Gun Petition for RNC

Brilliant: Petition]
If the RNC denies guns then they prove their arguments are wrong and they’re just sellouts to the NRA. If they do allow guns, well I hope the herd isn’t thinned out too much over the Trumpster being thrown in the dumpster.

Brilliant: Petition] If the RNC denies guns then they prove their arguments are wrong and they're just sellouts to the NRA. If they do allow guns, well I hope the herd isn't thinned out too much over the Trumpster being thrown in the dumpster.
Maybe they'll shoot each other and do the country a favor. Lois

Open carry at the Repub Convention? That’s an experiment that I wouldn’t mind seeing, from a safe distance. Who knows? Maybe it would encourage them to behave more civilly to one another (at the risk of imminent death).

Link to => Guy Who Wrote It]
It appears the author of the petition was not serious (at least not serious about promoting guns at the convention). Rather he was trying “start the conversation” and have the Republicans “put their money where their mouth is” (or is it the other way around in this case?). It is funny that at the prompting of one of the owners of the Republican Party (the NRA) about how we would all be safer if we all carried guns, how safe would they feel if every right wing nut job at the Republican convention was packing a sidearm?
Where’s that petition? I’ll sign it!

Talk about painting yourself into a corner, the rhetoric of decades is now coming back to haunt the GOP. All the vitriol about how the “liberals” are ruining America has created a party now dominated by wingnuts.
If they allow open carry on the convention floor I hope they also have cameras everywhere to catch the action, it could be the most entertaining “program” of the year.

Talk about painting yourself into a corner, the rhetoric of decades is now coming back to haunt the GOP. All the vitriol about how the "liberals" are ruining America has created a party now dominated by wingnuts. If they allow open carry on the convention floor I hope they also have cameras everywhere to catch the action....
...and have the musical soundtrack from "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" playing in the background.
...and have the musical soundtrack from "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" playing in the background.
Link to => Guy Who Wrote It] It appears the author of the petition was not serious (at least not serious about promoting guns at the convention). Rather he was trying "start the conversation" and have the Republicans "put their money where their mouth is" (or is it the other way around in this case?). It is funny that at the prompting of one of the owners of the Republican Party (the NRA) about how we would all be safer if we all carried guns, how safe would they feel if every right wing nut job at the Republican convention convention was packing a sidearm? Where's that petition? I'll sign it!
I thought it was one of the most brilliant pieces of satire since Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal"