How would you determine altitude?

I just learned of this awesome way that John Fremont used to determine altitude using a thermometer.
How did he do it?
Hmmm, what’s the difference between altitude and elevation?

The boiling point of water changes at different levels of air pressure. If one gets Rocky Mountain high in the actual Rocky Mountains, water boils at a lower temperature there than it does at the air pressure at sea level.
Re: the difference between altitude and elevation, I suspect that would be good to know if one were a pilot flying over mountainous terrain.

It’s not like I’d ever given it much thought, but when I read about Fremont doing it, it was one of those OH WOW moments.
Simple straightforward, obvious as a 2x4 cracking you in the head - but I wonder if I’d been asked the question before hand how long it would have taken that light to go on.
It’s weird stuff like that I find fascinating.

Re: the difference between altitude and elevation, I suspect that would be good to know if one were a pilot flying over mountainous terrain.
Oh lordie, talk about pulling one's head out of where it don't shine. Must of been more tired than I thought when I wrote that. And me from the mountains, jeez luezz. Thanks for the polite hint. :shut: