Fox News, at apex of 'ecosystem of disinformation.'

There is a problem with Faux News, that’s for sure. It’s full of disinformation and here lately they are suffering for it.

The problem is created by lying about problems as Fox does.

You’re funny. Where have you ever tried to define this problem for us?

{Self recognition is the first step buddy.}

You’re funny. Where have you ever tried to define this problem for us?

here sleepyhead
“the so called democracies lie everyday to their people. They lie about war, lie about action to combat climate change , lie about the economy, lie about the level of corruption, lie about caring for the working poor”

And you think we don’t know that?
What have you done about it?
What have you done to understand it?

Here’s an aside, or perhaps it’s simply my primal response to all your irritating self-certainty and chest thumping.

Cc’s Hall of Shame

. . . call out false claims, statements and question their reasoning with explanations, arguments and an assortment of relevant links to further authoritative information so people can learn about these issues for themselves.

If they return it’s with a round of bluster and distractions that morph into ad hominem attacks on people, either me, reporters or scientists. Never any indication that new information was read and assessed, let alone absorbed. I respond with more facts and reasoned arguments, they respond with final insults and slammed doors not to be heard from again. Leaving me with Virtual Debates where I strive to document the dishonesty that too many others seem to pardon.

These are the same talking heads who are astro-turfing media outlets demanding public debate, but who steadfastly run from our debates. Tragically for our country and future these self interested folks only seek theatrical lawyerly debates dedicated to confusing and obscuring.

Confronting Science Contrarians: Cc's Elevator Pitch

"We The People have a moral ethical right - along with a pragmatic need - to learn what scientists have learned about this planet’s biosphere and climate engine without constant dishonest crossfire.

We should not tolerate serious scientists always being drown out by amoral, dishonest and frankly ignorant arguments - that an astoundingly ruthless PR factory repeats over and over again, without ever learning a damned thing from the evidence in front of us."

Like the song says: We all doing what we can.

And you think Putin and Russian, Xi Jinping and China aren’t a few orders of magnitude worse? Are you ready to move to Russia?

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yes yes yes. You never bring this up. You 're on the defensive!!

Oh so you don’t actually read what I (or anyone else) writes in our comments?
That’s shame, cause if you had, you’d know what a piece of imagined bull poop you’ve written.

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you. Your comments or lack there of.

That does not answer the question. The question is; “What have you written”?

Or done?
Or actually thought about?
That is, or actually converse, and debate for a change:

Define the Debate, A to Z

A Constructive Argument based on real facts, with the ultimate goal being a collective better understanding of the issue at hand.

Such as a Scientific Debate where honestly representing your opponent’s position is required. Striving to understand your opponent’s position well enough to reject or modify it on the merits of your own facts.

If we fail, it means something. It may hurt, but it’s a learning experience for the intellectually honest. Mistakes have always been necessary learning opportunities for the stout.

Z Lawyerly Debate, winning is all that matters, facts are irrelevant obstacles to hurdle. Being skilled in rhetorical trickery is a prerequisite. Objective learning is not the object.

Amorality, misdirection and theatre are its hallmarks.

A democracy doesn’t lie. The people trying to get votes lie sometimes, and so do the voters. Many are just confused due to the slow erosion of our educational systems and the rampant corruption. We talk about who the liars are here and how we determine truth. You talk in broad brush strokes, that don’t illuminate much.

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You’re good.
Thanks for taking the time to compose and share such concise gems.

Worth airing out a little. :wink: :+1:t2:


A democracy doesn’t lie.
The people trying to get votes lie sometimes, and so do the voters.
Many are just confused due to the slow erosion of our educational systems and the rampant corruption.
We talk about who the liars are here and how we determine truth.
You talk in broad brush strokes, that don’t illuminate much

This is a fine example of the sad reality of how those that hold power, whether its a spokesperson of a political party, public relations manager of a Fortune 500 company, the established media and even dare I say it, the moderator of a public online forum, of how they try to control the narrative, framed the discourse, establish its limits, determine what is important to discussed and shut out the voices who breach this. Of course these are the very people that will tell you day and and night how lucky you are to live in a democracy.

And the same people who tell you you are lucky to live in a Theocracy, or a Plutocracy, or a Dictatorship, or a Kingdom.

They are all the same people, man. All over the world. For you to single out the US as the sole culprit of "bad behavior is false and subversive.

Ask why are hundreds of thousnads of people trying to get into the US, even at risk of arrest. They always come from places worse than the US.

And here you come along and presumed to show the “evil” US that seeks to rule the world by force and witholds assistance to countries who are being invaded by a “better” and “kinder” country like Russia, where people have it so much enjoy life so much more.

Where do you live ?

Are you moving to Russia?

Oh, and you still ain’t saying anything.
But complain about being hobbled.

And no one is allowed to consider you disingenuous,
or more rudely, a joke.

Are you moving to Russia?

The Centre for Inquiry par excellence has reduced the conversation down to this.

Why not? It’s a fair question.

It’s a place to start a conversation.

Complain, piss and moan, that’s easy.

Why not explain what are you going to do about it?

If you can’t do anything about it, how are you going to live with it?

or relax a little, watch a documentary

That pyramid and spiral is about 5,000 years old.

consider our human pageant. Pretty amazing,
on the one hand, it’s been ugly hideous too, still it is what it is, people make due because there’s no other choice, then we do best we can. Sure too often the bad wins.

No one is trying to stifle you or your speech, we keep hoping you skip the cliche’s and challenge us with something interesting. I think most of us around here would love to hear something constructively provocative and factually supported. It’s why we’re here in the first place. Step up to plate, :wink:

And still no answer. Do you really think you are making a persuasive argument?

A democracy doesn’t have a concisousness or a personality. It doesn’t think. It can’t lie anymore than the soil in it’s borders can lie. People who live there lie. I said that. You can’t even tell when I’m agreeing with you. Or, more likely, dialog is not your goal.

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Is that rock the backside of a monk? lol