Our Commander in Chief, in this time of war

Our DOTUS is using his position in his failing effort to meaningfully combat C-19, as a primary engine for enhancing his chances of winning the 2020 election. It is about this political effort. His decisions and action and every word from his mouth is geared NOT TO PROTECTING AMERICANS, so much as to ENHANCING HIS CAMPAIGN.

Yesterday, he said that the Governors are in charge of working the plan to open up the economy. (This was different from the day before when he said that he has all the power.) But T rump is a LIAR, so we pick which thing he says that we want to believe, like he will support the States in conducting their own plans. But he is still a LIAR. NOTE that today, he was tweeting for his Trumpians in 3 Dem Governor States (also political battleground States) to "LIBERATE’ those States.

So rather than allow, or much less support those Governors, in those States, to work their plan, our DOTUS is calling for local unrest, and large gatherings to protest and get those States “Liberated” meaning in line with what T rump wants politically.

The thing is, T rump, not only uses his position as CinC to get his way politically. He uses all of the offices under the Presidency to support his Political Campaign.

The cabinet secretaries don’t really need their old titles anymore.

Attorney General is now- Dept of T rump’s Campaign 2020

Secretary of State is now- Dept of T rump’s Campaign 2020

HUD is now- Dept of T rump’s Campaign 2020

Dept of Education is now- Dept of T rump’s Campaign 2020

And so on.

Meanwhile in the C-19 War, he has had States’ Governors vying and competing against each other AND FEMA for desperately needed PPE’s and NOW he wants them to compete and drive up the prices for Testing.

This T rump guy has been throwing monkey wrenches in to the fight against C-19, all along. And he continues doing so. But every wrench is intended to make it more likely that he can win the 2020 election. Too bad, if it means more people die and thus the economy cannot be successfully opened up.

As long as things look okay by late September, THEN T rump will spread the LIES that everything bad that has happened was someone else’s fault and everything that is GREAT, WONDERFUL, OUTSTANDING, PERFECT that has happened, was due to him.


The country will open up starting now. The US economy is firing up. We must face down the virus and be prepared to take casualties. This is how Americans fight for liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

This is how Americans fight for liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
You mean we fight for liberty like idiots? Pushing to end social distancing measures, at just the point that we have started to flatten the curve? At a point where there are close to the MOST number of active C-19 carriers bouncing around out there? Probably without even having masks on in public.

Trying to follow the constant mixed messages from our Lord of the Flies C in C? That is how we fight for liberty? By trying to do what T rump says, when what he says at any given moment, is always aimed at what he thinks, in that moment, is best for his re-election campaign?

You don’t see that? Just watch his Daily Pandemic Political Propaganda and 2020 Campaign Re-election Panel. Everything T rump says there, (except occasionally when he is reading something prepared for him, and even then he adds his political comments) everything he says is Political. And he gets that airtime for free, everyday.

T rump has hacked the nation’s news outlets, such that they all contribute to his re-election. The outlets that try to keep him honest don’t have a chance at that task, as he is so adept as a LIAR.

And T rump has hacked over 40% of American voters such that they will believe his ubiquitous and outlandish, and even self contradicting LIES. If that many people will buy into a false narrative about reality, how can a DOTUS go wrong?
<p style=“text-align: left;”>BTW, DOTUS stands for Dictator of the United States. He is still in his early development as a Dictator, but it shows thru occasionally, as in how he, recently, claimed full power over what the Governors do. (He then said that he would allow the Governors to handle things themselves, as they followed his little outline of a suggested approach. But the very next day he foments his partisans in 3 States with Dem Governors to LIBERATE those states. What a dipshit.)</p>
Thus he is using his political power to push the Dem Governors to open up the economy, NOT because it is the correct way to proceed, but because it is a politically safe position for him to take. Who is against getting our economy back? Actually, it is T rump, because his throwing monkey wrenches in to the works, will not expedite that.

And in this war against an invisible foe, and it’s ally, the always in-it-for-his-own-political-gains, T rump, some chicken hawks want to “boldly” “face down the virus and be prepared to take casualties”.

You can’t face what you can’t see. And months too late, we still have wonderful PROMISES of testing capabilities to come, but we have CONTINUING woefully inadequate amounts of testing done, that really could help us to see and understand and “face down” the virus.

