Do you want 2 live in a world of total peace and with no suffering!!

Passion can coexist with truth. I think that CC is a prime example of that.

Being passionate is when you express your feelings, ideas, and values without restraint. The bad side is people think you’re a crazy person. The good side is when people think you can be counted on for a level-headed take on things.

What CC presents is textbook neuroticism.

Says the guy that believes in trump 100%

Guess it’s what’s to be expected when we allow our Ego to become our God.
Come on guy, rather than heckling, lets get into it. The Prosperity Gospel is all about EGO and is absolutely anathema to everything Jesus Christ, taught.

You know about Jesus the supposed inspiration for Christianity, no? So what happened to America’s Christian extremists and their politics of anger and revenge and turning all their enemies into mortal enemies. Please where is any of that anything but EGO. Please do share your perspective, or will it be another silly one-liner that misses the point.

Just like the kings of old, they said they were anointed by god personally.

Donald Trump 'He was sent to us': at church rally, evangelicals worship God and Trump

Friday’s rally recognized Trump’s need to retain the loyalty of the evangelical voting bloc that propelled him to victory in 2016

Friday’s rally, hastily organized in the wake of a stinging Christianity Today editorial last month, recognized Trump’s need to retain the loyalty of the evangelical voting bloc that propelled him to victory in 2016. Four years ago, he won 80% backing from white evangelical voters nationwide.

“In 2016 evangelical Christians went out and helped us in numbers never seen before. We’re going to blow those numbers away in 2020,” Trump said. “I really believe we have God on our side.”

For Rose Ann Farrell, 74, from Florida, the claim rang true. “I really believe he was sent to us,” she said. “From one to ten, he’s a ten. He lives in a Christian world and we needed a strong Christian, somebody who is not afraid. He speaks for us, has the guts and courage to speak what we want to say. His actions, his intentions, are Christian.” …

These folks flesh it out, better than I can, but it’s the same conclusions.


False Idol — Why the Christian Right Worships Donald Trump By ALEX MORRIS

Trump seemed to ponder this deeply. For much of his political run, the thrice-married, swindling, profane, materialistic, self-styled playboy had appealed mainly to the more fringe elements of Christianity, a ragtag group of prosperity gospelers (like his “spiritual adviser” Paula White, a televangelist who promises her donors their own personal angel), Christian dominionists (who believe that America’s laws should be founded explicitly on biblical ones — including stoning homosexuals), and charismatic or Pentecostal outliers (like Frank Amedia, the Trump campaign’s “liaison for Christian policy,” who once claimed to have raised an ant from the dead). Considering their extreme views, these folks had an alarming number of followers, but certainly nothing of voting-bloc magnitude.

Why the Christian Right Worships Donald Trump


The billionaires, lobbyists, and Christian extremists behind Trump’s Jerusalem move December 7, 2017

By Heather Timmons

https: //qz _ com/1148673/trumps-jerusalem-move-is-backed-by-billionaires-lobbyists-and-evangelicals/

… So it’s not surprising that white evangelicals supported the Muslim ban, are the least likely to accept refugees into the country (according to the Pew Foundation) and, though a slim majority oppose it, are the denomination most likely to support Trump’s child separation policy. White evangelicals certainly are not concerned with white supremacy, because they are often white supremacists.

And Trump appeals to these evangelicals because of his focus on declension, decline and destruction, which fits into evangelical beliefs about the end times. When Trump used the term “American carnage” in his inaugural address, evangelicals listened; they too, believed America is in decline. Their imagined powerlessness, and the need for a strong authoritarian leader to protect them, is at the root of their racial and social animus. Their persecution complex is a heady mix of their fear of “socialists,” Muslims, independent women, LGBT people and immigration. Their feelings of fragility, despite positions of power, make them vote for people like Donald Trump — and morally suspect candidates like Roy Moore. Rhetoric, not morality, drives their voting habits.

All of this has made a mockery of white evangelical protestations about morality and the family. Moral issues once drove white evangelical votes but, first when Obama was elected and then when the Supreme Court struck down the federal ban on same sex marriage in June of 2015, what remained was their fear. Trump promised justices and a return to a time when they felt less fear, and he delivered, at least on the former. White evangelical fealty to him is firm. Evangelicals in America are not simply a religious group; they are a political group inexorably linked to the Republican Party.

Trump delivered evangelicals from the shame of losing, and they will back him again in 2020 to avoid losing again. So perhaps we should take evangelicals at their word that they will support Trump come hell or high water, rather than twisting ourselves into knots trying to figure out why.

Just what is a “ying” anyway?
To a liberal who is into new age spirituality, it is the opposite of yang which is "not who we are".

You are a ying.

I am not into new age spirituality. But you say I am a ying. And you say that a ying is the opposite of "not who we are’.

It remains quite difficult to understand what you mean.

Please try harder to communicate clearly.

I bet I was much easier to understand me. Finger hit a key it shouldn’t have and I missed it.

Not like that’s ever happened in my comments.

But you know give 'em a feather and they take wings. Anything to distract and deride. That appears as far as their interests lie.


I mean, it’s one thing to catch the moment and connect with a good joke, it’s quite another to beat a dead horse.

Alas! Twer my ying to take wing, would it soar? Could it sing?

Could I connect with a moment? Or would I repeatedly strike a deceased equine creature?

If but my ying was something that I knew what exactly it is.

Come on guy, rather than heckling, lets get into it. The Prosperity Gospel is all about EGO and is absolutely anathema to everything Jesus Christ, taught. You know about Jesus the supposed inspiration for Christianity, no? So what happened to America’s Christian extremists and their politics of anger and revenge and turning all their enemies into mortal enemies. Please where is any of that anything but EGO. Please do share your perspective, or will it be another silly one-liner that misses the point. Just like the kings of old, they said they were anointed by god personally.
I don't see what this has to do with your goofy claim that coronavirus will destroy the world and it's Mr Trump's fault.

It’s a sucker’s bet to bet on the end of the world, anytime. Cause if you win, you won’t be around to collect.

Now as far as T rump. He definitely IS at fault for not leading us past the worst of the pandemic. His failure to act, early on, measured in terms of eons in relation to the exponential potential transmission of COVID-19, in the beginning months of the pandemic. T rump was given the intel repeatedly. Even now, he is dragging feet, however he can in getting adequate testing done and having it ramped up to 5 mil tests a day, so that we can open up the economy in ways that will limit the amount of deaths we will ultimately have from C-19.