Profiles in Courage: Liz Cheney


And the beat goes on.

Former Senator Claire McCaskill, founder of Punchbowl News Jake Sherman, and New York Times Congressional correspondent Luke Broadwater discuss the strength of the some of the firsthand evidence that the January 6th committee has uncovered.

I added this over here since talk about Liz Cheney takes up the later part of this interesting update.

Does anyone know: Cheney’s voting record? Someone told it was 93% with trump

Possible. But at least, she is honest !

She honestly voted the same as trump!

Then why was she stripped from her No.3 position in the Republican party? She must have done something principled to incur the wrath of the party leadership.

Liz Cheney Removed From GOP Post Over Trump Criticism

May 12, 2021 — This is the second time the Wyoming Republican faced calls for her removal as the No. 3 Republican in the House. But this time, she did not …

(Liz Cheney Removed From GOP Post Over Trump Criticism : NPR)

taking one’s Idealism too far is the downfall of our democracy - take a look at the 2000 election and that Nader* turning into a demigod that gave the election to the Republican, who then played chicken with terrorists, by ignoring their National Security Advisers, and inviting terrorist to give us their best shot, because the Bush/Cheney Clan had a plan of vengeance and profiteering they were hoping to accomplish.

The idealistic mentality that ignoring imperfect election is some sort of moral high ground is idiotic, all it does is pave the way for yet more despotism - as history has clearly shown.

** Had Nader been pragmatic, he’d have joined forces with Democrats in the week ahead of the election, and become a political king makers, instead in made himself a place in hell, right next to bin Laden. I especial resentful, yes viciously resentful because in his sane younger years, Nader made clear he would never become a politician - but of course, vanity, oh the vanity.*

Of course the pig Clinton, and the half measure smug Democrats didn’t help a dim wit, so there plenty more blame to pass around, but who want to rehash all that. We’re in a post 911, post Trump, and the future is looking worse with every extreme weather event.

But in the end, we’re stuck doing the best we can, with what we have - which is best achieved by keeping one’s exceptions realistic.

If she can wake up to the horror of trumpkinism, seems to me, it simply means there is hope that others will see the light. :wink:

69, got a better plan?

She’s a woman who followed a criminal and did his bidding, so she’s just as guilty, as well as stupid, and needs to go to prison with the dotard too.

So there’s no room for redemption any more?

Do you mean in national elections?
Last I understood, presidents don’t vote in congress, so you can’t possibly mean that.

Did she vote Conservative-leaning or GOP-support 97% of the time? That’s a little different.
Do you think trump really cared about many of the hundreds of bills passed by congress during his tenure?

So “Liz Voted With Trump 97% of the time” is extremely misleading.
Like MAGAts and trolls like to do.

Just thought I’d clear that up for you.

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No. The man has never faced any consequences for his actions, but he really needs to face the consequences.

Wait a minute, when did we start discussing the big Dick!?!

I thought this was about his daughter, who happens to be one of the few Republicans with the cajones to stand up to Trump and his evolving terrorist squads.

That changes the algebra, don’t you think?

Indeed. Same as it ever was.

Back to the Cheney sage, here’s the latest, election time is coming around.

MSNBC Rep. Kevin McCarthy has endorsed Rep. Liz Cheney’s main primary opponent, Trump-backed Harriet Hageman, solidifying the escalating feud inside the GOP over the future of the party. Rep. Elise Stefanik, chair of the House Republican Conference, quickly seconded McCarthy’s endorsement.

So a warmonger weapons manufacturer bought goon is going down? Good stuff

Liz Cheney a bought goon? Have you gone completely mad?.. :woozy_face:

Liz Cheney is the daughter of an ex-executive of Halliburton

What does Halliburton company do?

Halliburton Co. engages in the provision of services and products to the energy industry related to the exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas . It operates through the following segments: Completion and Production, and Drilling and Evaluation.

Not that I am fond of oil driling, but it isn’t manufacturing weapons.
So far you have about ten strikes against you. Perhaps you should not try to play this game. You’re not very good at it.

Keeping with the family traditions, she is a loving servant of the MIC with her pro war politics. Bye Liz!

You fool, do you really think people, and especially women, like war?

Is it possible that you like war and are projecting your deviant POV on everybody else? Look into the mirror and ask yourself what in hell you are trying to achieve with your slanderous verbage.

Liz is nothing more than DC swamp trash. Lied to her constituency. Went her own way.

If Halliburton is backing her. She will have unlimited cash. Halliburton took care of the housing and food for the soldiers in Iraq. Got something like 1,200 to 1,400 per day per soldier. Move its world headquarters to United Arab Emirates city of Dubai. Along with its chairman and chief executive officer. Because they didn’t want to declare how much money they made from the war. Trump wouldn’t have put up with that type of swamp business rip off at all. And now we have Biden who doesn’t even known the names of his department heads.

Who said Halliburton is backing her? Are you visiting the sins of the father on the children? You need to very careful with that.