We WILL take more casualties because of T rump, even more than his failures have led to so far, by what he is doing for himself, politically, now. But pressing to give up the only thing that has helped us slow down the virus, PREMATURELY, is not going to help us win. It might help T rump win re-election, but “face down” the virus? NO. It is only likely to give the virus a second wind.




Now the obsequious Trumpublican Governors will try to do whatever inane practice of the day, T rump’s political and ever transmuting whims are being promoted.

I thought that the Gov of Texas was a reasonable man, and was doing an ok job with the TX approach promoting social distancing. But now he apparently wants to sooth his master’s ego and begin opening TX up, despite the projected peak of the infection in TX is not until mid to late MAY.

So “Whoopy Kai Yay, MF’ers! USA! USA! Infect them all, and let a pretend supernatural being sort them out”… is what I would say if I were a Trumpublican.


I like the above opinion piece. The writer says “if-trump-had-been-in-charge-during-world-war-ii-this-column-would-be-in-german.”

That sounds about right.


Defense officials have frequently had to ensure they outwardly appear in line with the president's wishes, while quietly navigate realities that might draw the president's ire...

In late January, when only six people in the United States had been diagnosed with the illness and Trump was insisting the virus was under control, the Pentagon was releasing its first coronavirus-related guidance to service members and personnel.

At the end of February, as the president claimed the coronavirus would “disappear,” the Pentagon had already canceled several military exercises, restricted movement overseas and ordered all ships that had visited Pacific countries to self-quarantine.In April, as Trump mused about reopening the country’s economy by Easter, Defense Secretary Mark Esper extended a militarywide travel ban to June 30.

And even as the Pentagon chief earlier this month declared that the administration aimed to deliver millions of doses of a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year, the leaked draft DOD guidance warned of the “real possibility” that an effective vaccine won’t be available until “at least the summer of 2021.”

We have a CinC who will pressure our military into toeing the line with his insanely WRONG understanding and presentation of what is going on. They must keep on the down-low their planning for realistic contingencies instead of for T rump’s politically motivated and death promoting bullshit.


We have a CinC who will pressure our military into toeing the line with his insanely WRONG understanding and presentation of what is going on. They must keep on the down-low their planning for realistic contingencies instead of for T rump’s politically motivated and death promoting bullshit.
Hey, white trash. Lighten up. It's Memorial Day. Have a whiskey.

Memorial day. A time for remembering those who gave their lives for us. Some of whom gave their lives for us and their fellow soldiers, but it was for naught. I remember that. Their lives were extinguished because of some bad decisions or lack of decisions by a CinC. I remember that.

And somehow I also can’t forget that the same guy who is our CinC, is such a f—up with the Pandemic that we have almost 99,000 dead AND a busted economy. Whereas, this lack of his having an ability to deal with a crisis, makes me fear for what I will be remembering on future Memorial Days, should T rump remain in power, and should I survive that long.


The T-rump got his panties in a wad about last night’s protestors at the White House.


Last night he “encouraged his supporters to rally at the White House, inviting a potentially dangerous mix of protesters after people angry about the death of an unarmed black man in Minnesota clashed with Secret Service…”

Today, he “threatened ‘the unlimited power’ of the U.S. military to clamp down on demonstrations…” He warned that Friday’s protesters would have been met by “the most vicious dogs” and “most ominous weapons” had they dared to breach the fence around the (White House). “That’s when people would have been really badly hurt, at least.”

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser rebuked the president in her own series of tweets, calling him “a scared man. Afraid/alone”. She said, "Trump’s reference to attack dogs was “no subtle reminder to African-Americans of segregationists that let dogs out on women, children and innocent people in the South.” She called the comments “an attack on humanity.”

Our military is planning on contingencies in which they WILL get involved in the policing of Civil Unrest. There is a law, Posse Comitatus, that should prevent this, but our DOTUS and CinC is ABOVE THE LAW, remember?

The other night he tweeted, “when the looting starts the shooting starts”.

You know, Civil War might be a mechanism for T rump to get around the 2020 election, just in case all of his Massive amount of Campaign money, voter suppression tactics, gerrymandered RepugLIAR States, Russian interference, and his non-stop revision of truth and history are not enough to get him a win in 2020.

Our “Commander in Chief” hides out under his bunk bed scared of the ghosts that are after him.

Oh in his private nuclear bunker, same, same. :expressionless:


Once again demonstrating what a cowardly bully punk he is at heart.


Day 1229: Bunker boy. By Matt Kiser 6/1/2020 - https: //whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday - com


2/ On Friday, Trump took shelter inside an underground bunker for nearly an hour as protests continued outside the White House and across Washington, D.C. Trump was abruptly taken by Secret Service agents inside the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, an underground bunker that is used to shelter presidents during threatening situations, like terrorist attacks. Trump and his family have reportedly been “shaken” by the experience and the size of the protests. (Associated Press / New York Times / CBS News)

3/ The White House turned off almost all the exterior lights Sunday night as more than 1,000 people gathered to protest outside of its gates. It is unclear why the Trump administration decided to do so, but the White House insisted that there was “nothing new” about the lights-out incident, saying “lights go out at about 11 p.m. almost every night.” In normal times, however, the lights are only ever turned off when a president dies. Trump, meanwhile, from safely inside the White House had nothing to say other than to tweet for mayors and governors to “get tough” and that “The World is watching and laughing at you and Sleepy Joe.” (Vox / The Guardian /New York Magazine / Newsweek / Washington Post / Slate)

@timb: You know, Civil War might be a mechanism for T rump to get around the 2020 election, just in case all of his Massive amount of Campaign money, voter suppression tactics, gerrymandered RepugLIAR States, Russian interference, and his non-stop revision of truth and history are not enough to get him a win in 2020.
Yeah and here's a little background on that:
There’s a history of white supremacists interpreting government leaders’ words as encouragement May 18, 2020 9.01am EDT - Shannon M. SmithAssociate Professor of History, College of Saint Benedict & Saint John's University

White supremacist and militia organizations are exploiting the government’s chaotic response to the coronavirus for recruitment efforts.

Whatever his intention, these groups interpret President Donald Trump’s tweets to “LIBERATE” states and calling armed protesters “very good people” as support for their cause.

Recent research by the Tech Transparency Project into social media accounts of white supremacists, a nonprofit that researches “the influence of the major technology platforms” on politics, policy and people’s lives, found that “some members of private … Facebook groups reacted to the president’s rhetoric (about lockdown protests) with memes of celebration.”

The white supremacists’ response reflects the United States’ history of local, state and national political leaders encouraging white supremacist groups to challenge or overthrow democratic governments.

During Reconstruction, the post-Civil War period of forming interracial governments and reintegrating former Confederate states into the Union, white city and state leaders in the South tacitly encouraged violence against black voters by state militias and groups like the Ku Klux Klan. They did it in a way that allowed those leaders to look innocent of any crimes.

Those groups used that chaos to end federal power in their states and reestablish white-dominated Southern state governments.

Today, white supremacists hope the political chaos they contribute to will lead to race war and the creation of their own white nation. …

I wonder how far the T rump will take his threats to use the military against our citizens. He certainly controls the Department of InJustice so that they will deem anything he wants to do as “constitutional”. And there are LOTS of handpicked Federal Justices in place, now, to back him up.

I fear we might see our Military kill some of our citizens this year. Hopefully not as many as the T rump has already killed by his continuing incompetence with COVID-19.

I am a bit worried that the USA might not be able to survive 6+ more months of the T rump.

Speaking of our Commander in Chief, hope you don’t mind me sharing some informative links

psssst… from the Voice of America

AP Fact Check: Trump’s Falsified Record on Military Matters By Associated Press July 04, 2019

https:// www. voanews -com/usa/us-politics/ap-fact-check-trumps-falsified-record-military-matters

Military pay …

Veterans’ suicide …

North Korea

Veterans Health care

AP Fact Check: Trump on N. Korea, Wages, Climate; Democrat Misfires - 07/01/2019

AP Fact Check: The Silent Partner in Trump’s Boasts - 06/22/2019

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s Misfires on Iran, Trade and That Wall - 06/15/2019

AP Fact Check: Trump’s Tweets on Trade Battle With China -



By Steve Eder - Dec. 26, 2018

Now a possible explanation has emerged about the documentation. It involves a foot doctor in Queens who rented his office from Mr. Trump’s father, Fred C. Trump, and a suggestion that the diagnosis was granted as a courtesy to the elder Mr. Trump.

