David Duke endorses Trump, Trump acts ignorant

Since I'm not a nerd, I don't get Monty Python references.
:roll: . It doesn't take a nerd to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKhEw7nD9C4
How could it be worse than suggesting we need gas chambers for Mexicans who enter the country illegally? That's Nazi territory.
Its worse to let the Meso-American invasion continue unabated. If we can't keep them out and we can't control the numbers we have already, something more extreme is needed. lol on "we can't control the numbers we have already"
How could it be worse than suggesting we need gas chambers for Mexicans who enter the country illegally? That's Nazi territory.
Its worse to let the Meso-American invasion continue unabated. If we can't keep them out and we can't control the numbers we have already, something more extreme is needed. lol on "we can't control the numbers we have already" MA's racism is on full display in this thread. I knew he was a jerk but never guessed he would advocate gas chambers for immigrants.

Speaking of unrepentant racists who are allied with Donald Drumpf, Louis Farrakhan, Leader of one of the world’s MOST racist organizations, has been quite supportive of Donald lately.

I didn't call Trump a fascist because David Duke endorsed him. I called him a fascist because he is running under force of personality, is invoking authoritarian authority under his personality and he does not tolerate criticism.
You think he's a fascist because you don't like him. That's all there is to it. Not necessarily. I don't like a fair number of people (mostly right wing nuts), but I don't call most of them fascists--only the ones that act like and talk like fascists. Lois
I didn't call Trump a fascist because David Duke endorsed him. I called him a fascist because he is running under force of personality, is invoking authoritarian authority under his personality and he does not tolerate criticism.
You think he's a fascist because you don't like him. That's all there is to it. Not necessarily. I don't like a fair number of people (mostly right wing nuts), but I don't call most of them fascists--only the ones that act like and talk like fascists. Lois As in: All fascists are ass-hats, but not all ass-hats are fascists?
http://www.cnn.com/2016/02/28/politics/donald-trump-white-supremacists/index.html Watch the video. Trump says he's never heard of David Duke. Notice how he doesn't mention the KKK? He skirts that part and keeps going on about not knowing David Duke, as if anyone in this country who has paid even modest attention to current events the last 30 years hasn't heard of David Duke. Trump is very carefully walking a line that allows him to benefit from Duke's endorsement without coming right out and embracing Duke and his racist buddies. Trump is a fascist, and millions of American are falling for his dangerous rhetoric.
1) Its a big leap to call Trump fascist because David Duke endorsed him. 2) Trump is popular enough that Duke's endorsement doesn't really mean shit. 3) Anybody who likes Trump because of his racism has been on board for a long time, now, so Trump isn't going to suddenly pick up a lot of racist voters. 4) Most Americans have better things to worry about then David Duke - who is nobody to anyone outside of the South. I wouldn't call Trump a fascist because David Duke endorsed him, I'd call him a dumb cluck and a bald-faced liar for denying he knows who David Duke is. Why couldn't he have just said he rejects Duke's endorsement and agrees with none of the policies he supports. He wouldn't lose many votes for saying it, That would be too honest for Trump, I'm afraid. Lois