The South where religion is much more culturally important.
And gov’t much less ‘extensive’ in supporting the poor and disadvantaged.
The South where religion is much more culturally important. And gov’t much less ‘extensive’ in supporting the poor and disadvantaged.And the irony here is that these states have the MOST evangelical xtians who pattern themselves after the man who preached that his followers are supposed to aid the poor. Oh, wait a minute, what about the "Protestant work ethic"? The lord helps them what helps themselves, an that by god's in th bible! Cap't Jack
Everyone picks the parts of the Bible that supports their own beliefs and ignores the parts that are in opposition. :lol:The South where religion is much more culturally important. And gov’t much less ‘extensive’ in supporting the poor and disadvantaged.And the irony here is that these states have the MOST evangelical xtians who pattern themselves after the man who preached that his followers are supposed to aid the poor. Oh, wait a minute, what about the "Protestant work ethic"? The lord helps them what helps themselves, an that by god's in th bible! Cap't Jack
Everyone picks the parts of the Bible that supports their own beliefs and ignores the parts that are in opposition. :lol: True, except for those who don't use the bible to support their philosophies at all. IMO, the bible is useless as a guide for anything. It's a hindrance to clear thinking and morality.The South where religion is much more culturally important. And gov’t much less ‘extensive’ in supporting the poor and disadvantaged.And the irony here is that these states have the MOST evangelical xtians who pattern themselves after the man who preached that his followers are supposed to aid the poor. Oh, wait a minute, what about the "Protestant work ethic"? The lord helps them what helps themselves, an that by god's in th bible! Cap't Jack
IMO, the bible is useless as a guide for anything. It's a hindrance to clear thinking and morality. I tend to disagree with that. True the Bible is the work of humans, not of any all-knowing God. If you examine the Bible in context, it various parts as well as the whole "book of books' has been and still is for a large part of humanity, a motivating factor, has provided a common terminology for much of Western Civilization, it statrted as a group of basically 'political statements' that was used to bring a bunch of nomads and escaped slaves trogether to invade Canaan and has been used in many ways sunce. To understand the development of Western Civilization you cannot avoid the Bible. I do agree that the current fundamentalist interpertation of the Bible as an unerring guide to life is wrong.
A reason to be interested in it could be that the Catholic church still is a power. What the pope says and does might (yes, might... I am not sure) have some influence on millions of Catholics. So even that I think the Catholic church is a silly irrational institution, I rather see a pope that cares more about people than about theology (at least compared to his predecessor).Good luck in finding one. Francis is not it, I will guarantee it. He will soon make a pronouncement that proves he cares a whole lot more for theology Han any person. --Its not that I am not interested, but the ceromonies are being over reported to the exclusion of many other important events. ie. New gov't bieng formed in Isreal Kenya's new Pres. Sudan and S Sudan new agreement on oil. Mexico's reform of telecommunications and television regulations. etc. Greenlands elections and how itm could affect the supplu of rare earths, etc. Also I noticed, at least here locally that all the priests being interviewed are Americans either of Polish, Irish or Italian descent in spite of the many local priests foriegn born and none of those I have seen being interviewed have any Spainish speaking cultural background. Well, since it's actually the big Sky Daddy himself who is picking the Popes, he obviously has biases. Did anyone really think otherwise? Sorry to bring up an "old" post, but wanted to comment on the last sentence about biases, Lois. A good point I heard recently is, why is that HUMANS have to vote on the GOD ordained pope?