This will be the craziest UFO research that you will ever read:
That looks like a topic that belongs in the “Pseudoscience and Paranormal” heading.
Looks like spam. The auto filter should caught it, sometimes we mark them. I let a few go. For fun.
I would request others not to listen to idiots. What we have shared with you is a throughly researched material and it’s a serious matter.
Hmm. You say “I would request others not to listen to idiots.”
Yet the info you present starts off with something from Eric Dubay, who I just googled, to find that he is the Head of the International Flat Earth Research Society.
Giving serious consideration to the Earth being FLAT, is not just idiocy, it must involve some sort of major mental malfunction.
So with that start, I don’t even want to consider the rest of the gobbeldy-gook that must be involved in the rest of the (what appears to be a myriad of) kooky paranormal, and speculative ensemble of PSEUDO scientific presentations.
Frikkin Flat Earth. How do some people even contain such ignorance?
Let me answer your first statement, which is “there must involve some sort of major mental malfunction,” in people who believe the Earth is flat. If you claim that they have a misunderstanding, I will agree with you. But if you claim that they have a major mental malfunction, I will have to disagree with you, cause if so, when I apply your own theory, I have to conclude that you have the same mental malfunction; that’s why you made that statement. Why I made this statement would not be clear to you, so let me clarify that. What do you think if we take these people who believe the Earth is flat in a rocket where they can clearly see the Earth’s shape from the sky, will they still believe the Earth is flat?
What do you think if we take these people who believe the Earth is flat in a rocket where they can clearly see the Earth’s shape from the sky, will they still believe the Earth is flat?Some of them would! Yes! Definitely, some of them would! Because they have a fundamentally distorted ability to perceive the plain truth.
But anyway, the point is that the site you posted starts off with something from the pre-imminent FLAT EARTHER, a man of obvious intelligence, yet that intelligence is over-ridden, somehow, such that he is a MAJOR proponent of the idiotic belief that the Earth is flat.
What I see from your statements is that you are trying to appear smarter than those who believe the Earth is flat. To support that you are also making derogatory statements about them without knowing the actual reason behind their conclusions. Page 18 gives you an insight into this, so let me copy that first:
You will see highly controversial data, such as data related to the number 7 phenomenon. Due to the significance associated with the data, I still included in this research, so at least you will know that people are observing certain unusual things. I did not try to dismiss certain data as unimportant, cause I saw the main reason why human beings end up in false conclusions is that we ignore data(seeing as not important and sometimes due to trust issues), we don’t understand the meaning of certain data due to the complexity associated with it, and we don’t collect enough data to come to a conclusion. For instance, people who believe that the Earth is flat, ignore certain data(they sometimes have trust issues) and use a subset of data to come to this conclusion, and I see a similar thing happening when it comes to these unusual experiences and it's affecting our conclusions.This research helped us to identify that the majority of human beings on Earth coming to conclusions on certain subjects, just like people who believe the Earth is flat. For instance, people who believe that God is speaking to people and people who believe that an intelligence is not speaking to people are coming to a conclusion just like the people who believe the Earth is flat. The truth behind this problem can only be understood by analyzing the data associated with these experiences and cannot be scientifically proven or disproven with the scientific understanding that we have today. So, if we apply your opinion, we have to claim that the majority of people on Earth have idiotic beliefs. Do you really believe that you are that smart to put down people in this way?
Although we have given references, that does not mean we agree with every belief that these authors are having. The majority of these authors will also come to conclusions on certain topics just like people who believe the Earth is flat, but that’s human nature and we are aware of it. Regarding the issue of reference, Eric Dubay is smart enough to agree with John Keel on that matter cause John Keel made the statement about the messages that we receive from aliens and spirits. You can see that in Operation trojan horse, p. 183. This reference is given in the very text that you discuss.
I have re-written a part of the above text to make it more clear.
- This research helped us to identify that the majority of human beings on Earth are coming to conclusions on certain topics, just like people who believe the Earth is flat. Therefore, if we apply your opinion, we have to claim that the majority of people on Earth have idiotic beliefs. Do you really believe that you are that smart to put down people in this way? For instance, people who believe that God is speaking to people and people who believe that an intelligence is not speaking to people ignore data when they are coming to this conclusion. This is what people who believe the Earth is flat is doing because they also ignore data, as stated above. However, the evidence indicates that these two beliefs are false. The truth behind this problem can only be understood by analyzing the data associated with these experiences. So, what I’m saying is that we all are coming to conclusions on certain topics just like people who believe the Earth is flat.
