First off I just want to thank everybody here for even hearing me out and taking the time to read this, thank you all so much. So Seth MacFarlane and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are rebooting Carl Sagans Cosmos tv show which I’m sure many of you already know. Well being a person who is deeply passionate about Carl Sagan’s work I thought I would do something to reach out and get Seth and Neil’s attention. I put together a very short video clip in hope that it might open up some kind of door to get me involved with the new Cosmos reboot. I’m not expecting much to truly happen here for me, but I thought it would be worth the shot and I have nothing to lose. If I could get just like an extra spot in the new Cosmos, I would celebrate that to the end of my great ape life. So I’m asking my fellow skeptics for a very big favor from whomever has a Twitter account to tweet my video link to Seth and Neil. I figured I have a better chance of Seth and Neil to viewing my video through twitter. The more people I could get to tweet it the better chance. Thank you all so much. Down below I have the twitter format ready for copy and paste for the twitter feed.
@SethMacFarlane @neiltyson “cosmos please” Fish Tumor! Presents: Cosmos Please - YouTube from @ShafreelCosmos thanks to everyone who RT
Well I sure hope you mean this Seth MacFarlane
good luck
Well I sure hope you mean this Seth MacFarlane good luckthank you so much. Really it means a lot to me
Fish, I’m not going to delete your post since it deals with people in areas we cover, howver, it’s as close to spam as I can imagine. This forum is really not for advertising, even if it’s personal.
Fish, I'm not going to delete your post since it deals with people in areas we cover, howver, it's as close to spam as I can imagine. This forum is really not for advertising, even if it's personal. OccamFish, Occam's got a point. You could join the discussion now an then. Put some of your thoughts up for discussion and work it... ;-)
Fish, I'm not going to delete your post since it deals with people in areas we cover, howver, it's as close to spam as I can imagine. This forum is really not for advertising, even if it's personal. OccamFish, Occam's got a point. You could join the discussion now an then. Put some of your thoughts up for discussion and work it... ;-) when I was making this video on Sagans block in Brooklyn. I had a young women walk over to me and ask me "what's so important about this block to you because I've seen you here filming before" so I had to teach her about who is Carl Sagan. As soon as the word astrophysics came out of my mouth, this women had decided she didn't care anymore about who Carl Sagan was. I wanted to laugh and be sad at the same time.
Fish, I'm not going to delete your post since it deals with people in areas we cover, howver, it's as close to spam as I can imagine. This forum is really not for advertising, even if it's personal. OccamFish, Occam's got a point. You could join the discussion now an then. Put some of your thoughts up for discussion and work it... ;-) when I was making this video on Sagans block in Brooklyn. I had a young women walk over to me and ask me "what's so important about this block to you because I've seen you here filming before" so I had to teach her about who is Carl Sagan. As soon as the word astrophysics came out of my mouth, this women had decided she didn't care anymore about who Carl Sagan was. I wanted to laugh and be sad at the same time. Maybe you should have said something like, "He was a well-known scientist who appeared on television explaining fascinating things about stars and planets," instead of using the word, "astrophysics." You might have guessed that she wouldn't know what "astrophysics" meant if she had never heard of Carl Sagan and never heard that he had lived on that block. .....
Fish, I'm not going to delete your post since it deals with people in areas we cover, howver, it's as close to spam as I can imagine. This forum is really not for advertising, even if it's personal. OccamFish, Occam's got a point. You could join the discussion now an then. Put some of your thoughts up for discussion and work it... ;-) when I was making this video on Sagans block in Brooklyn. I had a young women walk over to me and ask me "what's so important about this block to you because I've seen you here filming before" so I had to teach her about who is Carl Sagan. As soon as the word astrophysics came out of my mouth, this women had decided she didn't care anymore about who Carl Sagan was. I wanted to laugh and be sad at the same time. Maybe you should have said something like, "He was a well-known scientist who appeared on television explaining fascinating things about stars and planets," instead of using the word, "astrophysics." You might have guessed that she wouldn't know what "astrophysics" meant if she had never heard of Carl Sagan and never heard that he had lived on that block. ..... Sadly I think you are right. Naturally I would of gotten to him being famous and being on TV. But I lost her at astrophysics. Damn to me a word like that would only make me more courious if I didn't understand it but that's just me.
Fish, I'm not going to delete your post since it deals with people in areas we cover, howver, it's as close to spam as I can imagine. This forum is really not for advertising, even if it's personal. OccamFish, Occam's got a point. You could join the discussion now an then. Put some of your thoughts up for discussion and work it... ;-) when I was making this video on Sagans block in Brooklyn. I had a young women walk over to me and ask me "what's so important about this block to you because I've seen you here filming before" so I had to teach her about who is Carl Sagan. As soon as the word astrophysics came out of my mouth, this women had decided she didn't care anymore about who Carl Sagan was. I wanted to laugh and be sad at the same time. Maybe you should have said something like, "He was a well-known scientist who appeared on television explaining fascinating things about stars and planets," instead of using the word, "astrophysics." You might have guessed that she wouldn't know what "astrophysics" meant if she had never heard of Carl Sagan and never heard that he had lived on that block. ..... Sadly I think you are right. Naturally I would of gotten to him being famous and being on TV. But I lost her at astrophysics. Damn to me a word like that would only make me more courious if I didn't understand it but that's just me. Yes, me, too, but sadly, most people are not curious and are not bothered by not knowing things. Lois
I can’t understand why people aren’t courious. Being courious is like the number one thing I do in my life. I must be a Alien.
I can't understand why people aren't curious. Being curious is like the number one thing I do in my life. I must be a Alien.Just a freak... :cheese: Seriously though, I feel your pain. The world is filled with so much fascinating stuff and then there are all the connections between all this fascinating stuff, so much happening out there in the real world - and it seems like most couldn't care less. How to get people to care and be curious... now there's a challenge. ... and you gotta do it simple enough so a ten year old can understand it.
I can't understand why people aren't curious. Being curious is like the number one thing I do in my life. I must be a Alien.Just a freak... :cheese: Seriously though, I feel your pain. The world is filled with so much fascinating stuff and then there are all the connections between all this fascinating stuff, so much happening out there in the real world - and it seems like most couldn't care less. How to get people to care and be curious... now there's a challenge. ... and you gotta do it simple enough so a ten year old can understand it. Ill admit that talking to me like a 10 year child is what you have to do when it comes to astronomy. I love astronomy and will always be into it. But truly most of it goes right over my head when reading books or watching lectures on it. I'm smart enough to understand that I really don't understand most of it. I get the basics but nothing like the minds of Sagan or Tyson. But gosh damn I can't get enough of astronomy, I'm like a fiend for it. To me it's just the most interesting topic in the known universe. Back to the challenge of getting people to care and being curious. Do any of you ever learn something so damn Amazing that your so sure that other people will feel the same way. Like for me, learning that I was made of star stuff is still number one for me, but ever time I tell people this they just brush it off. If learning that we are made of star stuff won't hold your interest for a minute, then we are facing the hardiest challenge. Learning about how the cosmos work gives me a feeling inside that I can't express to others in a justified way.
... Learning about how the cosmos work gives me a feeling inside that I can't express to others in a justified way.How about this: "engaging in the quest to discover where and how things began" (can make you feel) "as if knowing the beginning bestows upon you some form of fellowship with, or perhaps governance over, all that comes later". quoted portions by N.D. Tyson
... Learning about how the cosmos work gives me a feeling inside that I can't express to others in a justified way.How about this: "engaging in the quest to discover where and how things began" (can make you feel) "as if knowing the beginning bestows upon you some form of fellowship with, or perhaps governance over, all that comes later". quoted portions by N.D. Tyson I love that! Thank you.
Do any of you ever learn something so damn Amazing that your so sure that other people will feel the same way. Like for me, learning that I was made of star stuff is still number one for me, but ever time I tell people this they just brush it off. If learning that we are made of star stuff won't hold your interest for a minute, then we are facing the hardiest challenge. Learning about how the cosmos work gives me a feeling inside that I can't express to others in a justified way.Yea, I like how you put that. I been lucky . . . at eighteen ('74) I was at Glacier Point, YNP ( and the original SideWalkAstronomer was there giving a program and he mentioned that about the star dust and it totally blew me away. Chewed on that thought a long time and still do... you're not alone I been learning about evolution - not just the stars but our planet and the pageant of how this rock evolved into this incredible world full of fantastic life forms and environments - for decades now. Most magnificent journey, popularized science for sure, no serious studying, but still given a few decades of reading some books and lots of articles and one does start developing an appreciation and yes I know how all that wonder out there does fill the soul like no Bible sermon can touch. PS
Ah, but how to convey that to others. . .
