New Boredom

Any one else tired of the over coverage of the new Pope by the media? Apparently there is no other serious news to spend more than a brief mention.

I was bored with it before he was even chosen. Haha.

Any one else tired of the over coverage of the new Pope by the media?
I'm not tired of it because I'm not even paying attention to it in the first place. Except for the damage they do on way too many levels ( Missives such as: Sex is a sin, should NEVER be enjoyed no matter how good it is, and contraception is a sin no matter how grotesquely and dangerously over populated the world is) I could care less what the Catholic Church has to say on much of anything.

I don’t know how to post a link to it, but I loved the photo going around with his holy poopiness in all of his regalia captioned thusly:

The pope, wearing a fabulous vintage chiffon-lined gold Dior gown over a silk Vera Wang empire waist tulle cocktail dress, accessorized with a 3 foot beaded peaked House of Whoville hat, and the ruby slippers Judy Garland wore in The Wizard of Oz, is on his way to tell us it's wrong to be gay.

:lol: The ruby slippers got me! Antie Em, Antie Francis!
Cap’t Jack

:lol: The ruby slippers got me! Antie Em, Antie Francis! Cap't Jack

A reason to be interested in it could be that the Catholic church still is a power. What the pope says and does might (yes, might… I am not sure) have some influence on millions of Catholics. So even that I think the Catholic church is a silly irrational institution, I rather see a pope that cares more about people than about theology (at least compared to his predecessor).

Who cares more about people? Francis? Why? Because he picked the name of the humble Francis of Assisi? From what I have read, the new pope said some very nasty stuff against women and gays; I guess that counts as “carrying” about other people.
Most importantly, though, Francis opposed Liberation theology, so I don’t see how that makes him the saint of the poor.

News Flash:
The Pope Just Pooped. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Does that mean he’s now to pooped to pope? %-P
Cap’t Jack

I don't know how to post a link to it, but I loved the photo going around with his holy poopiness in all of his regalia captioned thusly:
The pope, wearing a fabulous vintage chiffon-lined gold Dior gown over a silk Vera Wang empire waist tulle cocktail dress, accessorized with a 3 foot beaded peaked House of Whoville hat, and the ruby slippers Judy Garland wore in The Wizard of Oz, is on his way to tell us it's wrong to be gay.
Yes! I saw that picture and blurb, but it was actually a picture of Benedict. Francis hadn't yet been crowned or whatever it is they do to Popes after they're divinely selected. If I can find it I'll send it. Lois
I don't know how to post a link to it, but I loved the photo going around with his holy poopiness in all of his regalia captioned thusly:
The pope, wearing a fabulous vintage chiffon-lined gold Dior gown over a silk Vera Wang empire waist tulle cocktail dress, accessorized with a 3 foot beaded peaked House of Whoville hat, and the ruby slippers Judy Garland wore in The Wizard of Oz, is on his way to tell us it's wrong to be gay.
Yes! I saw that picture and blurb, but it was actually a picture of Benedict. Francis hadn't yet been crowned or whatever it is they do to Popes after they're divinely selected. If I can find it I'll send it. Lois Here's the text. The photo won't paste. If anyone wants it, let me know and I'll send it by email. Lois The Pope, wearing a fabulous vintage chiffon-lined Dior gold lame gown over a silk Vera Wang empire waist tulle cocktail dress, accessorized with a three-foot House of Whoville hat and the ruby slippers Judy Garland wore in the Wizard of Oz, on his way to tell us it's Wrong to be Gay.
Yes! I saw that picture and blurb, but it was actually a picture of Benedict. Francis hadn't yet been crowned or whatever it is they do to Popes after they're divinely selected. If I can find it I'll send it. Lois
Yes, I know it was ol' Bennie, but it captured the whole 'holey poopiness' so very perfectly.
A reason to be interested in it could be that the Catholic church still is a power. What the pope says and does might (yes, might... I am not sure) have some influence on millions of Catholics. So even that I think the Catholic church is a silly irrational institution, I rather see a pope that cares more about people than about theology (at least compared to his predecessor).
Its not that I am not interested, but the ceromonies are being over reported to the exclusion of many other important events. ie. New gov't bieng formed in Isreal Kenya's new Pres. Sudan and S Sudan new agreement on oil. Mexico's reform of telecommunications and television regulations. etc. Greenlands elections and how itm could affect the supplu of rare earths, etc. Also I noticed, at least here locally that all the priests being interviewed are Americans either of Polish, Irish or Italian descent in spite of the many local priests foriegn born and none of those I have seen being interviewed have any Spainish speaking cultural background.

