Man vs Woman

For one moment reset your brain as though you were entering this earth not knowing of anything of this earth. You are an observer of logic in search of truth, but then you look down to realize your mistake as you find yourself in the wrong body. You had the audacity of being born with a penis. This “thing” by women is quite disgusting, and even more so problematic by others also carrying the drooping, sagging, ballsack trope of despair. You are that which is all that is evil by form and ideas, and all of past and present we now know what you are. You are disgusting, and you are a sin of the greatest horror.

btw. I’m a dude too, but the fact that I recognize it means that I’m far superior to all other men as I recognized the fault of manhood.

This is hyperbolic of course, but I see this all the time in social media/media.

Please just back up, and question what you see in the media. I’m doing whatever I can from my side to cut through the bull, but it’s everywhere.

Yeah CC you’re right again. My post leaves nothing to reply upon. I really did enjoy our connection back then. Your post of introspection rang out to me but I don’t expect us always to agree. I guess it’s the fight that you and I can both appreciate. If knowledge was so easily gained by a book, then no thought would have meaning. You have that desire to learn beyond what you believe to be true. If the answer to the question had been so easy, then what value was the question?

I don’t recommend getting too fired up about extreme views found on social media

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Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus.

How’s that for a deepity?

Then we have what’s happening down here on Earth.

This is hyperbolic of course, then again, not actually,

My own experience with woman, starting with my mom, and sisters and friends and lovers, even bosses, has been awesome so I actually can’t even fathom the question, if you want to get down to it. We need each other!



For one moment reset your brain as though you were entering this earth not knowing of anything of this earth. You are an observer of logic in search of truth, but then you look down to realize your mistake as you find yourself in the wrong body. You had the audacity of being born with a penis. This “thing” by women is quite disgusting, and even more so problematic by others also carrying the drooping, sagging, ballsack trope of despair. You are that which is all that is evil by form and ideas, and all of past and present we now know what you are. You are disgusting, and you are a sin of the greatest horror.

btw. I’m a dude too, but the fact that I recognize it means that I’m far superior to all other men as I recognized the fault of manhood.

This is hyperbolic of course, but I see this all the time in social media/media.

Please just back up, and question what you see in the media. I’m doing whatever I can from my side to cut through the bull, but it’s everywhere.

Is this a transgender thing?

@lausten In many ways I agree. There are always you’re fringe groups out there that point out the specific radical groups to prove their points on the opposite ends of the spectrum. What you’ve pointed out is good advice. I’m not discounting that. I only try to do from my point of view is to bring to light is that many of what we see as believe to be extreme groups is now becoming more common within modern social ideologies. My arguments that you believe to be hyperbolic need on my part to be better explained less they sound absurd. That on my part is a mistake that I make statements without detailed explanations as to why I’d come up with such conclusions. I’ll work on my part to give more points on my views and let people judge what I’ve brought to the forum on the sources that I’ve brought up.

To be fair, I argue what I believe to be true, but I’m not so blind to not bend my beliefs if I gain a better perspective as to why what I believe as truth to being wrong. I’m get that I’m not articulate enough to accurately explain myself and I need to work on that aspect of my arguments, but that doesn’t mean that I’m wrong. I’m always working to see things from everyones perspective, and do my best to point out what I believe to be the flaws in their thinking. Again, I can be wrong, but I work, and argue to understand better the bigger picture on these issues. It’s my opinion that you can never be to comfortable to believe that you’re right, and hardest task for a great deal of people is to accept that they are wrong and to adapt to the better information. This is what I believe to be the single greatest problem of the human condition. I find that my thinking is rare so much that it becomes a detriment to society as a whole so much that the end result will ultimately be that of people in their own groups who agree so much never disagreeing as not to offend those of whom they’ve admired within any given group (ie cfi forum) I don’t mean that in a condescending matter because I get it. It’s human nature, but at what point does it become a toxic nature?

The word bigotry gets thrown around a lot in the media with no idea of what it really means. It seems that the word bigotry has drawn close to the idea of racism, but if you look up the definition in it’s true meaning it says that bigotry is an intolerance of another persons believes. This is not a leftist or right view. This is across the board of which I see both sides of being guilty of and the media from what I’ve seen is the greatest culprit perpetuation this hatred within both parties. The media is the enemy here regardless of beliefs. The major groups of media that I’ve been reading on both sides of the spectrum are fueled by creating the greatest divide of humanity. Noting sells more than hate, and that’s exactly what drives them to create more separation within the US. Unfortunately, I find it hard to find on both left and right people who can maintain an objective view on what they read without questioning the validity of what the media tells them.