… figure that out and you’ll go far. 8-/
Do any of you ever learn something so damn Amazing that your so sure that other people will feel the same way. Like for me, learning that I was made of star stuff is still number one for me, but ever time I tell people this they just brush it off. If learning that we are made of star stuff won't hold your interest for a minute, then we are facing the hardiest challenge. Learning about how the cosmos work gives me a feeling inside that I can't express to others in a justified way.Yea, I like how you put that. I been lucky . . . at eighteen ('74) I was at Glacier Point, YNP ( and the original SideWalkAstronomer was there giving a program and he mentioned that about the star dust and it totally blew me away. Chewed on that thought a long time and still do... you're not alone I been learning about evolution - not just the stars but our planet and the pageant of how this rock evolved into this incredible world full of fantastic life forms and environments - for decades now. Most magnificent journey, popularized science for sure, no serious studying, but still given a few decades of reading some books and lots of articles and one does start developing an appreciation and yes I know how all that wonder out there does fill the soul like no Bible sermon can touch. PS those photos of Glacier Point are breath taking. I've never taken the time to look into that place. What a site it must of been to see that view in the Flesh-n-Bones. Learning about the birth of earth is also a mind blowing expirence as well.
I recommend Glacier Point very highly. While you’re in the area hike the Mist Trail at least to Vernal Fall. If you have the energy keep going to Nevada Fall. You can see both falls from Glacier Point.
Ill admit that talking to me like a 10 year child is what you have to do when it comes to astronomy. I love astronomy and will always be into it. But truly most of it goes right over my head when reading books or watching lectures on it. I'm smart enough to understand that I really don't understand most of it. I get the basics but nothing like the minds of Sagan or Tyson. But gosh damn I can't get enough of astronomy, I'm like a fiend for it. To me it's just the most interesting topic in the known universe. Back to the challenge of getting people to care and being curious. Do any of you ever learn something so damn Amazing that your so sure that other people will feel the same way. Like for me, learning that I was made of star stuff is still number one for me, but ever time I tell people this they just brush it off. If learning that we are made of star stuff won't hold your interest for a minute, then we are facing the hardiest challenge. Learning about how the cosmos work gives me a feeling inside that I can't express to others in a justified way.I could have written those words. The universe fascinates me, and the more I learn the more it boggles my mind. I cannot understand why so many people are incurious about the cosmos. I spent many a pleasant summer night in my grandparents' back yard staring at the night sky, looking for meteors and satellites and wondering if anyone else was looking back my direction with the same sense of awe. I have a really nice 8-inch telescope and spend not nearly enough time using it. As soon as I get out of school I'm going to restart heavy involvement in our local astronomy club. My favorite part of astronomy is doing public outreach and showing people some of the nearby wonders of the universe.
I recommend Glacier Point very highly. While you're in the area hike the Mist Trail at least to Vernal Fall. If you have the energy keep going to Nevada Fall. You can see both falls from Glacier Point.Hell, if you got the energy, keep going and you can wind up at the top of Half Dome ;-)
I recommend Glacier Point very highly. While you're in the area hike the Mist Trail at least to Vernal Fall. If you have the energy keep going to Nevada Fall. You can see both falls from Glacier Point.I also have a telescope and I love how when using it, it brings into focus a ocean of stars. Damn that is the best.Ill admit that talking to me like a 10 year child is what you have to do when it comes to astronomy. I love astronomy and will always be into it. But truly most of it goes right over my head when reading books or watching lectures on it. I'm smart enough to understand that I really don't understand most of it. I get the basics but nothing like the minds of Sagan or Tyson. But gosh damn I can't get enough of astronomy, I'm like a fiend for it. To me it's just the most interesting topic in the known universe. Back to the challenge of getting people to care and being curious. Do any of you ever learn something so damn Amazing that your so sure that other people will feel the same way. Like for me, learning that I was made of star stuff is still number one for me, but ever time I tell people this they just brush it off. If learning that we are made of star stuff won't hold your interest for a minute, then we are facing the hardiest challenge. Learning about how the cosmos work gives me a feeling inside that I can't express to others in a justified way.I could have written those words. The universe fascinates me, and the more I learn the more it boggles my mind. I cannot understand why so many people are incurious about the cosmos. I spent many a pleasant summer night in my grandparents' back yard staring at the night sky, looking for meteors and satellites and wondering if anyone else was looking back my direction with the same sense of awe. I have a really nice 8-inch telescope and spend not nearly enough time using it. As soon as I get out of school I'm going to restart heavy involvement in our local astronomy club. My favorite part of astronomy is doing public outreach and showing people some of the nearby wonders of the universe.