Won't be long now...

In the near future, as horrible and pathetic as this sounds, a monument will be erected in memorial to all the people who had to die
in senseless, random acts of violence with guns.
Part of the monument will explain that this is what it took to get more strict gun laws.
In the meantime however, absolute morons are going to walk around shopping malls with AK-47s and M-4s displaying their
rights to openly carry and own military weapons which are designed with the sole purpose of killing people.

Wow. We actually agree on something :wink:

Yes Obama’s recent comments concerning this latest shooting are relevant.
How much more of this has to go on before sensible actions are taken by our lawmakers?

Simple answer: When the NRA runs out of money. :vampire:

Simple answer: When the NRA runs out of money. :vampire: Occam
Right. But at least, even the NRA is conflicted about some of its adherents advertising their gun rights by carrying their assault-like weapons (aka phallic symbols) into local eating establishments.