Would this hand us control of the spacetime fabric?
Scottish proverb 1628
"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"Nearly 400 years, but, will they ever learn.
Buy them books and buy them books and all they do is eat the covers.
Would understanding virus spread give us control over COVID-19?
okay, old man
We could probably destroy airborn viruses, but they are all decohered already. We might be able to resonant frequency them into a cohered state.
@pittsburghjoe "hand us control of the spacetime fabric"Aren't we an uppity human. So you want control of spacetime? What the fuck would you do with that control?
We human’s aren’t even capable of keeping our planet’s life support system healthy.
But you’re thumping your chest about controlling spacetime.
Do you have any self-skepticism within that Mindscape of yours?
we are getting flying cars one way or another.
You think?
Yep, maybe stop second guessing me every step of the way.
We could probably destroy airborn virusesHow's that work? Singlie or en masse?
With decoherent energy?
Yep, maybe stop second guessing me every step of the way.Who the fuck is second-guessing what? I was asking you to explain your idea!
But, you ran away like someone who has something to hide.
Would this hand us control of the spacetime fabric?Are you saying I'm supposed to accept THAT ???
Yep, the holographic fabric of spacetime has one purpose and that is to tell mass energy how to flow …you might know it as gravity.
Okay, interesting way to it,
Yep, the holographic fabric of spacetime has one purpose and that is to tell mass energy how to flow .. you might know it as gravity.Though I've never heard it put that way, I can buy it as far at 'it' goes. That is, as an observational interpretation. But what does that description have to do with:
Would this hand us control of the spacetime fabric?Can you explain that part?
All you need to create a ship to go faster than light is a way to bend spacetime around it.
Okay fair enough. But, can you admit that there is only one place you, or we, will ever manage that?
Not with that attitude
Sure, take some average massive object and speed it up and slow it down. There is your increase and decrease of kinetic mass energy…
Ouch W4U, well done. The ouch is that I didn’t think of that angle myself.
See, just like my dear Aunt Roseanne Roseannadanna always said: “We need each other to keep ourselves honest.”
@pittsburghjoe "Not with that attitude"As Sherlock Holmes would say: "That won't do my dear Joey."
You’ve shown plenty attitude towards me and it doesn’t bother, it’s your arguments, facts, logic, honesty, intellectual integrity - all that matters many times more than a little attitude, or cynicism toward wanton silliness.
Call me a couple choice names, get it out of your system, then lets get serious and explain somethings like you mean it.
Hmm, kinetic mass energy you say. I wonder if we could set a decohered atom to be like an orbital around a physical object of our choosing. Or just be a bubble with our control. Did I just invent a force field?