Dire outlook despite global warming 'pause': study

Dire outlook despite global warming 'pause': study

Oh boy. This will be more meat for the climate-change-deniers to sink their teeth in. Gaia help us. (Maybe she is. Now if we would just cooperate.)

Oh boy. This will be more meat for the climate-change-deniers to sink their teeth in. Gaia help us. (Maybe she is. Now if we would just cooperate.)
Yes, perhaps we have reached a small plateau of balancing forces, but instead of thanking our good fortune for a moments respite in global warming, I'm afraid this will encourage the "drill baby drilers" to push for still greater consumption of "dirty fuels".

Agreed. These scientists are being scientists…honest, precise, reasoned. Unfortunately the deniers are the exact opposite AND have technology and money at their disposal.

Here’s a recent article from a climate scientist that nails it.

Brenda Ekwurzel, May 22, 2013 http://blog.ucsusa.org/what-is-all-the-fuss-over-the-last-decade-of-global-average-temperature-136 "There’s been a flurry of magazine articles, a Congressional opinion piece in a national newspaper, and blogs disparaging climate models, all due to global average temperature not following a steady upward trend every step of the way. What’s remarkable is the sense these pieces convey that if there is a wiggle or pause over a decade in the clear long-term upward trend over the last century, then we should “throw out the baby with the bathwater." Factors that nudge global average temperature In reality, scientists know and study all the potential factors that influence global average temperature, and would not expect a straight-line trend. In fact, the wiggles and wobbles of the global annual average, which combines ocean and atmospheric temperatures, provide scientists fodder for understanding how the atmosphere, ocean, biosphere, etc. respond on different time scales to all the major and minor forces nudging them to and fro, including human-induced climate change. People often picture climate change as a steady, unfaltering rise in temperature. But that’s misleading. . . " {there's more}
Agreed. These scientists are being scientists...honest, precise, reasoned. Unfortunately the deniers are the exact opposite AND have technology and money at their disposal.
To say nothing of a level of ruthlessness that ethical folks can't comprehend.

I have a bit of a pessimistic streak when it comes to global warming.
I think that global warming is simply too slow for people to care about it, no matter the consequences. Hence, unlike some other large environmental issues like ozone depletion (which happens on a much faster scale) it’s virtually impossible, as a result of human economics, to halt it. The movement of global warming denial is just a small, visible manifestation of this effect.
Therefore, the only thing to do is to adapt.