Although we have given references, that does not mean we agree with every belief that these authors are having. The majority of these authors will also come to conclusions on certain topics just like people who believe the Earth is flat, but that’s human nature and we are aware of it. Regarding the issue of reference, Eric Dubay is smart enough to agree with John Keel on that matter cause John Keel made the statement about the messages that we receive from aliens and spirits. You can see that in Operation trojan horse, p. 183. This reference is there in the text that you discuss.
So, if we apply your opinion, we have to claim that the majority of people on Earth have idiotic beliefs. Do you really believe that you are that smart to put down people in this way?Yes I do.
Just because a majority of people in the world have supernatural beliefs of one kind or another is not a justifiable argument to appeal to other supernatural beliefs to explain it. People believe in the supernatural because they do not use their brains effectively enough to overcome their evolved predilection to believe in things supernatural.
You think you are smart, but your statements actually contradict evidence that we see in the world. Therefore, in your own terms you also have this so-called mental malfunction, but you don’t know. For example, take this statement:
Giving serious consideration to the Earth being FLAT, is not just idiocy, it must involve some sort of major mental malfunction.Do you really believe that people who believe the Earth is flat have some sort of major mental malfunction? If your statement is true, then we have to conclude that the so many people who lived in ancient times were having this mental malfunction cause they believed the Earth is flat. Therefore, do you understand that you have a false belief?
Do you really believe that people who believe the Earth is flat have some sort of major mental malfunction?YES!!!
If your statement is true, then we have to conclude that the so many people who lived in ancient times were having this mental malfunction cause they believed the Earth is flat.NO!!! Wrongo bongo.
In ancient times people did not have access to the truth of it. They are excused. It is the 2% of Americans (and whatever % of the rest of modern humans that are ridiculously screwed up) if they sincerely believe the Earth is flat in the light of all of the modern evidence to the contrary.
I tried, really I tried to read this. Peter, you are using definitions of “smarter” and “mental malfunction” that are precise to you, and maybe even contain some kernel of truth in a clinical sense, but in a broad, kind of “normal” sense, they aren’t what those words mean.
I’ll try to make it simple for you. You could check the interview Holly and Phillip are having with these three guys who believe the Earth is flat. Here is the link:Phillip Is Absolutely Baffled by the Men Who Believe the Earth Is Flat | This Morning - YouTube
Somewhere after 3 minutes, Holly makes the following statement:
““One of the highlights of my career actually was interviewing major Tim Peake up in space on the International Space Station. Now he brought in his beautiful book. You see the curvature of the Earth. You very clearly see that that it’s a circle. So are you telling me that this interview with him, I’m talking to somebody that’s just made that up or was it actually there?””
This is how one person reply to Holly’s question: “he is not in outer space,” then Holly asks, where is he then? Again the reply was: “in a Hollywood studio type not necessary environment, maybe here”"
What can we say about them when we analyze this conversation? Even if they see data, they don’t consider certain data to make a logical conclusion cause they have a trust issue with the data. That’s why they claim; maybe they are in a Hollywood studio. So, if you have trust issues and ignore some important data and use a subset of data to make a conclusion, you end up in a false belief. Therefore, this is one of the reasons why people end up in a false belief. Their conclusion is still based on data, but these data indicate that the Earth is flat.
In ancient times, they did not have enough data to make a logical conclusion. What it means is that you can still come to a false belief, if you don’t have enough data to make a logical conclusion. This is another reason why people end up in a false conclusion. Then we can identify another reason. You have all the data to understand the truth behind something, but you don’t understand the meaning of data. This is the third reason why people could end up in a false belief. The reason behind your false belief is not that you have mental malfunction; it’s this third reason, so I hope you would stop stating that these people have a mental malfunction.
@timb has a false belief, and it’s pretty clear. There’s nothing to argue on that.
...So, if you have trust issues and ignore some important data and use a subset of data to make a conclusion, you end up in a false belief...That sounds like a mental malfunction to me. (I am using a common lay term rather than precise clinical jargon, and theoretical explanations of what's going on with such "deniers of reality" because it is not worth my time to do so.)
deniers of reality” because it is not worth my time to do soThis statement true cause you are still trying to deny that you have a false belief.
You think that my belief that people who are Flat Earthers are among the goofiest, in terms of mental processing deficits, is false?
Let me respond in a way that even a flat earther could understand:
I’m rubber. You’re glue. What bounces off me, sticks to you.
They believe THE EARTH IS FLAT. You think that is okay? I don’t. I can’t change people’s ridiculous beliefs, but I don’t have to pretend to be tolerant of those truly asinine beliefs. And it is quite appropriate to think that there is probably something terribly out of whack with people who can believe that the frikkin’ EARTH IS FLAT!
You would have to talk to a person for a while to know, but a lot flat earthers want you to call them crazy. They then get play the victim. I would call that a mental defect.