My opinion on everything, what doesn’t matter at all I know, is that the strangle hold of the media has become unstoppable. As people care less about logic and unwittingly form their opinions based on their emotional reactions, there is nothing left as the very people of whom you argue are more interested on defending their emotional beliefs than listening to a logical argument. Just take me out of the picture when I say this because it becomes ad hominem at this point that you can find my own flaws to discount what I’m saying. I know I have flaws, and I’m willing to work on these flaws, but I don’t think many people do this now-a-days.

It’s late, I’m tired, and I have to wake up at 4am so I apologize if my post wasn’t clear enough to what I was trying to convey. In the future I’ll put more effort to post my sources in hopes to better explain my reasoning.

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There is a movement out there to make people feel shame and blame for who they are and their heritage and sex. I did none of those things in the past I feel no guilt for it and they can’t make me I was not there and I am not responsible for what people did in the past . Its a big part of the critical race theory that some how I am responsible for the past through my ancestors. I’m Irish and my people went through the horrors of the British Empire who tried to kill us all should all British be found guilty of this. I personal won’t listen to it and feel no responsibility. Its wasted on me. How about learning from the past rather than trying to pass on blame and shame to people who had no part of it.

That’s what CRT is all about

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That’s what CRT is all about

And blaming for the future. Isn’t that what this is really about?

edit. Lausten I wish for at least one moment in your life you’d at least understand what frustrates me. At least then you’d get my argument without pigeonholing me into the way you think I am. You think I’m a racist, but why is my wife from Hong Kong? Why have I been with her for 20+ years with a 5 year old son?

I don’t know why you think that, or how you know my thoughts. I do my best to point out racist behavior and not simply label people racists.

I don’t know why you think that, or how you know my thoughts. I do my best to point out racist behavior and not simply label people racists.

So what is racist behavior?

lausten You’ll never get a guy like me because I know what guys like you are. You play the game and you play fair and nice to the right people. It’s a game I’ve seen many times, but every time I see it I really want to believe you could possibly at one time change. What do I have to possibly gain by thinking this way? You could easily let go of such biases and nobody would even notice. Maybe just give me a second chance before judgement.

If you don’t know, that could be the problem. Where do you set this bar?

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I don’t think people even know what racism means anymore. Racism by definition is the belief that y our race is superior to all other races. What is being considered racism by today’s standards is any statements made in regards to another race. The only exception to this rule seems to be when it’s not a minority.

That’s an oversimplification. There is no “today’s standards”. If we limit the definition to belief in superiority, and allow people to self-identify, then we will not make any progress. It’s common for someone say they believe all people are equal, like our founding documents say, but then say they want separation, and claim they have data proving differences, or a story about how someone did them wrong and then extrapolate that to all people with whatever physical characteristic they choose. They will say they want to preserve their “way of life”, and we know what they mean.
The change we’re seeing now is recognizing the laws and policies that keep opportunities unequal. Freeing slaves did not create equality, civil rights and voting laws did not create equality. It’s time to ask the hard questions about inequality.

But we live in a time where we’ve had more equality in the US than ever in the history of this country. What people don’t seem to understand is that we want equal opportunity, not equal results.

But aren’t they different sides of the same coin?

But aren’t they different sides of the same coin?

No, and I think this is where some people are confused. Equal opportunity is like a job where everyone qualified can get the job without bias. Equal results are expecting there to be an equal number of people within that job of certain groups (ie gender/race) regardless of their qualifications.

I don’t think the people asking for equality think they should get equal results without equal effort. The problem is, equal effort has different results.

A fair system is one where, if you were placed randomly into it, you would not have a far worse result if you were placed in it somewhere else. What happened in the civil rights movement was, the “house” that America had built was exposed for having different size rooms with different amenities, but, the solution was to simply freeze things as they were and make some laws that had very little teeth. The inequities remained, and change would depend on enforcing those laws. That has been sporadic.