Tea party candidate Dave Brat knocked off the House majority leader Eric Kantor in the Va. Primary and called it a “miracle from God”. Apparently God didn’t like Kantor’s stance on immigration so he forced the voters to switch to his chosen one who will now crusade against immigration reform. I guess the big G is also opposed to second generation immigrants applying for citizenship. Brat’s educational background BTW also includes attending Princeton seminary and he is linked to ultraconservative lobbyist groups. Right wing supporters are, as they say fed up with making compromises with the administration so they turned on Kantor. Hmm, could John Boehner be next on God’s ever growing list of sell outs and compromises of the godless left? It really wasn’t a miracle Dave; just excellent propaganda whipped up by your deep pocketed supporters.
Cap’t Jack
Now let’s see if his ultra-extreme right wing views turn off enough of the 56% Republican registration in Virginia to get the Democrat elected. :lol:
And, I can’t think of many other guys I’d be happier with for having lost their election.
This is good news if he wins and gets into congress. It means the GOP will continue in its current path toward irrelevance. It’s also good news if the GOP looses the seat all together. Basically a win win. When the GOP turns on itself like this, they will either go away or change to a more progressive stance.
Needless to say Kantor was stunned. He and his handlers really believed that he had the election sown up and was even in line as Speaker when Boehner stepped aside. Kantor didn’t even stay in Va. for the primary. He was reportedly in D.C. at a fund raiser when Brat crushed him in the primary. Guess he counted his chickens too soon! Now it’s up to my home State to bump off Mitch.
Cap’t Jack
Good point. Possibly this will break the lock-step, lemming-like behavior of the Republican legislators if they find themselves having to vote for even more extreme positions that they know will upset many of their less conservative constituents.
At some point, the GOP will have do something about this internal split in the party. Either the party needs to reinvent itself as Republicans or Tea Party Republicans, and let the losers in that fight start their own party. No matter how it turns out this seems to be moving toward a major shift in American politics. One that I welcome.
“More conservative then thou,” will be very entertaining in my book.
Right now the Republican leadership is in a tizzy as to what to do. In all fairness to Brat, he spent far less on the campaign than Kantor (5 mill. As opposed to $200,000) but Kantor was portrayed as an “inside politician” and it worked. Now this victory will embolden the Tea Party to seek power positions pulling the GOP even further to the right. As you said, it could split the party essentially leaving the moderates out in the cold. Then all hell will break loose.
Cap’t Jack
Right now the Republican leadership is in a tizzy as to what to do. In all fairness to Brat, he spent far less on the campaign than Kantor (5 mill. As opposed to $200,000) but Kantor was portrayed as an "inside politician" and it worked. Now this victory will embolden the Tea Party to seek power positions pulling the GOP even further to the right. As you said, it could split the party essentially leaving the moderates out in the cold. Then all hell will break loose. Cap't JackDo you mean it hasn't broken loose already? Lois
This is good news if he wins and gets into congress. It means the GOP will continue in its current path toward irrelevance. It's also good news if the GOP looses the seat all together. Basically a win win. When the GOP turns on itself like this, they will either go away or change to a more progressive stance.That's the horse I'm betting on too. Let's hope. The actual set-up and pony-show is kind of interesting to watch at this point.
Do you mean it hasn’t broken loose already?To a great degree Lois, but if enough of those WASPs make it in look for another government shut down, increased intervention in the Middle East (gotta protect the "Holy Land" and kill them terrorists), another Johnson Act, Jesus in the classroom, an increase in defense spending, BTW we've already built another super carrier, the George H.W. bush and costing 6.2 billion, continued fighting over women's rights, especially abortion, increased voter suppression, and guns, guns, guns in every venue. They'll be issuing them in various colors for the kiddies to tote in their backpacks. Oh, and forget about soft energy; we'll be swimming in tar sands and won't that make Canadian citizen Ted Cruz happy? Oops he just denounced his Canadian citizenship. I'll bet Fuzzy's happy as a lark now that we have him for good. Cap't Jack
Hmm, why the hell did I consistently spell Cantor with a “K”? Blood flow problem perhaps.
