How to Get Rid of a Dictator

Let’s see, we have a free press,
Yeah like FAUX News and the Bannon enterprises, and the Russian internet sweat shops??? That makes me laugh till I puke.

Freedom to flood the market place with enough lies to drown out all facts and serious thought, is not what a Free Press is all about !

gives a little background on how our road toward hell started.

Faux News (AKA Fox News) is the dotard’s main propaganda venue. It’s his means to brainwash people into believing what he says is true. I won’t watch that Faux news because of it.

Xian Dominionism is very bad
Don't leave out the Prosperity Doctrine bullshit. Now, back to the "news."


Fourteen Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans

BY Dr. Cynthia Boaz, Truthout, July 2, 2011


How Fox brainwashed conservative America. S. Novi | Nov 6, 2017


This is how Fox News Brainwashes Its Viewers

May 21, 2018



Yes, I did forget that too. The guilt they would impose on our children and grandchildren, in their Xian version of Madrasas, wouldn’t be healthy either. The Assembly of God have an Xian version of Sharia banking already AND from what I heard from ex-Ass of God’s is that the Church would take 10% out of their checking account every month if they didn’t have proof they tithed that week or month.

No Oneguy. I am hinged well enough. The executive branch today under Don John is far more powerful today than it was in Jan of 2017, because Don John is eager and now we see, quite able, to stretch that power beyond the limits of our institutions to keep it in check. He has blown thru precedents and ethical constraints, like cheap tissues. He has ABUSED executive power beyond that, so that the abuse of power is normalized and without limitations of congressional oversight. He has weaponized his cabinet to do his bidding with his will being paramount and above considerations of the best interest of the nation. He has never stopped breaching the emoluments clause of the Constitution, from the beginning.

Our Constitution and laws have not been a match for T rump’s build-up of executive power. His life has been about scamming marks and skirting the law. He is a master at both. He has used this skill to build his dictatorial powers. Sure he has a lot of mopping up to do before he gets to Putin’s level of dictatorship. But he has what he needs, now, to get there.

In the Impeachment non-Trial, one Republican kept his oath. The other former Republicans, now all Trumpublicans, did not keep their oath. Here is a wee bit of what the oath keeper had to say, before voting to convict Don John for articles of Impeachment.

"The President asked a foreign government to investigate his political rival.

The President withheld vital military funds from that government to press it to do so.

The President delayed funds for an American ally at war with Russian invaders.

The President’s purpose was personal and political.

Accordingly, the President is guilty of an appalling abuse of the public trust.

What he did was not “perfect”— No, it was a flagrant assault on our electoral rights, our national security interests, and our fundamental values. Corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one’s oath of office that I can imagine."

Now. Oneguy, is the person who said that, insane or unhinged?

The Senate majority has essentially given our DOTUS free reign to continue doing what he got impeached for. He may very well be involved, right now, in continuing efforts to corrupt our next election. He has shown that he can keep it secret enough, to get away with doing it. His obstruction of truth efforts now include his made up power of absolute immunity, meaning, he can keep documentation and witness of his wrong-doings secret. Combine that with his central superpower of being able to spew out lies over and over until some are believed, and who knows what he will try to do to undermine the coming election. But based on his character and performance heretofore, we can be assured he will be trying to do so, if he has not already started.

Tim: Our Constitution and laws have not been a match for T rump’s build-up of executive power. His life has been about scamming marks and skirting the law. He is a master at both. He has used this skill to build his dictatorial powers. Sure he has a lot of mopping up to do before he gets to Putin’s level of dictatorship. But he has what he needs, now, to get there.
You have something against meritocracy? Being the best you can be is the American way.
Sree said; Being the best you can be is the American way.
Being the best at what? Only Americans try to be the best they can be? Are you insane or just blind.

Being the best you can be was also the Nazi German way. They even viewed themselves as the “Master race”. They were great at killing Jews and making long distance rockets to bomb distant cities. Be the best you can be? At what? Cheating?

Write4U: Being the best at what?
Human excellence needs to be a value of humanism. Playing by the rules is a virtue. It's part of law and order. If someone plays the game better than you, then you need to strive harder to beat him in accordance with the rules. It's like sitting for a test. You mustn't cheat.

No Oneguy. I am hinged well enough. The executive branch today under Don John is far more powerful today than it was in Jan of 2017, because Don John is eager and now we see, quite able, to stretch that power beyond the limits of our institutions to keep it in check. He has blown thru precedents and ethical constraints, like cheap tissues. He has ABUSED executive power beyond that, so that the abuse of power is normalized and without limitations of congressional oversight. He has weaponized his cabinet to do his bidding with his will being paramount and above considerations of the best interest of the nation. He has never stopped breaching the emoluments clause of the Constitution, from the beginning.
Our Constitution and laws have not been a match for T rump’s build-up of executive power. His life has been about scamming marks and skirting the law. He is a master at both. He has used this skill to build his dictatorial powers. Sure he has a lot of mopping up to do before he gets to Putin’s level of dictatorship. But he has what he needs, now, to get there.

Again, complete nonsense.

Since the Senate Trumpublicans let T rump off with regards to his impeachment, he has, as I had predicted many times claimed complete exoneration from his crime and is still playing the victim, saying that evil people impeached him. He has also, as I predicted further expanded his takeover of the “Justice” Dept so that Barr can block any investigations that may have or might come up about his Campaign. Also since Barr is now screening every case before it can be investigated, he can also push forward any fake conspiracy made up about Democratic campaigns, to be investigated instead. This is what Barr is doing and what he will continue to do. Barr wants T rump to quit tweeting about what he does, because his carrying out T rump’s every wish becomes too obvious, when he has to do it after T rump tells the world what he wants.

Taking over the DOJ is the move of a burgeoning Dictator. Stone, whose crimes were covering up for T rump, now has a short sentence for his crimes, possibly due to T rump tweeting for a reduced sentence. T rump is now telegraphing that he will pardon his friends who have committed crimes for him. I suspect he will wait until after the Nov election, but I think it will be done then. He has already gotten the guidelines changed such that not admitting guilt, no longer disqualifies someone from being considered for a pardon. Why would this practice be changed if T rump were not looking ahead to pardoning his buddies who refuse to admit their guilt?

So Oneguy, your profound comment, being to dismiss what I am trying to warn you about, as “nonsense”, is an assertion that is seriously lacking in substance.

No previous person as POTUS has used the powers of the office, so massively as T rump has, without regard to previous norms, or without ethical considerations, or with the intent of effecting his campaign positively, or with the intent of effecting his opponents campaigns unfairly.