A caller on a radio talk show I listen to had a good answer to this exact question: the TV coverage is in response to Fox/Righties constantly accusing the mainstream media of being secular, liberal, godless, etc.

A reason to be interested in it could be that the Catholic church still is a power. What the pope says and does might (yes, might... I am not sure) have some influence on millions of Catholics. So even that I think the Catholic church is a silly irrational institution, I rather see a pope that cares more about people than about theology (at least compared to his predecessor).
Good luck in finding one. Francis is not it, I will guarantee it. He will soon make a pronouncement that proves he cares a whole lot more for theology Han any person. --Its not that I am not interested, but the ceromonies are being over reported to the exclusion of many other important events. ie. New gov't bieng formed in Isreal Kenya's new Pres. Sudan and S Sudan new agreement on oil. Mexico's reform of telecommunications and television regulations. etc. Greenlands elections and how itm could affect the supplu of rare earths, etc. Also I noticed, at least here locally that all the priests being interviewed are Americans either of Polish, Irish or Italian descent in spite of the many local priests foriegn born and none of those I have seen being interviewed have any Spainish speaking cultural background. Well, since it's actually the big Sky Daddy himself who is picking the Popes, he obviously has biases. Did anyone really think otherwise?

Quite tired of it; particularly, because I would like to think Catholicism and religion is slowing fading out each generation. But ultimately, I do kind of think it’s just tradition to talk about the pope, kind of like turkey on thanksgiving.

Let’s not count the pope and his billion and a half followers out yet. Certainly catholicism is declining in the first World countries but not in the poorer third World. It’s literally all they can cling to and Francis has (or so it seems) set his sights on improving their plight. He also pledged to pressure mining and agribusinesses to cut back the rape of the environment. After all St. Francis IS the patron saint of ecologists! And he also needs to clean up that nasty pedophilia problem left by his predessor. If he can accomplish that then more power to him. what remains to be seen is if this is just rhetoric or will he maintain the churches position as usual. The Catholics have a good chance to come out ahead here if Francis holds true to his word. If not then they’re going to be a lot fewer Catholics in the fold.

Cap’t Jack

I heard an interview yesterday with a researcher who claims the world’s population is moving strongly into the economic middle class. He recognized that there are still a great many poor, and that the U.S. isn’t doing as well in that direction as most of the rest of the world. He pointed out that the median income in China now exceeds that of England.
I wonder if there’s been any studies correlating religious belief with economic status. I have a gut feeling, although not strong, that the correlation is negative. That is, as one becomes more financially independent, one relies less on religion.
If that’s correct, possibly we’ll see the major religions shrink.
edited to add missing word.

I wonder if there’s been any studies correlating religious belief with economic status. I have a gut feeling, although not strong, that the correlation is negative. That is, as one becomes more financially independent, one relies less on religion.
I understand the corelation/causation thing but I'm with you on the economic status. One 19th Century pundit stated that "the rich have science while the poor have religion". I take that to mean what it says and there have been studies even here that show a corelation of higher learning (university degrees or continuously self taught) that show this. Tying it to economics, the more you learn, the more you earn; the more you earn the less likely you are to be religious. The variable here is also region and community e.g. The South where religion is much more culturally important. Cap't Jack