Do you have a long term solution that would be a sound resolve to the issues pertaining to black slavery of the past?

Reading you comment, at first I was thinking I was relating with your words, but then you knocked me right off my saddle,

Human’s weren’t created in God’s image, human’s were created by the natural processes that have been unfolding upon this planet for the past 4 and half billion years.

We created our gods in our image, it’s not the other way around.

As for God?

Who is “God,” but a creation of our unique complex human minds dealing with our day to days?

©2022, citizenschallenge

Where did God come from?

From within the human mind, from curiosity and wonder. From puzzling over observations, contemplating questions, seeking answers. From love and hunger and fears in the night along with glorying in the warming sunrise.

From contemplating the suddenly dead carcass of a loved one From buried memories of being coddled within mom’s loving protective bosom and mourning those who are gone.

From our need for someone truly personal, who’s always there, never dying, ready to listen to our constant chatter, ideas, complaints, fears, longings, wishes, all of it in complete confidence.

Think about it, our relationship with our God is the most intimate relationship of our lives and reflects our ego in every way. All of it, happening within our mind, or more descriptively, within our Mindscape.

©2022, citizenschallenge

W hat about the Biblical ‘Passion of Jesus’ and the promise of everlasting Salvation?

Look around your world and history, nothing is everlasting. Why should it be, time is change, why wish for the impossible? Besides bet you’d find it an unspeakable horror were you ever trapped within a “forever” that actually never ends.

There is only the heaven and hell we create for ourselves, or that people inflict upon others.

We don’t need a key to life after life, the sacred secret is that Jesus is an amalgam of the best the human spirit has to offer.

That’s why his story touches so many.

Jesus can be seen as saint, a spiritual guide within our mindscapes and a teacher who can help many through our own personal trials & tribulations right here on Earth. Though he’s certainly not the only way, there are as many ways to “god” as there are people.

Jesus isn’t my way, but I understand him and appreciate him and the example his Passion Play did offer some guidance during my own trials and tribulations.

The spiritual challenge is about facing our own failings and sins and achieving a willingness to accept blame where blame is due, to burn on the cross of our own making while seeking redemption.

Going through those trials and tribulations with honesty in your heart - then one awakens with a reborn awareness that guides one to a healthier more constructive outlook within oneself and with life in general.

Humans are the product of our Earth - God is the product of our human mind.

That’s why our conceptions of God always wind up being driven by our own Egos, not by any outside force. Nothing wrong with that, if only we could bring ourselves to explicitly recognize as much.

For some people these realities are jarring and resented, but that doesn’t make it any less the reality humans exist within. For others, if these ideas resonate, take comfort, stay true to your heart and your gut instinct. Do your homework, you’ll get there.

©2022, citizenschallenge

An Alternative Philosophical Perspective - “Earth Centrism

Appreciating the Physical Reality ~ Human Mindscape divide

Being an element in Earth’s Pageant of Evolution

It’s not a “Body-Mind problem” it’s an “Ego-God problem

A distillation of my journey upon life’s stage, vintage 1955.

©1975, Peter Miesler

Sorry CC, try reading again, I was analogizing that training a young human primate would require a different educational program than developing an educational program that has been the experience of almost everyone that is living or ever lived, referencing the mythical creation event that never happened.

yes, we have in a few areas of concern. Like you, I want to believe we have been doing the right thing for the right reasons., But I am skeptical.


My response remains valid and unanswered.

Okay I can be slow was this a sort of double, triple negative thing, and the human in god’s image is mythical and never happened?
It reminds me of a weird gesture I’ve adopted, taking my right arm around the back of my head to pick my nose from the left side. Indicates making things way more complicated than they need to be.
What are you trying to say about human and “God”?


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