I almost posted this under Humanism, but talked myself out of it.
It’s interesting had we been back in Colorado in our lil cabin the death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, a couple other girls and parents and their foolish pilot would have been just another sad too early death of some basketball superstar.
However, I’m in the big city with little B and his other grandma is native LA, current Lakers’ season’s ticket holder and has been one for something like 20 or 30 years now, for her it’s been profoundly personal. Fortunately, she was in LA close to the places and people she needed to be near for something like that and the aftermath. The healing from that emotionally, spiritually devastating.
ESPN is the default here so the previous night we watched the big game he was at the evening before his death. Thus still front an center and I’ve been immersed in it. Reflecting on all i’ve heard, it’s the same old sad story.
Reminds me way too much of John F.K. Jr., Princes D. The nice super rich off themselves by thinking the rules don’t apply.
Viscous storm, so what, wedding to get to, party with your driver and race the traffic, no problem, Fog comes and goes. A Basketball game, show up late for the tournament - never, God is on my side.
It really is sad when I think of all I’ve heard about Kobe the success, husband, dad, great friend to people and community. What a waste. I heard him called middle ages, that’s a real knee-slapper for some of us old geezers. So much has stopped in its tracks. No second chances. {And me I’m busy watching a little one learning how to use his legs and arms, with huge eyes and ears (and mouth trying to) taking in everything and then to do with it what he can.}
For me it also seems sort of indicative of the entire collective communal failure of the Left and Liberal thinking people, these past decades. Too busy enjoying the party to appreciate the precious irreplaceable moment, and the huge wagers we were playing for. Or the forces that wished to crush us (and our biosphere). Too little respect for either past or future.
and still most simply don’t seem to get it or care. Maybe that’s why the tears seem to flow more freely for me with ever passing year.