Democracy; representative or direct

Your posting gives a good history. But is bias. Written by a Department employee. It states the way things are supposed to work. Not how they really work.

Everyone that has any problems with our government should read your posting and follow the court cases.

Have you watched any of the House hearings that have been going on this year. What a joke. These departments heads are lying to Congress. There is no way that Congress can oversee many of these departments they call in for a oversite hearing. DC is a mess. The best thing the House could do is stop some of the funding until they get their oversite power back. The only way to do that is to stop the omnibus bills, become transparent, and put department head in jail or fire them if they lie to Congress.


Can you find the reason Congress has the worst public confidence in history?
Why they have been using the omnibus bill?

Why has congress given blank checks to Ukraine?

Coffee said, “representative of our population”. That’s not a populist movement.

It was corrupt and raided it’s own coffers. Everything else you said is irrelevant.

Tou need to check facts before posting. I stopped after ten bad ones. Cut back on the caffeine.

It was corrupt and raided it’s own coffers.

Good that you responded. I will take it that you think the Venezuela government is corrupt and the cause of its own problems. And I also think that is the general perception of most Americans. But. What do the Venezuelan people think? Most Venezuelans view their country fifteen years after Cavez came to power as “Very Democratic”. Most of their problems are caused by the US. Ref: Dimensions of Democracy in Contemporary Venezuela by Trudie Coker.

Of course, most people understand “drain the swamp” to mean corruption and cronyism.
Point being. The viewpoint of how a Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy works can be overshadowed by how much true data one has. One common factor between Venezuela and US is embracing a swamp system. So how are we able to compare a Direct Democracy to a Representative Democracy when neither one can operate correctly with a cancerous swamp?

These “departments” are where the scientists/professionals are. You may not like them saying that corporations need to clean up their stacks, not pollute the streams, cut back on fishing lest there are no more fish. I don’t always agree with regulations that have affected my life (as a pilot) but I certainly think the FAA has done much more to improve aviation than any political representative would do.

It seems reasonable to have politicians decide on budgeting for these agencies/administrations. Until, that is, they are convinced (bought) by lobbyists who think they know better than the experts.

Yes, it is time to add several amendments. Better still, let’s write a new one.

Well, we had an assault weapons ban that was working quite well compared to what we have now. And that’s not giving up your second amendment rights. You are limited to what cars you can drive on public streets but that doesn’t mean you lose your right to drive.

Certainly an important one for most.

Are you saying, for example, that the EPA is following a party rather than serving the public?

Seems like the swamp is whatever you don’t like. Like I said, it’s not a useful term.

A very smart decision.

That looks like the basis for many conspiracy theories.

But we already agreed that our representatives do not represent us. Why would we want to give them more power? Upholding Chevron keeps the experts in charge. Anything else is just uncivilized.

Mike took a long break from this forum after some long threads defending the movie 2000 Mules. I hope he doesn’t return to that type of posting.

Yikes! I thought D’Souza was an obvious liar since his Obama flick in '16.

Oh that D’Souza,

D’Souza’s films and commentary have generated considerable controversy due to their promotion of conspiracy theories and falsehoods,[29] as well as for their incendiary nature.[21]

Born in Mumbai, D’Souza moved to the United States as an exchange student and graduated from Dartmouth College. He was a policy adviser in the administration of President Ronald Reagan and has been affiliated with the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution.[5] He became a naturalized citizen in 1991.[30] From 2010 to 2012, he was president of The King’s College, a Christian school in New York City, until he resigned after an alleged adultery scandal.[31] …

Two years later, D’Souza pleaded guilty in federal court to one felony charge of using a “straw donor” to make the illegal campaign contribution.[32][33] He was sentenced to eight months in a halfway house near his home in San Diego, five years’ probation, and a $30,000 fine.[34][35] In 2018, D’Souza was issued a pardon by President Donald Trump.[36] …

That cancerous swamp is the product of billionaires

As an aside, the insanity of the billionaire space race - talk about a nail in humanity’s coffin - this is the swamp, the quagmire, our doom.

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I wonder how Eugene Debs might have reacted to this.

Who cares? Eugene died nearly a hundred years.

What do you think about it?

Will you be voting?

me! I care
I think the 4 pillars of the Democrat party are, currently:

  • Big tech
  • The intel and security services
  • The film industry and a key share of legacy media
  • The lion’s share of global finance (‘wall street’)

That’s all you need: Money, enforcement and propaganda, it has been a winning combination.

What changed for the dems by 2016 was the intel services basically flipping sides. I guess living in Virginia to a large extent they were finally sick of the religious right.

Other interests (Israel, military industrial) tend to cleave to both sides.

What you get with Trump, I guess, is anti-all the above (“Wall street” is replaced with his own money to some extent), plus more religion.

So I will vote for third party. I dont know how anyone besides sociopaths and psychopaths can vote for biden - the self declared Zionist, with arms folded as israel commits daily atrocities. In fact biden sending even more weapons including fighter jets to israel . Overnight israel deliberately bombed and murdered international aid workers and bombed iran embassy in syria which is an act of war. Israel clearly is out of control and is pushing for a wider middle east war which will involve USA . All this under Bidens watch. What a disaster he has been .

Three world kitchen trucks were bombed by IDF with their logo painted on the truck roofs and
It said it had coordinated the convoy’s movements with the IDF when it was hit.

-What a poisonous Frankenstein “nation” Israel is.

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I didn’t know Intel could flip politics that easy.

More power to ya. I would like a more parliamentary style government, but, that’s a huge change. In the near term, I think we can return to the congress that had more in the center, working together more often.

Third party candidate looks like it’s going to be RFK jr. He has no chance at all, so it would just be a protest vote.

West and stein still in there. Otherwise the other decent option is to not vote. Still long way to go to november. Lots of twists and turns to come i am sure

But that problem is not of Biden’s making. He is merely honoring a long-standing commitment to Israel in defense of Arab aggression.

Note that he has protested the way this war is going to the Israelis.
But for Israel this is not a schoolyard brawl that can be stopped by outsiders. This is an existential threat to Israel and after WWII they have a saying (and resolve); “never again”, and are proving it.

Survival by force may seem uncivilized and it is. But committing suicide letting someone else kill you is also uncivilized and stupid.

In nature, all organisms have defensive capabilities and many of them are deadly.
After awhile, predators may think twice before attacking something that can fight back better than you. And then peace ensues.

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He is allowing, aiding and abetting a genocide. He is the threat to democracy by destroying international law.

He is allowing nothing. It is Israel that is not allowing Hamas next door. As long as Hamas is tolerated (allowed) by Palestine, Israel cannot afford to stop.

It is up to Hamas to make the first move of peace, they made the first move of war.

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I agree with that. Not much else you said.

Please note that from a humanitarian perspective, I don’t necessarily agree with it.
I am trying to be objective and see this from Israel’s perspective. In a world of “cause and effect” it is the cause that is responsible for the consequences, not the other way around.

And this is true under any scenario that presents an existential dilemma.
The problem is not difficult; Let the Arabs disarm and dismantle Hamas and Israel will stop bombing. The organized threat will have been neutralized. Any chance?

If you ignore the Palestinian right to exist, yes, it is that simple. But why not have Israel stop taking land from them? Why not neutralize the Israeli organized threat?