Cap’t Jack
Let’s see, can we predict who will be the next Republican majority leader? I’ll bet on Paul Ryan or Ted Cruz, but I’d really enjoy if it were Rand Paul. :lol:
It wasn’t a supernatural force OR superior amounts of money that got Bratt a win. It was his rabidly right wing constituents who were motivated to vote (not satisfied with Cantor’s mere 95% Conservative lifetime rating ). That and Cantor’s overconfidence in expecting to win without connecting with the home voters. Cantor way outspent Brat. And that’s being touted as a victory for the common people sometimes being able to overcome big money. The truth is that the common folk do sometimes get to choose the “leaders”. It is just actual policies that are almost exclusively selected by the economically elite, regardless of who wins elections.
...and won't that make Canadian citizen Ted Cruz happy? Oops he just denounced his Canadian citizenship. I'll bet Fuzzy's happy as a lark now that we have him for good. Cap't JackG@d-d@mmit! (Forgive my hypocrisy of taking the Lord's name in vain, when I don't even believe in the Lord's existence.) Ted F#cking Cruz is now exclusively a US citizen. And to think I used to assume that Canadians were nice people.
This is also anther case of polls being way wrong for anther GOP candidate. Republican pollsters are not renowned for their math skills I guess. Probably graduates of Jerry Fawell’s Liberty University.
Let's see, can we predict who will be the next Republican majority leader? I'll bet on Paul Ryan or Ted Cruz, but I'd really enjoy if it were Rand Paul. :lol: OccamI doubt that any of the guys who seriously want to run for President will want to complicate their runs by becoming House Majority Leader. Right now, it looks like it will be current Whip, Kevin McCarthy (CA),or Jim Jordan (OH), or Jeb Hensarling (TX), or Pete Sessions (TX).
Right now, it looks like it will be current Whip, Kevin McCarthy (CA),or Jim Jordan (OH), or Jeb Hensarling (TX), or Pete Sessions (TX).It looks like the pundits are putting their money on Hensarling for now. That is if he passes the right wingnut litmus test. I have no doubt that in the future the Reps. Will be wrapping themselves in the Gadsden Flag with a gun in each hand. Cap't Jack
Tea party candidate Dave Brat knocked off the House majority leader Eric Kantor in the Va. Primary and called it a "miracle from God". Apparently God didn't like Kantor's stance on immigration so he forced the voters to switch to his chosen one who will now crusade against immigration reform. I guess the big G is also opposed to second generation immigrants applying for citizenship. Brat's educational background BTW also includes attending Princeton seminary and he is linked to ultraconservative lobbyist groups. Right wing supporters are, as they say fed up with making compromises with the administration so they turned on Kantor. Hmm, could John Boehner be next on God's ever growing list of sell outs and compromises of the godless left? It really wasn't a miracle Dave; just excellent propaganda whipped up by your deep pocketed supporters. Cap't JackThat relieves the voters of a terrible responsibility. Lois
Yeah but McCarthy can probably only be beaten if only one of the super-ultra-right wing goofballs, runs against him. The tea baggers have to decide on just one person, so as not to divide their votes. And Hensarling might decide not to run for the Majority Leader position, right now, if he is not sure that he can organize enough votes, in time. Rather the Tea baggers may have to wait until the position comes up for a vote again in November.Right now, it looks like it will be current Whip, Kevin McCarthy (CA),or Jim Jordan (OH), or Jeb Hensarling (TX), or Pete Sessions (TX).It looks like the pundits are putting their money on Hensarling for now. That is if he passes the right wingnut litmus test. I have no doubt that in the future the Reps. Will be wrapping themselves in the Gadsden Flag with a gun in each hand. Cap't Jack
Boy, God works fast! He just knocked Hensarling out of the race. See, prayer DOES work. God’s next obvious choice is McCarthy who also has Paul Ryan’s blessing as well while Ayn Rand is smiling down from on high. But then again, fickle diety that he is, he just might switch to Sessions. We’ll know on the 19th. God’s forcing Boehner to step down as well; he doesn’t like compromising cry babies. :lol:
Cap’t Jack