cowboy trump vs. Indians -

Wish I had more time, to add a couple thoughts, but gotta run. That wage whip is cracking, . . . . . .

Native Americans rewrote the playbook for preserving public land — and Trump is trying to erase it By Keith Schneider Barack Obama Donald Trump Ryan Zinke Rob Bishop Sally Jewell Near the summit of Comb Ridge, in a high-desert region of dancing shadow and red rock splendor, serrated peaks form one of southeast Utah’s most recognizable landmarks. It is hallowed ground for the Navajo and other Native American tribes whose ancestors scaled cliffs to build stone settlements on ledges and alcoves beneath trackless mesas. Eleven months ago, descendants of these ancient people notched one of the great political achievements in Native American history. Following 14 months of government-to-government negotiation between the United States and five Native American tribes, President Obama signed Proclamation 9558. The proclamation, made under the presidential authority of the Antiquities Act to protect public lands, conserves over 100,000 Native American archaeological and cultural sites within the newly established 1.35-million-acre Bears Ears National Monument. ...
Trump is breaking the federal government's promises to Native Americans Tom Perez When Republicans made yet another unsuccessful attempt to take away healthcare from millions of Americans last month, Native Americans, specifically Alaska Natives, worked to ensure that Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted against the plan, sealing its defeat. They fought against the “skinny repeal" because they understood that it would harm them. The United States has long guaranteed Native Americans access to healthcare, mostly through commitments the federal government made to Indian tribes in exchange for land. Repeal of Obamacare would put much of this tribal healthcare at risk, including the care received by more than 290,000 American Indians and Alaska Natives through the Medicaid expansion. But healthcare is just one of many areas where the Trump administration wants to break our government’s promises to Indian Country. ...

What else is new, breaking promises to Indians is as American as apple pie.