Horowitz reminded us, today that in 2016 the FBI had agents who were pro T rump


There were FBI agents who had pro T rump emails, in 2016. It wasn’t just the 2 love birds who didn’t like T rump. In fact, the FBI agents that actually did effect the 2016 Campaign in T rump’s favor, were the ones in the New York branch office who leaked info to Rudy Giuliani back then. That seems to have lead to Comey’s going public around that time, which was a very untimely disaster for Clinton’s election prospects.

Another hot off the press report about Giuliani, is that just a few months ago, his goon, Lev Parnas, got a million dollars sent to them from someone in (where else?) Russia.

GOP Running Russian Disinformation for the American people.
Who’s in charge?

Feb 26, 2024 The Legal Breakdown with BTC & Glenn Kirschner

The Legal Breakdown episode 206: @GlennKirschner2 discusses Jim Jordan and James Comers’ complicity with a US attorney who helped launder Russian disinformation to Congress.


I warned everybody that this would be a pretty crazy episode I think it’s important to talk about this stuff even though it is so convoluted,

Because I mean at its core this is the basis for an effort by Republicans to launder Russian disinformation to try and impeach a Democratic president in the United States

I mean I know we get normalized to so much of this stuff. but like there’s that we adapt to so much of this stuff but this can’t become normalized and so I think that

Republicans are probably relying on the fact that this is so convoluted so that nobody will talk about it

but it’s absolutely worth talking about . . .


When will there be some accountability?

Clinton camp first blamed FBI for their loss but then turn its attention to Russia as the fall guy flying on the coat tails of cold war propaganda

Plenty of blame and dirty tricks to spread around.
You’re not trying to pretend the claims regarding Russia are all false?


Not pretend . Made up to hide clintons terrible campaign and another out of touch neo liberal

Just because Clinton did run a terrible campaign, doesn’t mean Russian interference didn’t happen, or that it didn’t play a major roll in her defeat. Just cause you choose to ignore facts.
I don’t see you producing any evidence to the contrary.
A two-bit biased bashing by SkyNews not withstanding.

Did not happened to what the russiagaters are screaming about. Russia changed american minds and in large numbers to affect an election is laughable


Nothing to laugh at, it’s grotesques.

2024 update

Like I said there’s nothing to laugh about, or to dismiss, or to pretend that it doesn’t exist. Your Russian allegiance is showing

{Mod - That’s interesting, this time I received a notice the a quote had been deleted. No explanation, just confirming. Nice, it’s not my imagination. :wink:}

The basic argument from, you know, people, is that propaganda is ineffective. Of course, if they are talking about leaders they don’t like who are saying things they think are lies then suddenly that’s a horrible thing that is rotting the minds of the youth and tearing at the fabric of the nation.

The main point in this case is not that propaganda is ineffective. It’s that propaganda was not necessary for Trump to be elected. Very few people who voted for Trump were on the fence and needed to be nudged by Russia.

Just doing some late night scrolling and saw this very appropriate quote

It’s a POV problem. If you’re looking at it as logical people considering facts and choosing between Russian misinformation and verifiable data, then yeah, people choose wisely. If you you’re looking at lazy people who feel left out and want someone to blame for their problems, then a story about deleted emails is just the ticket. So, how many of each of those people are there?

That’s so bizarre.

You remember trump’s number on schtick back then.
Obama didn’t have a birth certificate and was an illegitimate president.
This from the host of a TV “reality show”

J C Almighty, propaganda is all the illiterate fool ever had!

Oh speaking of Jesus, I just found out the Bible identifies our MAGA man trump as the anti-christ, you’ll have to check out the religion board for that.

A little more on the propaganda dependence of trump:

First published online April 3, 2018

The Algorithmic Rise of the “Alt-Right”

Jessie DanielsView all authors and affiliations

Volume 17, Issue 1


As with so many technologies, the Internet’s racism was programmed right in—and it’s quickly fueled the spread of White supremacist, xenophobic rhetoric throughout the western world.

On a late summer evening in 2017, members of the far-right descended on Charlottesville, Virginia with tiki-torches held up in defense of confederate general Robert E. Lee’s statue in what was dubbed a “Unite the Right” rally, which had been organized mostly online. The next day, August 13, White nationalists rallied again and violently clashed with counter protestors. One drove his car into a multiracial crowd, killing one and seriously injuring 19 others. As it has turned out, the events in Charlottesville were a watershed moment in the algorithmic rise of White nationalism in the U.S.

White nationalism has gone “from being a conversation you could hold in a bathroom, to the front parlor,” according to William H. Regnery II. A multimillionaire, Regnery has spent a significant sum of his inherited wealth pushing his “race realist” agenda via a publishing house and the National Policy Institute, a think-tank. When his protégé and grantee, Richard Spencer, coined the new term “alt-right” in 2008, few took notice. Back then, Jared Taylor, publisher of the White nationalist site American Renaissance, said he thought of his own efforts as “just making a racket,” but now he sees himself as part of an ascendant social movement, with Spencer in a lead role. He, along with Jason Kessler, helped organize the rally in Charlottesville. …

Stop kidding yourself!

Guess the point is, it was all contrived,

and built on a house of strategic lies and tactical deception,

and white resentment at the notion of having to share a little with other races in the brave new world heading our way.

The deleted emails thing was a sideshow. Trump’s appeal stemmed from his blunt “America First” talking points.

You of all people should remember the MAGA movement he started, since you mention it in every thread. He shifted the Overton Window and that’s why he became a political force. No Russian propaganda needed. As for the birther movement – it was around years before Trump’s campaign started and he only spoke about it rarely compared to the rest of his talking points.

Yes, the so-called Alt-Right existed long before Trump and the internet facilitates communication between everyone, including racists. What does that have to do with Russian propaganda?

Hardly the point. I’m not going to name every conspiracy theory. And yes, Trump’s dumbed down talking points are part of what I’m talking about.

You mean with Gingrich?, or the Tea Party?

That’s because those are the only threads you bother to notice. Broaden your horizons:

You might have a point there and yes the “Overton Window” is a thing, but you’re still missing the substance of the MAGA movement - an Overton Window on steroids, and it still remains that: Trump couldn’t have been done it without the Putin the KGB’s’s attentive grooming and support, and their digital bull horn of focused, tactical and strategic online deception.

it was around years before Trump’s campaign started


American Kompromat a summary:

By Craig Unger

How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power, and Treachery

Key ideas in American Kompromat


The KGB had established contact with Donald Trump by 1980.

The KGB exploited Trump’s personality and desires.

Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking operation produced endless streams of kompromat.

The Catholic sect Opus Dei successfully infiltrated the US government.

William Barr’s authoritarian ideals helped expand Trump’s power.

Trump wielded executive power that greatly served Vladimir Putin.

Polarization, Democracy, and Political Violence in the United States: What the Research Says


  • SEPTEMBER 05, 2023

I’ve seen all of these theories before. They read like biased journalists took a bunch of cliches from 90s political thrillers and mixed them together. They should try to be more original with their cartoonishly evil Trump fantasies.

If it’s not the point why single out the deleted email?