I sometimes psychically attack people I don’t like. I learned how from a South Park episode. I just wish I could find someone to play Dungeons and Dragons with so I could learn some real life magic spells like all those people you see casting fireball and lightning bolt in the park all the time until the cops come chase them off.

You need to be careful as these things can and will come back on you.

Without being rude, you seem immature but that could just be your age.

The dangers that lie is pretty much like playing with fire. You have to know what you are doing and most important of all you must have a reason. Simply disliking someone is going against the forces of nature. Before anyone asks, wicca, magic, sorcery and even telepathic abilities are natural. Not being able to use them is for a reason and mostly down to ignorance and the need for protection. The devil has more important things to do rather than picking on humans. What we have to worry about is discarnate forces that keep their distance because of human ignorance. Without meaning to be bolshy, psychics have no excuses for tampering into the occult. The reason is that we know better than to dabble. If and when we do, there is very little to protect us. Ignorance is the best defence which works on our non belief system building up a shield by strongly believing that the paranormal does not exist.

The worst thing to worry about are not the demons but the psychiatrists. Better any demon than to tackle with the shrinks! Half our mental hospitals are full with people hearing voices in their head…lol


Hey. What’s ur status? Have things gotten better?

I am a expert by no means, but I understand to a better degree than most, if not everyone here.

  1. It sounds like you are a Psychic Empath. Giving you the benefit of the doubt in terms of being a troll, you are experiencing obsession. There is not a ton of research available, but it is referenced in Dion Fortuna’s Psychic Self Defense. It’s a lesser form of possession. It’s based on an attacker establishing “rapport” with a victim. The increase in camera technology is likely going to lead to more cases like the one you’re experiencing.

  2. “Crazy” is based on whether you can function in society in which you live. I know it’s hard, but it’s up to you to make sure you’re not labeled as such. Take care of yourself and uphold your image. If it helps at all, many of the people in this society live insanity… this may be a your path to come out and “awaken” completely to a much more enlightening life. Life is a wave. The down times make the up times all the more sweet

  3. Times are changing. People are more connected to each other and information than ever before. The people who are calling you crazy and saying there is no evidence for such phenomenon are going to exist until someone with a suit and tie (or a politician) announces it on the news… and as a government, if I understand this exists, why would I announce it without a way to regulate or profit from it?

With that being said, I will give you the ideas that will help you. You need to re-establish spiritual power. Here are some methods:

  1. YouTube video by a beautiful young lady: Transmute Energetic Intrusions and psychic attacks. Start using your voice to command your energy. As soon as you hear the voice, remind your body aloud that you want to disconnect from the source.

  2. Prayer. In case you aren’t specifically religious, I’ll give you two that I like:

“I seek refuge with the Lord of daybreak, from the evil of what He has created, And from the evil of the dark night when it penetrates, And from the evil of the blowers (men or women) into knots, And from the evil of an envious one when he envies.”

“I seek refuge with the Sustainer of men, the Sovereign of men, the God of men, from the evil of the whispering, elusive tempter who whispers in the hearts of men, from all [temptation to evil by] invisible forces as well as men.”

  1. Environment. You’re a psychic Empath. That’s the only reason they are able to connect with you. Let your body does what it does in an environment that you want it to. Go into nature is number one. Just spend time as much time there as possible. Sleeping/eating/activities ect. Get around or create high vibrations if youre in a city (I hear cactus is a good plant to keep around). Also, if you dilute nitric acid (mentioned in Dion Fortune’s book) it may help. Consecrated salt and vinegar is suggested as a less powerful substitute.

  2. Staying active. I’m sure you’ve noticed that these attacks persist the more time you spend thinking about whether they can hear you. Get into the gym, start some form of martial arts, start creating/thinking of ideas you’re into, read books that spark your interest, GARDEN - get dirty. There’s a reason why cats/dogs roll around in the grass.

  3. Make a Witches Bottle. Maybe do this first. Glass. Splinters Trash. Nasty stuff. Liquor. reference defense against the dark by Emily Carlin for the specific ritual… but a good option maybe to add Cayenne Pepper as an extra “F*ck off” present.

  4. Keep a positive attitude. You’re going to have to fight. Remember, it takes more energy to attack than it does to defend. You have to wear the attacker’s resources down. I’m not sure if someone is really spending all day attacking you, but remember adaptation is key. The potato and egg are boiled with two vastly different results… what are you going to become from this??

Good luck.