Our DOTUS is using his position in his failing effort to meaningfully combat C-19, as a primary engine for enhancing his chances of winning the 2020 election. It is about this political effort. His decisions and action and every word from his mouth is geared NOT TO PROTECTING AMERICANS, so much as to ENHANCING HIS CAMPAIGN.
Yesterday, he said that the Governors are in charge of working the plan to open up the economy. (This was different from the day before when he said that he has all the power.) But T rump is a LIAR, so we pick which thing he says that we want to believe, like he will support the States in conducting their own plans. But he is still a LIAR. NOTE that today, he was tweeting for his Trumpians in 3 Dem Governor States (also political battleground States) to "LIBERATE’ those States.
So rather than allow, or much less support those Governors, in those States, to work their plan, our DOTUS is calling for local unrest, and large gatherings to protest and get those States “Liberated” meaning in line with what T rump wants politically.
The thing is, T rump, not only uses his position as CinC to get his way politically. He uses all of the offices under the Presidency to support his Political Campaign.
The cabinet secretaries don’t really need their old titles anymore.
Attorney General is now- Dept of T rump’s Campaign 2020
Secretary of State is now- Dept of T rump’s Campaign 2020
HUD is now- Dept of T rump’s Campaign 2020
Dept of Education is now- Dept of T rump’s Campaign 2020
And so on.
Meanwhile in the C-19 War, he has had States’ Governors vying and competing against each other AND FEMA for desperately needed PPE’s and NOW he wants them to compete and drive up the prices for Testing.
This T rump guy has been throwing monkey wrenches in to the fight against C-19, all along. And he continues doing so. But every wrench is intended to make it more likely that he can win the 2020 election. Too bad, if it means more people die and thus the economy cannot be successfully opened up.
As long as things look okay by late September, THEN T rump will spread the LIES that everything bad that has happened was someone else’s fault and everything that is GREAT, WONDERFUL, OUTSTANDING, PERFECT that has happened, was due to him.