I’m not even sure where to put this as we’re talking about everything, not just conspiracies.
Let me start this off with the cliche by saying extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and the only thing I believe that has changed is that extraordinary people are claiming extraordinary evidence exists. My attention is piqued, but with boat loads of skepticism. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have an emotional impact, these possible realities. Until we get much more than what we’ve been given and they’ve been examined by qualified people I trust, you won’t get me to aliens or whatever existing and being here.
I’ve been having a bit of a problem lately, truly crushing depression that I can’t get over and it stems from a place I thought I was immune. I was always into science as a child and with a young, open mind, naturally gravitated towards the UFOs and the paranormal. By the time I was say, 14 or so I had what I thought a pretty damn good handle on how to recognize a pseudo science and move on.
That of course doesn’t stop you or your imagination from engaging in thought experiments on reality, etc. but they’re all safe because you’re grounded in a world where cause and effect is an unbreakable reality. You can see men of faith throughout history clinging to their own flawed understandings like the earth being the center and double-down on “no really, just follow the data.” You understand why the scientific method exists and you stand up against charlatans.
The problem I’ve encountered is people from the director level up, including US Presidents claiming these specific UFOs exist. This tic-tac or top shaped stuff doing specifically these things, going in water, mountains, etc. are being paraded as if they’re real and we’re about to be revealed something. Congress is literally passing bipartisan legislation, embedded in the Defense Act of 2022 turning the entire issue over to scientists and civilians.
There are two main things that are causing this deep despair. First, these things are not possible. If they’re possible we should be incredibly frightened of the unknown. Anything that can do these things has complete and total dominion over us in every conceivable facet. For us to accomplish these things as humans in physics as we understand and proven to exist we’d have to summon the energies of a quasar. If that’s possible and they do exist and life is common then the fact that we don’t see anything in the universe should scare us even more. I feel like as someone who understands physics, entertaining these realities is frightening on a level most people, really, really don’t understand.
The second thing is that these UFOs are not new they’ve been with us at least for the past 70 years. People like me would relegate it to a pseudo science because of the time elapsed and the attention its received coupled with the conclusions. To come out and say these specific UFOs exist and have existed during this time is to immediately get to layers of insanity that just can’t be reasonably considered. Everything you’ve ever heard about cattle mutilations and moscovium needs to be re-examined because this narrative didn’t just start in 2017 with a NYTimes article. Physicists have had to answer questions near daily on this crap for generations and everything that’s “real” has always led to obfuscated US counter-intel I think most “normal” people assumed were hiding things like nuclear secrets or combating Russian disinformation.
The implications of even 5% of any of this crap being true I don’t think “normal” people are really considering. Everyone is so excited by, whatever, that they’re missing a very ominous big picture. What the hell is going on and how do you psychologically cope in this in between period when we find out if this is just another round of BS or we’re truly in store for some reality shaking revelations?