Has anyone heard from Jerry (Occam)? My emails to him have been returned and he has not responded to a private message I sent to him here and did not attend a discussion group last week that we both belong to and which he usually attends.
I’m hoping he is not unwell.
Has anyone heard from Jerry (Occam)? My emails to him have been returned and he has not responded to a private message I sent to him here and did not attend a discussion group last week that we both belong to and which he usually attends. I'm hoping he is not unwell. LoisWe exchanged a few PMs end of August - he said he stopped commenting any more because objections to George being banned {I missed that episode, and he never did reply and tell me what happened there. - I rubbed horns with George a few times, but I too don't understand what he could have done that was so bad to be banned - but I digress} As for Occam (since we've never met, it seems appropriate) I miss his comments and presence here. If he reads this he should know I, we (and I'm sure a few others) miss him and hope all is well with him.
I’ve been too busy to participate as much as I like around here, but I did notice Jerry’s absence. Hope he’s OK. I missed George getting banned. As CC, I butted heads with George more than once but underneath it all he’s pretty likable.
I wondered if Occam was ok. I haven’t read his posts in a while and I miss them. I believe Lois you mentioned that you had met face to face. Any chance you can check on him? And George has been banned? What the hell? No wonder he hasn’t posted anything in a while. He may have been erasable at times but I really liked sparring with him and he turned me on to a closer study of paleoanthropology. Crap!
Cap’t Jack
I remember Jerry commenting about George but hadn’t realized he’d been banned outright rather then being put on moderation. I will check around and see if I can find anything out about Jerry. I don’t think he would have stopped posting altogether over the George situation. In addition, there is the worrying fact that his email has stopped working. I’ll see if I can get his phone number.
There is a CFI-sponsored discussion group in West LA that both Jerry and I have attended for years, called Fourth Fridays. If anyone else lives or is visiting in the LA area, you might like to drop by. We meet on fourth Fridays of every month at 6:30 PM at the Spitfire Grill on Airport Rd. at the Santa Monica airport. It’s a lively group.
FWIW I haven’t heard anything from Occam either. He hasn’t been around in quite awhile.
Besides the Occam mystery…
Doug, what’s the story with George?
Besides the Occam mystery… Doug, what's the story with George?George engaged in problem posting from time to time. In this case he posted something that was sufficiently objectionable that I removed it from the public Forum (which is done exceedingly rarely), and the Mods and I had a discussion and a vote on the matter. We voted to ban. With the exception of spammers, all banning is done after suitable discussion and a vote of the Mods and myself.
Doug, OK I won’t dwell on that. Besides I have a bigger concern.
What’s going on with Occam/Jerry.
I sent him another PM that’s gone unanswered.
Lois have you tried again?
Does anyone else know him personally?
I think a lot of us regulars consider him a pal, even if in the virtual world, let’s try to figure out what’s going on!
I missed George getting banned. He had some very offensive beliefs that I would occasionally spar with him over, but finally decided to ignore him. I’m sad that Occam has left the forum, I hope he is not unwell. I have met him before, he is as nice in person as he is on the boards, but I live in the Bay Area, quite a ways away from him. Lois, I hope you are able to contact him and assure he is well.
I think I have an earthlink address for Jerry, is that the correct one?
I missed George getting banned. He had some very offensive beliefs that I would occasionally spar with him over, but finally decided to ignore him. I'm sad that Occam has left the forum, I hope he is not unwell. I have met him before, he is as nice in person as he is on the boards, but I live in the Bay Area, quite a ways away from him. Lois, I hope you are able to contact him and assure he is well.Speaking of old CFI pals, haven't heard much from you lately. Asanta how have you been doing? I hope all is well.
I do hope he is doing well and nothing has happened to him.
I spoke to Jerry on the telephone. He has been under the weather with a urinary infection and low potassium. In addition his computer failed. He got a new one but it won’t work on the dial-up system he had been using. I told him he needs to get wifi and in the meantime he can go to Starbucks to get connected. He sounded pretty good and he said he feels much better than he did a few weeks ago. He is scheduled for more tests next week.
HE won’t be able to get emails or get onto CFI Forums until he gets his computer up to speed. If I hear more, I’ll let you know.
I’m glad he’s OK or that is, doing better, and hope he gets his computer online soon
That’s a relief. Hope he gets better quickly.
What a relief! Tell him he is missed!
Speaking of old CFI pals, haven't heard much from you lately. Asanta how have you been doing? I hope all is well.I'm doing fine, just very busy with a new job and grandkids. I didn't realize how much I missed all of you until I received a notification. I'll try to visit more often. :)
George got banned? Thats a shame, I’m gonna miss him.
If he posted something supposedly so inflammatory after all this time, I can’t help but wonder if he wanted to be banned.
Jerry says the food he eats tastes terrible, so I’ve been trying to find things that he can eat, but everything he finds just about all food to be inedible. We had lunch this Tuesday, but he ate very little, if anything at all. Is this a sign that his system is shutting down?