I think teaching the bible is limited in a lot of ways, and the Vedic is more scientific. The bible projects people were goat herders and stupid. The Vedic shows that people were advanced intellectually. I do agree with you, it would be good to have a debate.
I’d love to see the Bible as literature in high schoolsAt first I was against this, but now I am totally for it. If Trump gets elected, I will start working toward getting a teaching degree so that I can teach at the high school level. By that time (2-3 year), I should be ready to retire and launch into teaching as a "second" career. I can see myself assigning papers to my students to discuss such things as: "The Bible: Fact vs. Fiction", "Mythology: Which Gods are your Favorite and Why (I kind of like the Norse gods; Thor and his hammer and all that [aka My God can kick your God's ass])"; "Discuss the Bible as Good or Bad Science Fiction"; and these just popped into my head just now. I would include Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason" as a part of the curriculum.
Definitely the people following Trump. They need an authoritarian figure to make them feel safe.But, there's also the aspect of people just being plain pissed off and scared and resentful and they want to tell the system (and the haves) to fuck itself. And Trump is the biggest Fuck You out there. Stupid and self destructive but then the right wing, faith-based crowd are know for embracing self destructive actions and then blaming everyone else for the destruction they themselves have wrought. I'm afraid that's always been the case. It isn't going away anytime soon. There are always more stupid people in any population than rationall ones. They love a leader who can be stupid along with them. Lois
Definitely the people following Trump. They need an authoritarian figure to make them feel safe.But, there's also the aspect of people just being plain pissed off and scared and resentful and they want to tell the system (and the haves) to fuck itself. And Trump is the biggest Fuck You out there. Stupid and self destructive but then the right wing, faith-based crowd are know for embracing self destructive actions and then blaming everyone else for the destruction they themselves have wrought. I'm afraid that's always been the case. It isn't going away anytime soon. There are always more stupid people in any population than rationall ones. They love a leader who can be stupid along with them. Lois The Obama/Clinton 3-D strategy: Delay, Distract and Deflect. It is intentionally deceptive and unethical and sometimes unconstitutional. But a method that is being used by Democrats to steal the power to control the common working Americans (stupid people). Does the actions of the Democrats make you feel good?
Does the actions of the Democrats make you feel good?Actually, I could not care less. I'm already sick and tired of listening to all the burned out Bernie supporters who wail and moan about how the primaries were rigged (typical loser whining), Hilary sent emails (OMG!), Hilary lies (OMG! A politician who lies! That must be a first), and the Clinton Cash. Waaa, waaa, waaa. Compared to Trump, all of that combined is like demanding the arrest of someone who spit on the sidewalk. If I was not going to vote for Hilary before, all this crap makes me want to vote for her now. Let's talk about who has actually done something for the country. Hilary has. Trump has not. If I have to listen to one more moron/burned-out-Bernie-reject tell me how they're voting for Trump or that Liberal version of Ben Carson from the Green Party because Hilary made them cry and wet themselves, I'm going to run over to the local Democratic Party HQ and grab some Hilary lawn signs.
Good luck!Does the actions of the Democrats make you feel good?Actually, I could not care less. I'm already sick and tired of listening to all the burned out Bernie supporters who wail and moan about how the primaries were rigged (typical loser whining), Please provide a citation for Bernie Sanders saying the nomination process was rigged. Hilary sent emails (OMG!), Hilary lies (OMG! A politician who lies! That must be a first), and the Clinton Cash. Waaa, waaa, waaa. Compared to Trump, all of that combined is like demanding the arrest of someone who spit on the sidewalk. If I was not going to vote for Hilary before, all this crap makes me want to vote for her now. Let's talk about who has actually done something for the country. Hilary has. Trump has not. If I have to listen to one more moron/burned-out-Bernie-reject tell me how they're voting for Trump or that Liberal version of Ben Carson from the Green Party because Hilary made them cry and wet themselves, I'm going to run over to the local Democratic Party HQ and grab some Hilary lawn signs.
Let's talk about who has actually done something for the country. Hilary has. Trump has not.I need some help here, I really can’t think of what Hilary has done. Job losses. Health insurance nightmare. You got me. Help please.
I need some help here, I really can’t think of what Hilary has done. Job losses. Health insurance nightmare. You got me. Help please.I'll tell you what. You list what Donald Trump has done for America, and I'll make a list for Hilary. :lol:
Let's talk about who has actually done something for the country. Hilary has. Trump has not.I need some help here, I really can’t think of what Hilary has done. Job losses. Health insurance nightmare. You got me. Help please. You are way past getting a pass around here. You don't get to say things without backing them up. Show us the job numbers. Define nightmare. The millions of people who now have insurance that didn't have it a few years ago certainly wouldn't call it that. Edit; changed "hate" to "have", Freudian slip
She helped expand children’s health insurance.]
Then just some general stuff from US News & World Report: Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments Speak for themselves]
• As a U.S. senator, she was the first first lady to be elected to this office. She was instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site’s redevelopment. She subsequently took a leading role in investigating the health issues that 9/11 first responders were facing.
• After visiting soldiers in Iraq, Clinton noted that the insurgency had failed to disrupt the democratic elections held earlier, and that parts of the country were functioning well. Noting that war deployments were draining regular and reserve forces, she cointroduced legislation to increase the size of the regular Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain and supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans. She also she introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act.
• As our secretary of state, Clinton visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation. She advocated an expanded role in global economic issues for the State Department and cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic presence, especially in Iraq, where the Defense Department had conducted diplomatic missions. Clinton unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program, prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan, saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord, and assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the decision to use military force in Libya. (speaks to her experience in preparing her to become POTUS).
I imagine you’ll just say that these things don’t count or that they are merely liberal propaganda. Or perhaps I’m wrong and you’ll admit Hilary has done more positive things for America than Donald Trump. Stranger things have happened.
Well Mr. Trump has screwed an awful lot of contractors and vendors out of what he owed them. Trump has made lusting one's own daughter dinner discussion. Trump's upset that people think he's got the littlest peepee for a man of his size. Trump brags about receiving state secrets and immediately shares the content with the world, then again it could be he was fantasizing about a public video and grossly misrepresenting it. Trump has the coolest Gold furniture you ever did see. Oh and has Trump made sacrifices, oh his sacrifices for his country, let me tell you big sacrifices, very big sacrifices, no body has sacrificed like the Donald, you can take it to the bank well that list is so unbelievable, I'll let Yahoo share those insights.I need some help here, I really can’t think of what Hilary has done. Job losses. Health insurance nightmare. You got me. Help please.I'll tell you what. You list what Donald Trump has done for America, and I'll make a list for Hilary. :lol:
Let's talk about who has actually done something for the country. Hilary has. Trump has not.I need some help here, I really can’t think of what Hilary has done. Job losses. Health insurance nightmare. You got me. Help please. Can anyone explain xplain the job losses she is responsible for and what did she do to cause a "health insurance nightmare"? People having health insurance certainly is a nightmare for Republicans.
Couldn’t think of anything could you? :-) Trump has been successful as a businessman in what is becoming an extinct occupation without government backing. Even Obama tried to get businesses going on tax payer dollars. He lost billions of taxpayers dollars. Hilary has the same track record when she helped fund the start up of what is now known as Isis, very bad business endeavor.I need some help here, I really can’t think of what Hilary has done. Job losses. Health insurance nightmare. You got me. Help please.I'll tell you what. You list what Donald Trump has done for America, and I'll make a list for Hilary. :lol: