Obesity Costs the World Economy $2 Trillion a Year

Does this mean it costs people other than me money when I eat deep fried, bacon-wrapped butter sticks? But they’re sooo good. And all my door frames have been cut into stylish ovoids.

Link Does this mean it costs people other than me money when I eat deep fried, bacon-wrapped butter sticks? But they're sooo good. And all my door frames have been cut into stylish ovoids.
Before your arteries are clogged to the point that you cannot move past your ovoid front door (BTW, that sounds quite stylish), you really must put a visit to the Texas State Fair on your bucket list. There you will find deep fried delicacies or indelicacies of a breadth and variety beyond most mere mortals imagination.

Obesity will destroy national health care systems, especially in the USA.
Glad to see Dead Monky dropped by, btw.

I live right across the river from the State with the highest obesity rate in the Nation, also the highest smoking rate and the hospitals are jammed with patients. Recently two of the largest hospitals in the Tristate area merged to take up the slack. While I was there recuperating I saw patients wheeling their IVs across the road so that they could smoke with their friends and neighbors. The State is instituting healthy school lunch programs and anti smoking campaigns but the Republican takeover may affect this as well. They did a pretty good job of convincing voters that there was a “war on coal” and an anti obesity campaign would have a financial effect on the fast food industry, fat, salt and sugar land. Meantime the incidence of heart, lung and cancer disease climbs ever higher and treatments aren’t cheap, believe me.
Cap’t Jack

But it’s all about freedom! (I think I just heard a bald eagle.) I love that American politics has degenerated to the point of an enabling parent with a whiny, bratty child. Just tell people what they want to hear, don’t hold mature discourse (it hurts the voters’ stupid brains), give 'em what they want no matter how shallow or short sighted. Hurray for populism.
Bread and circuses, man. Bread and circuses.

Today “panem et circenses” would be more like, “sports, religion, screen entertainments, drugs, and fast foods” (not necessarily in that order).

In first world nations where calorie dense food is cheap and available, obesity will be here to stay. Government programs to educate people on healthy lifestyle choices won’t do sh** - we have that already and it doesn’t help.

Today “panem et circenses" would be more like, “sports, religion, screen entertainments, drugs, and fast foods" (not necessarily in that order).
Nailed it! Go get me a beer honey and pick up my crack pipe and a bag of chips while you're up, the game's on. Cap't Jack

A good 1st start to addressing the problem of US citizens obesity would be to stop government subsidies of foods that make us fat and less healthy and start subsidies for foods that are nutritious and don’t make us fat. Of course, this would require having a rationally functioning government. (not a likely prospect in my lifetime)

A good 1st start to addressing the problem of US citizens obesity would be to stop government subsidies of foods that make us fat and less healthy and start subsidies for foods that are nutritious and don’t make us fat. Of course, this would require having a rationally functioning government. (not a likely prospect in my lifetime)
That would be a good start Tim but the general public, especially the poor need to be educated about proper nutrition so add mandatory nutrition classes in public schools with fully trained dietitians. Here I go taking away individual rights again, e.g. Owning guns and twinkies. The fact is that most Americans don't really know, and don't care about eating well. We've become the "fast food nation" since the mid 50's and it's a hard habit to break, plus it's cheap hence the food of the poor and fat, salt and sugar are highly addictive. Most people would rather take a diet pill, trusting Dr. Oz of course, than exercise and eat healthy foods. Government programs would be helpful in reversing the trend but they will be hobbled by the politicians, once again the people with the power to make change, who are in bed with the food lobbies. Making people obese is very lucrative. Cap't Jack

To be perfectly fair, many people , especially poor people, eat food that’s horrible for you because it’s cheap. You can buy many more packs of ramen and bags of chips for a set dollar amount than you can fresh fruit and veggies. Such foods are also just plain more appealing to humans. We evolved to crave things like salt, sugar, and fat. Our brains evolved in a boom or bust world and haven’t really caught up to reality yet. A Twinkie may be terrible for you, but it’s also more appealing to our famine-focused brain than some crappy kale and wheatgerm blech fest. Education can only do so much when trying to overcome the innate programming of evolution.

Hmmm, maybe if we taught evolution by natural selection in detail in our science classes with an emphasis on dietary craving it might sink in. What so you think DM? Or push the new “Paleo Diet” fad, meat and veggies only, no dairy. Didn’t have it then.
Cap’t Jack

It’s a possibility. Of course, there will be resistance. And not just from the religious, anti-Darwin crowd either. There is a segment of the population that is rabidly convinced that our societal flesh apron is solely the fault of corporate ad goons and cultural faults. Who knows how they’d react if you tried teaching kids that their reptilian hind brain craves chocolate-covered bacon and short term immediate gratification.
And the paleo diet is one of the more amusingly idiotic fad diets I’ve heard of. Do these people know nothing of anthropology, archaeology, or human physiology? Given what I’ve seen of the diet, nope. Idiots.

And the paleo diet is one of the more amusingly idiotic fad diets I’ve heard of. Do these people know nothing of anthropology, archaeology, or human physiology? Given what I’ve seen of the diet, nope. Idiots.
Right. I was being completely facetious; it's a gimmick to sell books. And yes, most people neither know nor care about anthropology or archeology. Human physiology? Yes, they're required to know that; it's on the State test and they'd better be able to identify the Islets of Langerhans. Isn't that near the Bahamas? Cap't Jack

I had to look up what the islets of Langerhans are. And now I know. And knowing is half the battle. GI Joe!

I had to look up what the islets of Langerhans are. And now I know. And knowing is half the battle. GI Joe!
My god, it's the 80's all over again. Tell me you didn't own He-Man and his battle cat! Cap't Jack

Not just He-Man and Battle Cat. I had Skeletor, Evil-Lyn, Man-At-Arms, and Castle Grayskull as well. I also has some Transformers and a lot of Ninja Turtle toys. Awesomeness.

Yep, my son had them all. Ever seen the Swartzeneger movie “Jingle All The Way”? I was that guy trying to get a purple transformer for Xtmas. One store had a palate full of em’ and there were hundreds of us waiting for the store to open. When they let us in,there was a mad dash for it. One guy I was talking to before made it there first, grabbed one he needed and flipped the purple one to me as I mad a dash to the checkout girl. Ahh the Eighties! Remember when Cosby was just a neat TV Dad and not serial rapist? But I digress.
Cap’t Jack

Yeah, Cosby. Good lord. Drawn Together had probably the most accurate description of him: “You see, without the pudding I’m just another unemployed sexual predator.”

Not to derail the thread here but one of his alleged victims had it right when she stated that if she did come forward with the accusation he would “bury her” in legal suits I presume. Still, 16 women and counting. Where there’s smoke … As the saying goes.
Cap’t Jack