“I know it was a favor,” said one daughter, Dr. Elysa Braunstein, 56, who along with her sister, Sharon Kessel, 53, shared the family’s account for the first time publicly when contacted by The New York Times. …

Elysa Braunstein said the implication from her father was that Mr. Trump did not have a disqualifying foot ailment. “But did he examine him? I don’t know,” she said.

For decades, Dr. Braunstein saw patients in a congested ground-floor office below Edgerton Apartments in Jamaica, Queens, one of dozens of buildings owned by the Trumps in the 1960s. The family sold the building in 2004, records show.


Damned he already looks like a dickwad. I can easily imagine that by the time this photo was taken his intellectual, emotional, mental growth had already stopped.

From here on in he focused on perfecting the art of the bully - and apparent never ran into a person solid enough to stand up to him. Doesn’t say much for his peers - guess that could help explain the preponderance of ass wipes up there in our current “commander in chief’s” compound and on Capital Hill.


Trump says he supports the troops. His record suggests otherwise. The president portrays himself as a champion of troops. But next month's West Point graduation, in the midst of a pandemic, says otherwise: Our view The Editorial Board USA TODAY - May 5, 2020

https:// www. usatoday - com/story/opinion/todaysdebate/2020/05/05/trump-says-he-supports-troops-his-record-says-otherwise-our-view/4870524002/




Speaking of our Commander in Chief, hope you don’t mind me sharing some informative links

psssst… from the Voice of America

AP Fact Check: Trump’s Falsified Record on Military Matters By Associated Press July 04, 2019

https:// www. voanews -com/usa/us-politics/ap-fact-check-trumps-falsified-record-military-matters

Military pay …

Veterans’ suicide …

North Korea

Veterans Health care

AP Fact Check: Trump on N. Korea, Wages, Climate; Democrat Misfires - 07/01/2019

AP Fact Check: The Silent Partner in Trump’s Boasts - 06/22/2019

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s Misfires on Iran, Trade and That Wall - 06/15/2019

AP Fact Check: Trump’s Tweets on Trade Battle With China -


https:// www - nytimes.com/2018/12/26/us/politics/trump-vietnam-draft-exemption.html

By Steve Eder - Dec. 26, 2018

Now a possible explanation has emerged about the documentation. It involves a foot doctor in Queens who rented his office from Mr. Trump’s father, Fred C. Trump, and a suggestion that the diagnosis was granted as a courtesy to the elder Mr. Trump.

“I know it was a favor,” said one daughter, Dr. Elysa Braunstein, 56, who along with her sister, Sharon Kessel, 53, shared the family’s account for the first time publicly when contacted by The New York Times. …

Elysa Braunstein said the implication from her father was that Mr. Trump did not have a disqualifying foot ailment. “But did he examine him? I don’t know,” she said.

For decades, Dr. Braunstein saw patients in a congested ground-floor office below Edgerton Apartments in Jamaica, Queens, one of dozens of buildings owned by the Trumps in the 1960s. The family sold the building in 2004, records show.


Damned he already looks like a dickwad. I can easily imagine that by the time this photo was taken his intellectual, emotional, mental growth had already stopped.

From here on in he focused on perfecting the art of the bully - and apparent never ran into a person solid enough to stand up to him. Doesn’t say much for his peers - guess that could help explain the preponderance of ass wipes up there in our current “commander in chief’s” compound and on Capital Hill.


Trump says he supports the troops. His record suggests otherwise. The president portrays himself as a champion of troops. But next month's West Point graduation, in the midst of a pandemic, says otherwise: Our view The Editorial Board USA TODAY - May 5, 2020

https:// www. usatoday - com/story/opinion/todaysdebate/2020/05/05/trump-says-he-supports-troops-his-record-says-otherwise-our-view/4870524002/




CC, I generally marvel at the extent of info you come up with. You are one of my heroes, along with Greta Thunberg.

Yes in the picture, the T rump’s young face does seem indicative of a “dickwad” but in the picture, his crotch appears to sport a camel toe.

I might suspect him of being a dickwad with a pussy, but the porn star that he screwed (I think it was when his wife was having a baby), said that he had a dick and it was like a little mushroom with an oversized head. Still regardless of his genitalia, I think it is descriptive to refer to him as a dickwad AND a pussy (aka “wuss” for Mriana’s benefit).